Little kids that don't know how to play....

I saw this kid who attacked, took their last prize, said "Good Game" and the other guy said he has more Pokemon to fight with-lol
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

I know someone. She is top in Wisconsin for the Seniors Devision and shes about 12. She cheats like crazy!
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

mr.619 said:
I know someone. She is top in Wisconsin for the Seniors Devision and shes about 12. She cheats like crazy!

...and you didn't call a judge on her because?
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

I wasn't the one battling her. =/

I didn't get to battler her ever at tourney's. >.>
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

My brother hosted a mini Pokemon party/tournament with his friends and he asked me to play with some of his friends. So he paired me up with this kid who had no idea that it takes energy to play an attack. My best friend and I spent the whole game teaching the little kids how to play... and I've only been playing for a little over a year now... Lol... so I could very possibly be the subject of some of my little brother's complaints here... XD
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

My 7-year old cousin has done stuff like that a lot. He's just learning to play, but my brother and I are teaching him. (We're also teaching my aunt and she accidentally tried to play a stage 1 straight to the bench, but that is a different story.)
We've all been there with that one. Every week all the card players get together and some of them bring their kids. Lemme tell you, 5 year olds have the hardest time with the concept of energy cards. That and one of them insisted that Pikachu can use Thunderbolt no matter what.
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

LOL idc really if the person is new i just try to help them.
Its kinda funny cause Everyone used to be like that.
If a kid cheats ro does something wrong ill tell them the right way most of the time
it reminds me of my olds days lol...
SO if you ever run into a YOUNG kid only then dont yell at them lol just smile and say
* hey you play the card like that * okay nicely.
I hate it when I see people yell at a 6 year old kid who barley know and the person yelling is a 17 year old kid
So just let the little ones have fun... Please

Oh yeah little kids are fun to play with cause you can hella show off yoru cards and they all go OMG
RE: Little kids that don't know how to play....

yeah well if there is a guy like my age ( 16 or 17 ) then yes ill yell just for fun lol
cause At that age you should has the intelligence to pick up a simple card game...
lol haha but little kids are little kids