Lost World?

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Gyarados Bait
Who thinks lost world will be in February's filler set and why? On one hand, pokemon may want to keep it to Japan since it's been really dominating, but they may also want to see a new top deck. Discuss!
I read something offcial that said that America has a different market than Japan. Hence, I believe we are not getting Lost World. That's also why Japan doesn't get PR sleeves and we don't get cool deckboxes.
japan and america does have different markets, however, as for pokemon players, i think american pokemon players want the same things that japan's players have.

theres a reason why people are constantly searching for japanese products and cards.
however, i think its the US market size that limits the amount of products made available to us.

As for cards, there are many cards that we never got in America, however, we did get the majority of the lost link mini-set and there are still many cards from lost link besides lost world that arnt gamechanging that we never got.
i believe that pokemon USA will release all these cards. its better to just release the whole mini set rather than to give us everything else sans the 1 card that makes the miniset workable
I hope we do get it, because I like how it brings a new win condition to Pokemon and allows people to finally consider the Lost Zone for the first time. Getting opponents useful cards into the lost zone so they can never use them again, could make the game very interesting, but at the moment with Gengar Prime it does seem a bit too imbalanced.
I do not think America shall get it. It I just broken. I can see it as a promo card like a States/ Nationals Promo/ Victory Medal
if they arent going to release it in the us, why bother cutting the other 13 cards from lost link then?

it would've made more sense for them to just release all the cards in lost link for your triumphany set and not include lost world
They could make it a Promo, or have it be like Alph Lithograph's, and have it be an ultra rare Stadium.
Well, they are gonna need at least around 90 cards for Call of Legends. I think they will put it in there because we only have about 25 cards we need to fill in and they are gonna suck out everyone of them IMO.
I hope not.
First i hoped that lost world was released in TR.
but no. If i knew there was going to be a filler set i should have traded gengar prime etc.
I can see Lost World being printed in the next set after HS Triumphant, but I am getting sick of cards being cut from each set until we get them later it's like PUSA started doing that shortly after Platinum: Arceus or probably before hand.

If we do get Lost World next set I see it has a clean slate on the metagame to put SP's out of the picture for good and to pave way for new deck ideas and other archetypes especially those to help counter against LostGar decks, If it's too broke then by all means errata Lost World instead of banning it.

Also I don't know what other cards we're still missing cause it really did seem like that HS Triumphant was going to be the final expansion of the HeartGold/SoulSilver block and apparently it isn't cause they're buying time for when Black and White is released in the U.S. next year.

I think we could be getting a Reprint Set but I'd hate to see a English Exclusive Made set like in the Naruto CCG where it went haywire with power creep out the wazoo. Let's just hope If it does come to that PUSA or whoever is now in charge of the Pokemon TCG doesn't make the same mistakes Bandai has made on their game.
This is just a card that will destroy the meta. This card is too powerful because it add by himself, a new way of winning. Therefore, the pokemon TCG will be changed. Look at now, we have three ways of winning the game, and usually, we win by taking all the prize. If this card comes in play, no need to kill some pokemon! Gengar Prime+Palkia G Lv.X! Win in 3-4 turns! Bad for the meta.

And if somebody says that it should be an Ultra-Ultra Rare, well, it will affect more the Meta. It will become like Yu-Gi-Oh!, where the player with the most of money wins. That guy will waste 2000 dollars to build a Lostgar Deck with each Lost World as 200 $.
So you're saying it's too powerful to form a counter against it cause it's too fast? Give me proof that LostGar and Lost World decks can be beaten and that would convince me that it's not borderline broken.
It can be countered with other stadiums, spiritombs vileplumes, hand discarding things like wrangle ud. And attacks that remove stadiums
Just for all those people pondering whether or not we're getting Lost World in the next set:

We are, and I know this for a fact.
You may continue discussing Lost World's impact on the metagame.
I'm just getting tired of people treating Lost World like it's some kinda cheap Yata-Garasu combo or CED like in Yu-Gi-Oh! back in the day. Like I said If worse comes to worse we can errata Lost World to where it's not quite as game breaking as everyone claims it is.
Yeah remember, many decks will still run BTS and other things like that so we still will have a pretty good chance. I think the haters are taking it too much out of prospective.
@DNA how would you know for sure?

Also LostGar would work but it wouldn't be as quick as everyone is saying. It isn't easy getting stadiums, and some cards can remove Stadiums(like Flygon and Steelix)
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