Looking for healing cards....


Future beast of the Pokémon TCG
There is a lock/spread deck I thought of but, for it to work I need to be able to either A) Heal my opponents defending pokemon or B) Move the damage counters off of it. I know the Gengar from AR moves damage counters but, I don't know of any other pokemon that can. So I figured that you guys might know of some.(Only cards from MD-on please)
RE: Looking for healing cards...

Chansey PL (Requires you to get tails to remove 3 damage from your opponents pokemon)

With Unown K leaving the format there won't really be an effective way of healing your opponents pokemon.
RE: Looking for healing cards...

Unown K, but it is getting rotated and only works on the active, however if you had 4... I think would be your best option cause it is a power.
QuestionMarx said:
There is a lock/spread deck I thought of but, for it to work I need to be able to either A) Heal my opponents defending pokemon or B) Move the damage counters off of it. I know the Gengar from AR moves damage counters but, I don't know of any other pokemon that can. So I figured that you guys might know of some.(Only cards from MD-on please)

If you dont mind me asking why would you need them to have their damage removed. And unown K was the best choice but, its getting phased.
RE: Looking for healing cards...

To lock their active in while spreading the bench. Most likely its a Drapion variety.
Anyway, as said before, there is no way anymore.
ace310j said:
If you don't mind me asking why would you need them to have their damage removed. And unown K was the best choice but, its getting phased.

Like Lou Cypher said it's a lock deck meant to spread damage aswell using the Glicor from Revived Legends set. The point was to have Cursgar move a damage counter then heal the rest of the damage so I can paralyze it again next turn. I'd do this for a while so I build all 3 Cursgars to spread all the damage then get multiple knockouts on bench with Gengar LV X compound pain attack.
RE: Looking for healing cards...

well first of all that would be TERRIBLY slow. Its a decent strategy, but there are too many decks that run warp point, switch, poke turn, SSU etc.
RE: Looking for healing cards...

You may have to search a lot to get this card, but Cresselia/Darkrai Legend has an attack for 1 {P} energy that can move around your opponent's damage counters as you wish, which could be extremely useful in your deck.