Little kids that don't know how to play....

RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Well the ruals in that game a different then now days so it ok to learn how to play but then they need to learn new ruals.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

i saw a kid who went to battle roads, and he was new, and someone lent him a G&G. WHAT??? the most confusing part is that he only got 3-1 in juniors!!!!! that is confusing
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

When I went to a league recently, I seen a 12-year-old with NO ENERGIES in his deck because he thought they looked gay and had no use...LMAO. Another time I seen a 7-year-old that had 10 Pokemon *s in his deck, and he had about 30 exs in his deck and tried to play them without evolving. Another kiddo went to a tourney with a deck full of fakes (he didn't know they were fakes). And there's the kid that had random cards with no synergy in them in his deck, and kept cheating by drawing 2 or three at a time. By the time I had all my powerful hitters out, he already ran out of cards n his deck because he couldn't find the one he needed. Also I seen a kid who when he seen my collecton of 80+ holos went "WOW! That is total awesomeness!". A kid with 10 copies of Charizard ex, but no Charmanders and no Charmeleons. I could go on forever.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Blame him for what, exactly? I'm just saying that it's a bit...ridiculous.

Has anyone else noticed that kids often don't mean actually gay but stupid, pointless, ugly or just bad when they say something's "gay"?
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

^That's what gay means, according to South Park and some other comedy series.
Btw, I was talking about the fact that energy cards still look pretty gay imo. <_<
I LOVE it when there are caring parents who understand most of the game, and ask questions that are insightful or ask a question like: "You said you can only attach 1 energy per turn, so can you attach a basic energy 1 turn and attach a DRE the next since it counts as 2 energies?" But yeah, little kids jsut want to have fun, and if it means I win Battle Roads because I fought a bunch of kids (I'm the oldest in my age group) that's ok by me. Same goes for if I play a bunch of rich people who all have PLOX. Its totally random.
TCC Co-Founder said:
I LOVE it when there are caring parents who understand most of the game, and ask questions that are insightful or ask a question like: "You said you can only attach 1 energy per turn, so can you attach a basic energy 1 turn and attach a DRE the next since it counts as 2 energies?" But yeah, little kids jsut want to have fun, and if it means I win Battle Roads because I fought a bunch of kids (I'm the oldest in my age group) that's ok by me. Same goes for if I play a bunch of rich people who all have PLOX. Its totally random.

that would be a nightmare O.O
I'm new to the tournaments but not to the game.

And boy, I ain't looking forward to the kicking and screaming.

Why do I have this feeling I'm going to have to give a sucker to each kid I obliverate?
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

It isn't strictly the league. Back when cards were popular where I live, there was no person except for me who actually knew how to play; indeed, I ended up teaching several of them. All we would do was go around to each other's house and brandish our newest holographic card, expecting them to finally take their hands off that card we always wanted. Then there were kids who tried to make up effects for Japanese cards; I actually lost cards to them that way.

One of my trading partners had a Neo Genesis Murkrow from Japan, which he claimed did 650 damage. I just let it knock out the whole bunch since I had no way of countering him, and Japanese cards were so much of a commodity that no-one dared argue with the owner over what they did.

Another I wrenched a Neo Revelation Ho-oh and Base Set Charizard from — for which I was hailed as a hero — by trading away Shining Raichu and Shining Kabutops respectively. Once they saw a card of which you could only have one in a deck, the issue was over.

I could go on with my stories of street battles in the town, but they all took place long ago, nobody remembers them, and the page would stop loading before it finished this post.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

their was this kid at reginols mind you i am in senors and he has infernape lvx out and he says i use vigerus dash and i say how thats tortara x`s move and he reads the gold at the bottom of the card that says you can use they attacks of the Pokemon blow and thinks it is any Pokemon

in the end my darkrai busted up his infernape
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

This is more of a common sense thing. At the MD Pre-Release I went to, there was this kid sitting 2 seats next to me. After he built his deck, he kinda left all his cards on the floor, to go to his match. Now other than the fact that someone had to sit there, the cards were everywhere, as if while making his deck, he just kept dropping stuff he didn't need. Not to mention he freaking left a GLACEON LV.X on the floor. I had to go tell his mom that he left all that stuff there...
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

I've faced this situation once. I was playing in the tournament near my house, and a little boy was trying to draw additional cards, and tried to put a Gallade like a basic. No coments
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

At So Cal Regionals recently, a guy lost a game by playing Super Scoop Up on his last Pokemon. It turns out he learned how to play the day before. Dude seriously, entering a Regional Tournament the day after you learn to play a game is pretty dumb.

Oh, yeah he was like 19 and in The Masters Divsion.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

The thing that I hate, he most are the 7&8 year-olds, who weight more than you do, who's parents pay hundreds of dollars so that they can be the best. Being beaten by someone who's half you age and twice your weight is just sad (mostly on their part not yours).
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Krucifier said:
I have seen plenty of kids that don't know how to play, or don't know how to play properly.

I ask them if they want to learn how to play, or if they want a game. To me, I guess that's half the fun in this game. Teaching others how to play, and, helping 'newbie' players become 'pros'.

^^ same!

Yeah. When I first started playing about a year ago, I played a friend who thought the energies were for extra damage, and that evolutions were optional. So his deck was like, 40 pokemon that could do 60+, and 20 trainers.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Technical Machine said:
At So Cal Regionals recently, a guy lost a game by playing Super Scoop Up on his last Pokemon. It turns out he learned how to play the day before. Dude seriously, entering a Regional Tournament the day after you learn to play a game is pretty dumb.

Oh, yeah he was like 19 and in The Masters Divsion.

^Deserves the term "lulz" And I don't think it is dumb. It is free, right? And an EASY way of learning how to play and what not to do. lulz
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

Kids at those ages don't know how. They have just learned to walk and still learning to talk. You will see a lot of them there. They are just wanting to have fun and hoping to make some friends also.:)
Why not be nice and try to teach them to play.

And if that doesn't work, use words they can't understand to belittle them.