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LF Terrakion EX

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Not a ton. Notables would be ability roserade, ability gabite, shedinja, rh altaria, and tool scrapper.
A while back you were looking for Shiny Rayquaza, I think. Well, I'm interested in your 2x Darkrai EX FA. I value Shiny Rayquaza at about $65 I think, and Darkrai EX FA I think is $34 (eBay's lowest BIN price). That leaves me $3 short, so you can CML for anything you might need. (I can add in some trainers.)
Well, I don't need anything else, sorry. /:

No, I don't think I can, sorry. Anything else you want? (I need to unlist the Darkrais if I trade them to Diet.)

Hmm.. Well, I don't need the Darkrais anymore, lol.
Could you toss in the Gothitelle if you have it? (It said it was pending on your thread)
I'm interested in:
Ho-oh EX (either one)

1 Darkrai EX reg
1 Tornadus EX

I have:
1 FA Mew EX (if you're interested)
Could I add in Kyurem and Zekrom Tin Codes? =/ I could add in DCE and prism energy? :p Lol
@Derp haha what would you be interested in? The only thing I can think of is that I add a Kyogre EX or primes. Or would you not mind just doing Shiny Rayquaza for the Darkrai's?
No, I don't need it that bad, and I need my Tornadus more then a 4th Mew. :p

If you can toss in 2 Juniper DEX, you have a deal. PM me.
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