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LF Terrakion EX

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RE: LF: Garchomp

What do you value Kyogre EX/Groudon EX at?

I don't see anything I'd trade the N for then, sorry.
RE: LF: Garchomp

Kyogre- 11.99
Groudon- 17.99
I base most of my current card prices off troll and toad.
RE: LF: Garchomp

Derp said:
What do you value Kyogre EX/Groudon EX at?

Darkscyther said:
Kyogre- 11.99
Groudon- 18.99
I base most of my current card prices off troll and toad.

@Darkscyther LOL, that was meant for me :p

@Derp Didn't see the part about Mew in your last post. Right now, I value it pretty high (35 to 40) just because I'm really not sure what it's capable of yet and that's how much it's worth on ebay and T&T and such right now.

As for Groudon and Kyogre about 20 at most for Groudon and about 7 to 9 bucks on Kyogre.
RE: LF: Garchomp

Well, could you make an offer for the Altarias/commons/uncommons?

You don't have any of my wants.
RE: LF: Garchomp

Derp said:
Well, could you make an offer for the Altarias/commons/uncommons?

I'm assuming the Groudon is out of the picture. If it's not (Other then the Mew) then I'd prefer to trade for that. If it is, then would you do all my stuff you were interested in (Excluding Mew) including the second Emolga for the N FA?

Let me know, thanks.
RE: LF: Catchers and Rayquaza

Do you have the ENG Tropical beach with no stamp on it? If so please CML for that. I have 2x Catcher incoming.
RE: LF: Catchers and Rayquaza

Not Golden ones, right?

I don't see enough for the Beaches, sorry.
RE: LF: Catchers and Rayquaza

Derp said:
Not Golden ones, right?

I don't see enough for the Beaches, sorry.

Just wanted 1 eng non stamped beach.

How many catchers would you take for it? Staff version has been going for $30-50 on ebay, so the non-staff/non-top version should be a bit less no? Otherwise if you are a verified seller I would be willing to purchase.
RE: LF: Catchers and Rayquaza

Sorry, but I highly disagree with your pricings.
I saw the NEW staffs going for 120 on ebays completed listings. Mind telling me where you found your prices?

I don't see anything, sorry.
RE: LF: Catchers and Rayquaza

Derp said:
Sorry, but I highly disagree with your pricings.
I saw the NEW staffs going for 120 on ebays completed listings. Mind telling me where you found your prices?

I don't see anything, sorry.

I thought your beaches were the BW28 ones, the new BW50 ones will obviously be going for more since they just came out. I found my prices by searched ebay completed for bw28 pokemon, most of the staff stamped sold for $50, with one at $84 and three at ~$30.

Link to results (if it works):

RE: LF: Catchers and Rayquaza

Well, I only have the BW50 ones for trade, so I do still value them higher. Sorry.

How many?
RE: LF: Catchers and Rayquaza

Derp said:
Well, I only have the BW50 ones for trade, so I do still value them higher. Sorry.

How many?

No worries, I was looking for the bw28 anyway, thanks!
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