XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

I'm surprised Delphox isn't getting tons of love from most people. The moment I saw it, I expected it to be almost universally loved by everyone after we got Blaziken, Infernape and Emboar.
I don't understand why people are hating the Kalos Starters so much. Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja represents the Warrior, Mage and Thief/ Ninja classes of RPG games, and their designs excellently represent that, while keeping a nice three-way balance of dual types (Grass/ Fighting, Fire/ Psychic, Water/ Dark).

To be honest, I liked the Kalos Starters much more than the Unova Starters. While Serperior had a regal design, the badass armored Chesnaught has already captured my heart.

So going to go with Chespin when I get to play the games! :D
I Like Pie said:
I don't understand why people are hating the Kalos Starters so much. Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja represents the Warrior, Mage and Thief/ Ninja classes of RPG games, and their designs excellently represent that, while keeping a nice three-way balance of dual types (Grass/ Fighting, Fire/ Psychic, Water/ Dark).

To be honest, I liked the Kalos Starters much more than the Unova Starters. While Serperior had a regal design, the badass armored Chesnaught has already captured my heart.

So going to go with Chespin when I get to play the games! :D

Some people just hate how all Kalos starter becoming so humanoid. But in my case, i totally love bipedal starters :)

As for several people who bad-mouthing these guys really bad..
Calling them as a trash is not needed i think. Every design is relative, when you don't like it, that doesn't mean the design is a trash (unless it's Garbodor, you get what i mean? :p). It's really insulting to see people calls these designs as trash. I can agree if you don't like the design but you should stop it there.

Maybe it's because i'm majoring in Art that i'm more open minded about pokemon design. Up until now there's no pokemon i consider the design as "bad" or "worst", since i know whoever that design those, it's not without thinking. People just tend to think their way of thinking or desigining is better than anyone, and that's a totally sad fact.
Ririka is right, no pokemon design is really bad, or lazy, it's just that half the people come with their own expectations (I know I did) and the other half couldn't get subtlety if it gently stroke their faces. Pokemon designs are all about subtlety, and cleverness.
To give delphox as an example, how many people imagined fennekin's line as replacing the ear hair with live fire? that's not subtlety, they were basically throwing the type on your face (it's a fire type! see? see?) and look how delphox ended. No visible fire. It even lost the wand that seemed to be the motif of the line (which I do resent, 'cause wands are awesome).

I was expecting a suitably feminine and elegant evolution, for once. One freaking starter that didn't become horribly unisex, and kalos seemed like the right place for it, with the patterns it was showing. Braixen, even though I didn't like her becoming bipedal, at least seemed to confirm the trend. C'mon, she has a skirt, for the love of arceus, I don't care about robes=maturity or some shit: look at gardevoir. doesn't she looks mature enough?
They came close in unova, snivy just screams "snotty high class girl", so it was reasonable to think that, at least once, they could go and make a starter on the feminine side of the scale. instead, we got something that looks like a furry (since most furries are seen with dogs, foxes or wolves's faces) with an ill-fitting dress. I reckon the 3DS image doesn't do delphox any favors, so I'm waiting for the sugimori art before I completely lose my mind. The previous image looks pretty good, it managed to interest me more, buut, it's not the official art.
totodilefan31601 said:
these are fake or at least chespin's is you can tell because of the DRASTIC changes in each


OT: I cannot wait for X and Y. These Pokemon being revealed are soooo goooood <3
The initial shock of the final evolutions are starting to fade away for me. Well. to be more specific, the initial shock of Delphox and Chesnaught are.
Unlike most people here, I didn't care much for froakie or Frogedier and fell deeply in love with Greninja. My love for fennekin and braixen were instant, yet it was quite the opposite for Delphox. Chespin & Quillden (cant spell it for some reason) were super cute but I'm just in limbo when it comes to Chesnaught. haha

Anyways back on topic. haha
After seeing those fan art pieces it's softened my judgement a bit and once again I'm leaning towards delphox. I've never hated it.. I just really wanted it to be better. Especially after seeing Braixen. I had such high hopes. I loved it's feminine look. The second I saw it, I couldn't help but scream " YAASSSS HONEY! WORK IT WITH YOUR STICK TAIL!!!!! BLOW THEM AWAY WITH YOUR FOX WALK!!" And I grew even more excited for the final stage. haha Oh well... egg on my face. ;_;

So I guess I have to flip a coin to choose between froakie and fennekin. haha
My expectations for the final Fennekin form were too high.
For some reason, I felt really disappointed when I first looked at Delphox,the design seemed really plain and I wanted GF to do something about that stick Braixen had. But it has grown on me a little bit after the fan-made artwork. I still wanted something better, but I can totally live eith it.
Chesnaught looks like he would slaughter people, quite pleased with the design.
But to be honest, I am in total love with Greninja. I love ninjas AND frogs.
His design looks really slick and calm. (plus I love the tongue scarf thingie).
And his stats look really awesome, high special attack and speed are my main fighting style.
Also. the typing on this generation is really cool and brings tons of variety (NO MOAR FREAKING FIRE/FIGHTING).

I am totally exited for X & Y.
Greninja: I absolutely love it. They combined two of my most favorite things in the word: ninjas and frogs, and it turned out amazing. Yeah the tongue-scarf is a little weird(I think using your tongue as a scarf could get uncomfortable :p), but I still think it's a creative choice. Like what I and many other people have said: only GF could think of it. It's part dark type, which is my favorite type!

Delphox: When I first saw it, I just went "meh". It just looks really plain compared to the other two, but I'm going to wait and see it in action and the official artwork of it.

Chesnaught: Holy crap, I don't think anyone was expecting this! I think the color choice was the most surprising, but it sort of remind of popcorn; like when a kernel pops, it turns white. And yes, I know, it's most not based on that, but it does remind of it. I like it, but my nephew flipped out over it, so he really likes it! haha
I Like Pie said:
I don't understand why people are hating the Kalos Starters so much. Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja represents the Warrior, Mage and Thief/ Ninja classes of RPG games, and their designs excellently represent that, while keeping a nice three-way balance of dual types (Grass/ Fighting, Fire/ Psychic, Water/ Dark).

To be honest, I liked the Kalos Starters much more than the Unova Starters. While Serperior had a regal design, the badass armored Chesnaught has already captured my heart.

So going to go with Chespin when I get to play the games! :D

You're right when you say that they represent RPG's classes, but I think they're way too different from the middle stages (namely Quilladin and Braizen). These last were already different from the initial stages (Chespin got fatter, Fennekin became bipedal and got some black "pants"). In my opinion the final stages look like they have nothing to do with their evolution family and I don't like it .
Delphox reminds me of the original artwork of Lenora and looks like it can get pregnant or that its hiding something mean under that "dress"...after this, I think it would be better if Fennekin remained on four legs. Having apparently lost its stick is also a shock. Being the setting in a France inspired region, I was hoping for a more elegant and refined witch theme.
Chesnaught...oh Chesnaught...Breloom was a good example of a Fighting-type Pokémon without the usual clichés and seeing Chesnaught with a body covered or resembling bandages (to me they remind me more of mummies than fighting wrist/knuckles bandages) is heart-breaking. Its face is ok, seems like some wise dude with the beard and being bald...I admit that it's somewhat good to see the scheme color being different than that of the evolution family because there was little change in that up until now (Meganium changed but not this much) but...It's growing on me but it's still the least favourite of the Grass-starters' final evolution and it will remain at the bottom of my list for a VERY long time. Maybe after seeing it in the anime it will change its position on my list.
Leaf_Ranger said:
I Like Pie said:
I don't understand why people are hating the Kalos Starters so much. Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja represents the Warrior, Mage and Thief/ Ninja classes of RPG games, and their designs excellently represent that, while keeping a nice three-way balance of dual types (Grass/ Fighting, Fire/ Psychic, Water/ Dark).

To be honest, I liked the Kalos Starters much more than the Unova Starters. While Serperior had a regal design, the badass armored Chesnaught has already captured my heart.

So going to go with Chespin when I get to play the games! :D

You're right when you say that they represent RPG's classes, but I think they're way too different from the middle stages (namely Quilladin and Braizen). These last were already different from the initial stages (Chespin got fatter, Fennekin became bipedal and got some black "pants"). In my opinion the final stages look like they have nothing to do with their evolution family and I don't like it .

Many people counter that problem with old Pokemon like Dragonite line. How do you think those evolution lines are different from him or othrrs like Salamance ?
Leaf_Ranger said:
I Like Pie said:
I don't understand why people are hating the Kalos Starters so much. Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja represents the Warrior, Mage and Thief/ Ninja classes of RPG games, and their designs excellently represent that, while keeping a nice three-way balance of dual types (Grass/ Fighting, Fire/ Psychic, Water/ Dark).

To be honest, I liked the Kalos Starters much more than the Unova Starters. While Serperior had a regal design, the badass armored Chesnaught has already captured my heart.

So going to go with Chespin when I get to play the games! :D

You're right when you say that they represent RPG's classes, but I think they're way too different from the middle stages (namely Quilladin and Braizen). These last were already different from the initial stages (Chespin got fatter, Fennekin became bipedal and got some black "pants"). In my opinion the final stages look like they have nothing to do with their evolution family and I don't like it .
Delphox reminds me of the original artwork of Lenora and looks like it can get pregnant or that its hidin something mean under that "dress"...after this, I think it would be better if Fennekin remained on four legs. Having apparently lost its stick is also a shock. Being the setting in a France inspired region, I was hoping for a more elegant and refined witch theme.
Chesnaught...oh Chesnaught...Breloom was a good example of a Fighting-type Pokémon without the usual clichés and seeing Chesnaught with a body covered or resembling bandages (to me they remind me more of mummies than fighting wrist/knuckles bandages) is heart-breaking. Its face is ok, seems like some wise dude with the beard and being bald...I admit that it's somewhat good to see the scheme color being different than that of the evolution family because there was little change in that up until now (Meganium changed but not this much) but...It's growing on me but it's still the least favourite of the Grass-starters' final evolution and it will remain at the bottom of my list for a VERY long time. Maybe after seeing it in the anime it will change its position on my list.

I also think that Delphox should have been quadrupled. But then again, people would start complaining that it looks like Ninetales and what not. Game Freak tried out something different, and it didn't really work out too bad.

Chesnaught has an amazing design. I don't get the idea behind the Chespin line myself, but I am guessing Quilladin's body is round to represent enhances defenses, or maybe even a shield, which wouldn't be surprising considering its 'Warrior' theme.

Breloom represents a boxer, as far as I know. Its design is a faster counterpart to the tankish Chesnaught.
Leaf_Ranger said:
I Like Pie said:
I don't understand why people are hating the Kalos Starters so much. Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja represents the Warrior, Mage and Thief/ Ninja classes of RPG games, and their designs excellently represent that, while keeping a nice three-way balance of dual types (Grass/ Fighting, Fire/ Psychic, Water/ Dark).

To be honest, I liked the Kalos Starters much more than the Unova Starters. While Serperior had a regal design, the badass armored Chesnaught has already captured my heart.

So going to go with Chespin when I get to play the games! :D

You're right when you say that they represent RPG's classes, but I think they're way too different from the middle stages (namely Quilladin and Braizen). These last were already different from the initial stages (Chespin got fatter, Fennekin became bipedal and got some black "pants"). In my opinion the final stages look like they have nothing to do with their evolution family and I don't like it .
I dunno, I think some of the previous starters have pretty different looks from their second stage as well, I'll give you Quilladin -> Chesnaught might be one of their bigger changes (still not bigger than otter -> Sea lion, GF wat) But most of the starters I feel do actually feel pretty different from each form.

I didn't really look into pokemon reveals in the past but it might be because of how they were revealed this time around that people are feeling this way. I mean, Blastoise gets Cannons out of nowhere and get's pretty hefty. I still don't like Grovyle -> Sceptile, I got used to it. Also for whatever reason Croconaw get's some caveman cloth pattern on it, which disappears on Feraligatr, still don't understand why they added that for one form.
In my opinion, as a group, these three are the best starters since gen two. I'm not in love with any of them them yet, but I don't find any of them deplorable like I did with Emboar and Torterra.

And I do love the nod to classic RPGs with the warrior/mage/rogue triangle. Another reason why I love the three of them together, even if I'm not entirely sold on them individually.

Fennekin's line is still my favorite, and who I'll be choosing for my starter on my first play through. I do wish Delphox had turned out a bit more graceful and witch-y, though. And I miss the wand, it was such a unique design element.
I dont like Chespins final evelotion hope its fake :(

Chesnaught - Spiny Armor Pokemon
The release date is getting closer and people are making fakemon like crazy, that why I don't believe in everything i see in the internet. However, I wouldn't be mad if Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja were real. They are fine. I'm not really a fan of the Chespin's evo but I like Delphox. She looks like a real kitsune.
scattered mind said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
You're right when you say that they represent RPG's classes, but I think they're way too different from the middle stages (namely Quilladin and Braizen). These last were already different from the initial stages (Chespin got fatter, Fennekin became bipedal and got some black "pants"). In my opinion the final stages look like they have nothing to do with their evolution family and I don't like it .

Many people counter that problem with old Pokemon like Dragonite line. How do you think those evolution lines are different from him or othrrs like Salamance ?

I disliked Dragonite when compared to its family. Like some people, I too was hoping for a graceful and blueish evolution and was disappointed by what came out. Still, I don't think that there's that much comparison between Chespin's lines and that of Dragonite. In this case, only the third stage stood out as weird or unexpected; with the former, all stages were unexpected: Quilladin shares the color scheme but got fatter and his face expression changed, I would say, a lot; if that wasn't enough, Chesnaught only has a few traces of its previous evolutions' colors and its face doesn't resemble Chespin's nor Quilladin and all of a sudden gets wrapped around bandages and gets some shell that take us back almost immediatelly to Torterra. Of all of Kalos starters, I would say that Chespin's line is the one that suffered the most number of changes with each evolution. Fennekin's is next and Froakie is the only that stays more or less the same.
About Salamence, it was a surprise to see Bagon evolve into some kind of cocoon Pokémon but after that it was almost certain that something unexpected could come out of it since, like I've said, it's some kind of coccon. There's indeed some changes with every stage but the color scheme remain almost the same except for Shelgon with that amount of gray. Even so, color scheme aside, Salamence still got something that connected it to its previous evolutions, namely the three stripes on its belly that were formely in Bagon's head and had grown in number and covered Shelgon; Slamence also kept that somewhat defiant look on its face like Bagon.

I Like Pie said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
You're right when you say that they represent RPG's classes, but I think they're way too different from the middle stages (namely Quilladin and Braizen). These last were already different from the initial stages (Chespin got fatter, Fennekin became bipedal and got some black "pants"). In my opinion the final stages look like they have nothing to do with their evolution family and I don't like it .
Delphox reminds me of the original artwork of Lenora and looks like it can get pregnant or that its hidin something mean under that "dress"...after this, I think it would be better if Fennekin remained on four legs. Having apparently lost its stick is also a shock. Being the setting in a France inspired region, I was hoping for a more elegant and refined witch theme.
Chesnaught...oh Chesnaught...Breloom was a good example of a Fighting-type Pokémon without the usual clichés and seeing Chesnaught with a body covered or resembling bandages (to me they remind me more of mummies than fighting wrist/knuckles bandages) is heart-breaking. Its face is ok, seems like some wise dude with the beard and being bald...I admit that it's somewhat good to see the scheme color being different than that of the evolution family because there was little change in that up until now (Meganium changed but not this much) but...It's growing on me but it's still the least favourite of the Grass-starters' final evolution and it will remain at the bottom of my list for a VERY long time. Maybe after seeing it in the anime it will change its position on my list.

I also think that Delphox should have been quadrupled. But then again, people would start complaining that it looks like Ninetales and what not. Game Freak tried out something different, and it didn't really work out too bad.

Chesnaught has an amazing design. I don't get the idea behind the Chespin line myself, but I am guessing Quilladin's body is round to represent enhances defenses, or maybe even a shield, which wouldn't be surprising considering its 'Warrior' theme.

Breloom represents a boxer, as far as I know. Its design is a faster counterpart to the tankish Chesnaught.

Like I've said somewhere before, Fennekin's line was always between two clichés: resembling Ninetales and being another bipedal fire-starter. In my opinion, Gf went wrong and ended up filling the two clichés because of two reasons: number one - the first cliché wasn't even a cliché because of a past "experience" that went great (I think so but you may disagree): Zorua. Zorua was in the same position as Fennkin by being somewhat akin to Vulpix and yet it ended up as something that stood out. Why? Because of its colors. Like Zorua, Fennekin's line could have a different color scheme that would turn it into something very different. Number two - Delphox, Braixen and Fennekin already resemble Ninetales, mostly because of their colors and namely Fennekin, that could be included as some stage in Ninetales' line. Delphox even resembles some sort of Ninetales' Mega-evo.
In the end, by not being bipedal, Fennekin's line would've ended the second cliché and by having some different and broader color scheme it would've stand out from Ninetales, both in locomotion and its current looks that, like aforementioned, as it is now already has some links to Ninetales.

Schezo92 said:
I dunno, I think some of the previous starters have pretty different looks from their second stage as well, I'll give you Quilladin -> Chesnaught might be one of their bigger changes (still not bigger than otter -> Sea lion, GF wat) But most of the starters I feel do actually feel pretty different from each form.

I didn't really look into pokemon reveals in the past but it might be because of how they were revealed this time around that people are feeling this way. I mean, Blastoise gets Cannons out of nowhere and get's pretty hefty. I still don't like Grovyle -> Sceptile, I got used to it. Also for whatever reason Croconaw get's some caveman cloth pattern on it, which disappears on Feraligatr, still don't understand why they added that for one form.

In those examples that you've mentioned, the one that stands out of its line is only one of the stages. Both Croconaw, Wartortle and Grovyle are Pokémon that while resembling both the previous and next evolutions, still have some aspects that make them look like strangers. Croconaw has the caveman pattern, Grovyle's arms' leaves and claws don't match the number we see in Treecko and Sceptile and, not only that, it grows a long hair out of nowhere and Wartortles looks some old wise turtle.
Samurott is also different but this is a third stage Pokémon. I've read before that sometimes the designers don't create the entire evolution line and that might be the case with Grovyle, Wartortle and Croconaw. When it comes to Samurott, I don't think that was the case and, like Masuda (I think) said, they didn't knew how to come up with the third stage for Oshawott and so they created Samurott after a trip to some zoo and seeing a sea lion.
Vulpix said:
The release date is getting closer and people are making fakemon like crazy, that why I don't believe in everything i see in the internet. However, I wouldn't be mad if Chesnaught, Delphox and Greninja were real. They are fine. I'm not really a fan of the Chespin's evo but I like Delphox. She looks like a real kitsune.

Delphox and Greninja are definitively real.

Chesnaught is real as well but I don't have much to prove it. ^^'

Drokas said:
Delphox and Greninja are definitively real.

Chesnaught is real as well but I don't have much to prove it. ^^'

I see. Chesnaught looks cute on this pic^^ I like his red nose.
I don't understand why people are still questioning the Starters validity. We are actually seeing live pictures and feed of them in game. There is no way this close to release we have acual ingame photos, showing the pokemon battling and in Amie and they are fake.

Enough with the denial.

Anyways, I lost some froakie love with Greninja. The change up with the tongue scarf is just too much. I am getting used to it thoguh, but it would be much better is it was a foam scarm rather than a tongue scarf

Chesnaught is legion, best starter this gen. I would like it if he fit his shell and could roll up, but it's ok.