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LostLock (Gengar Prime + Lock) (Masters-Cities)


Rookie Year
Pokemon - 19
4-2-3-1 Gengar Prime (SF Gastly and Triumphant Haunter)
2 Mew Prime
2-1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Azelf LA
3 Spiritomb (Arceus)

T/S/S - 29
4 - Hunter
3 - SSU
3 - BTS
2 - Lost World
2 - Bebe's Search
2 - Pokemon Collector
2 - Judge
2 - Palmer's
3 - Rare Candy
2 - VS Seeker
2 - Twins
2 - Looker's Investigation

Energy - 12
12 - Psychic

Strategy - The general goal of this deck is to get 6 of your opponent's pokemon into the lost zone and play Lost World to claim victory. Start with Spiritomb/Gastly to lock or Mew Prime (Send a Gengar Prime to the Lost Zone first turn). Get a BTS out and subsequently a Gengar Prime, charge him up and have a Lost Zone party with your opponents hand. Use looker's to see your opponents hand and Judge to make them draw. Once set-up proceed to disrupt/lock/lost zone. (I apologize for the disorganization of the Strat, wasn't quite sure what order seemed most natural)

LMK what you think and what you think I could do to improve this.
Wouldn't regice's massive retreat cost just kinda make it a wall to myself (hence why I dropped the giratina I had in there earlier).
Triumphant (Mr.Mime) isnt worth it!

Try Lookers:
oh well not many will play luxchomp when gengar is in format... basically itll be gengar and anti gengar decks in the format

i think smeargle would be nice instead of mime
Jay Samuel - Do you know what Mew Prime does?
GoldenDP - Ya I thought so as well.... I'll probably try that.
Mcsskater - I find smeargle to be more trouble than it is worth. (you need to tech in an unown q and he is easy to snipe off).
It then lets you use the attack of the card. I.E. T2 you can essentially have a Gengar Prime with 2 psychic energy out as a basic pokemon.