Little kids that don't know how to play....


PB's Yoshi Bomber!
Has anyone seen little kids around the age of 5 and 6 at a league that don't know how to play?

For instance, this one kid whenever he needed somthing he kept leafing through his deck :)

One kid just took all the good exs out of his binder and played them XD

Another one, as soon as I knocked out his active, :) he said that his prizes were his bench XD

so has anyone seen funny stuff like that?
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

i have but the person was like 9 and he kept trying to cheat like by drawing more cards and i'll post s'more later
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Well, back in my elementary days, I used to think that if you lose a battle, prize cards are the cards that you give to your opponent for winning.=/ Now, I see kids with a few cards in their hands while standing up, whacking them together mentioning the name of their attacks, they think that energies are trash.:< The cards end up getting enormous zigzag damages all over.xD
3 weeks ago when i was a the swedish nats and had lost the semi finals and was just looking arióund wating to get my prices and go home i saw 2 kids playing (another semi final match that i was waiting for). they were playing so slowly that i tought that while the other one was attatching energy and stuff the other one would fall asleep. and when one of them lost it looked like he would run away and cry. it was so sad :'(
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

I have seen plenty of kids that don't know how to play, or don't know how to play properly.

I ask them if they want to learn how to play, or if they want a game. To me, I guess that's half the fun in this game. Teaching others how to play, and, helping 'newbie' players become 'pros'.
They just have fun by playing Pokemon cards. Have you ever noticed that if 2 kids are looking through a binder and see an Ex or Lv X they go "Wow!!! That's awsome!!!" That's how kids are at everything, and how you where at one time too:D
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

A kid I played on RS a few minutes ago tried all the following things:
-Playing 2 Supporters in 1 turn.
-Using the same Claydol's Cosmic Power twice in one turn.
-Convincing me that Leafeon Lv. X only has 1 retreat, while it clearly says 2 on the card scan in RS.
Now normally I would have more patience with these kind of guys, but he was typing all caps and stalling like mad the whole time. So I gave up on him eventually.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

One time, I saw this kid who tried to play Charizard ex without evolving it, and with no energy in his deck at all.

RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

when i was 6, i thought that you could choose your hand by searching through your deck, then shuffling again.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

I own a league. In which 70% of the players are new. If I were to tell all stories, the server would go poof.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

When I was like really new
I out all my good (Shiny lol) cards in my deck without enrgy....
Well yah..
Now I'm awesome
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

this kid lost so he tryed to give me his rares card thinking we were playing Yugeoh xD
he really did think we were playing yugeoh xD
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

7Lucario7Master7 said:
this kid lost so he tryed to give me his rares card thinking we were playing Yugeoh xD
he really did think we were playing yugeoh xD


my brother plays his energy and trainer cards as pokemon...
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Lou Cypher said:
I own a league. In which 70% of the players are new. If I were to tell all stories, the server would go poof.

League Leaders aren't supposed to bag out their players on the internet...
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Hey, they're all improving. Its just funny sometimes what they do, but in some occasions it can be tiring too y'know.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Never underestimate children. I did that and i got beaten when i got baltoy starts on my beedrill deck.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....


There was this one kid who won Nationals juniors this year and I was surprised during half of the entire season that he had improved so quickly that he could take down our league's Seniors(but idk for me) and some of our masters. To make a long story short, he turned from struggling newbie to pro. o_O
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Give him to me....:p. Same story for me then. But change the little kid part to a 13 year old.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Well My place is pritty good with noobs we have so many good players and a very nice guy that gives cards to the kids that most of them get good within a few weeks.But its still funny seeing there first game.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

the easiest way for a noobie to learn is to start the trading card game on GB from scratch, like i did to my brother and hes alright now