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Luxchomp, Cities Senior w/ DGX tech

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Top 8, Worlds 2013
Advanced Member
3-1 Luxray GL X
2-2 Garchomp C X
1-1 Dialga G X (no trainer lock)
2-1 Uxie X
1 Honchkrow G
1 Bronzong G
1 Drifblim FB
1 Azelf
2 Crobat G
1 Lucario GL
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Energy Gain
4 Poketurn
2 Aarons
2 Bebes
2 Collector
1 Palmer
4 SP radar
1 Seeker
4 Power Spray

1 Warp
4 {l}
1 {M}
1 Call
2 {P}
^ ...

For starters you only have 2 energy gain so if 2 of your attackers get k.o ed you will be in some trouble. You play honchkrow g but no dark energy? And 3 uxie(s) is a little overkill. So i just need to ask you before i post the changes i will suggest, do you have 4 copies of all sp related T/S ?

No, put in what I have. Once I get a PONT I can take a Poketurn out of another deck and put it in this one (should be soon). The Honchkrow was for getting SP trainers. Should I run a 2-1 Uxie X?
Maybe -1 Uxie
-3 Pokedraw
-1 SSU
+1 Cyrus
+1 Poketurn
+2 E-Gain
+1 Power Spray

EDIT: Got Poketurn. Taking Out SSU.
I have a bunch of tips for you:

First, make sure your list is 60 Cards :p (It's only 59)

Cards to remove and why:

- 1-1 Staraptor FB
All this will do is slow you down trying to set it up and become a free ko in both the mirror and VileGar matchup.

-1 Honchkrow G
Similar to Staraptor FB, it slows you down and just becomes a free knock out later.

-1 Uxie LA
Two is more than enough.

- 3 Communication
- 3 PokeDrawer+
- 2 Energy Exchanger
- 1 Luxury Ball
- 1 Warp Point
One of LuxChomp's claims to fame (and most of SP for that matter) is that the deck is entirely searchable through something, be it a supporter or a trainer. None of these cards are searchable. While I think
they are awesome and useful cards, they don't fit in this deck.

- 1 Special Metal
- 3 Lightening Energy
The special metal is kind of useless on its own. It is neither searchable, nor does it reduce by enough damage to really help. 6 Lightening Energy is far too many.

Total Cards removed: 18
- 1-1 Staraptor FB
- 1 Honchkrow G
- 1 Uxie LA
- 3 Communication
- 3 PokeDrawer+
- 2 Energy Exchanger
- 1 Luxury Ball
- 1 Warp Point
- 1 Special Metal
- 3 Lightening Energy


Cards to add and why:

+1 Luxray GL Lv.X
The 2-2 Luxray is almost an absolute must, ever since I first started playing this deck back in Cities 2009, the 2-2 lux has been in it almost every time. If you can't get the second Luxray GL Lv.X, ask some
people in your area if they would let you borrow one if they have it to spare. Otherwise, I'd have to recommend at the very least a third Luxray GL.

+1 Ambipom G (RR 56/111)
The perfect counter to a Garchomp C Lv.X that has just dragon rushed with a DCE and an Energy Gain attached. All you have to do is Snap Attack for the OHKO. Ambipom G is also good for a donk now and again: if you
start it and a DCE and go first... tada, an easy (albeit not fun) win. (If you don't have one, and need one, then PM me your address and I'll mail it to you for free.)

+1 Toxicroak G [aka Promocroak] (DP Promo 41)
Same thing as the Ambipom, They just Flash Impact-ed one of your Pokémon for the knock out. All you have to do is bench the Promocroak, attach the psychic and the energy gain, and you OHKO their Luxray GL Lv.X. It's actually good in a lot of other situations too.

+1 Crobat G (PT 47/127)
Crobat G is a free 10 damage for when you are just short of the knockout. It's also really nice just to place 10 damage somewhere on the field.

+1 Drifblim FB (SV 3/147)
Drifblim FB's attack does 40 damage to one of your opponents benched Pokémon. Here's the catch, the attack applies weakness and resistance to that damage. So with a single Flash Bite from Crobat G, you can get a free prize from an Azelf or a Uxie on your opponents bench. Plus, when your opponent has 3 or fewer prizes left, Drifblim has 120 HP!

+2 Unown Q (49/100)
The entire LuxChomp deck has a very low retreat cost, the Unown Q gives free retreat to the pixies (Azelf, and Uxie) making it safe to promote them for a turn to stall.

+1 Cyrus's Conspiracy (PT 105/127)
All SP decks play 4 Cyrus's Conspiracy because the biggest benefit of the SP engine, is Cyrus's ability to search ALL of it out, directly (grabbing the energy) or indirectly (Grabbing the SP Radar to search
Garchomp C Lv.X)

+1 Energy Gain (PT 116/127)
The attack cost on almost all of the Pokémon in LuxChomp is very low to begin with, making it lower only makes it faster. Faster is always better. In a typical game you will lose at least 2 Energy Gains because you needed them to attack and the Pokémon gets knocked out.

+2 Power Spray (PT 117/127)
Power Spray is a crippling card: Your opponent has a small hand with nothing useful, and they go to Set Up. BAM! Power Spray. Now they are stuck with their small crappy hand and you have power. Or, you are
playing against a VileGar, and they go to level down your Dialga G Lv.X. BAM! Power Spray, that gives you one more turn of trainers. I could go on and on about all the uses of power spray, but simply put, it is a very powerful card.

+1 Pokémon Collector (HS 97/123)
All the Pokémon in this deck are basics, need I say more?

+1 Bebe's Search (MT 109/123, SW 119/132, RR 89/111)
VileGar is big in the format, and Bebe's lets you search for ANY Pokémon, be it a Basic, or Lv.X. Early gaem, you need to get DGX out, but you can’t play trainers to use your SP Radar, Bebe's to the rescue.

+1 Double Colorless Energy (HS 103/123)
Garchomp C Lv.X, one of your primary attackers, Dragon Rush attack costs 3 colorless energy to use. Energy Gain reduces the attack cost by one colorless, and DCE covers the other two. Dragon Rush then calls
for the discard of two energy from Garchomp, DCE covers that too. Seeing as you will be throwing them away, four is a must.

+1 Warp Energy (AQ 147/147, UF 100/115, PK 98/108, SF 95/100)
Warp Energy allows you to bring Dialga G Lv.X back to the bench after you have leveled it up. Because of Bronzong G, the energy can then be moved to another Pokémon that only needs one more energy to attack. It can also be used to Dragon Rush twice in a row: Last turn you dragon rushed and threw away a DCE, and left Garchomp with another energy on it. Attach the warp energy to Garchomp, run back to Luxray GL, level up and Bright Look somthing to slow them down, retreat, attach an energy gain to Garchomp C Lv.X, and Dragon Rush again.

+2 Call Energy (MD 92/100)
Call allows you to set up even if you go first. (I actully prefer to go first with a call so I can start Lv.X-ing and attacking before my opponent.) Plus, once again all the Pokémon in this deck are basic so it just really helps a lot.

+2 Psychic Energy (Basic) & 1 Metal Energy (Basic)
+2 Metal Energy (Basic) & 1 Psychic Energy (Basic)
I prefer the two Psychic and one Metal because both Drifblim FB and Toxicroak G use Psychic, whereas Dialga G is the only one that uses Metal. On the other hand, with two metals, you have the ability to us Remove Lost on DGX. It’s up to you.

Cards to add: 19
+1 Luxray GL/Lv.X
+1 Ambipom G
+1 Toxicroak G (Promo)
+1 Crobat G
+2 Unown Q
+1 Cyrus's Conspiracy
+1 Energy Gain
+2 Power Spray
+1 Pokémon Collector
+1 Bebe's Search
+1 Double Colorless Energy
+1 Warp Energy
+2 Call Energy
+2 Psychic Energy
+1 Metal Energy


Final List:

Pokémon: 20
2-2 or 3-1 Luxray GL Lv.X
2-2 Garchomp C Lv.X
1-1 Dialga G Lv.X
1 Ambipom G
1 Bronzong G
1 Crobat G
1 Drifblim FB
1 Toxicroak G (Promo)
1 Azelf (LA)
2-1 Uxie Lv.X (LA)
2 Unown Q

T/S/St: 25
2 Aarons Collection
3 Bebe's Search
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Palmers Contribution
3 Pokémon Collector
3 Energy Gain
4 PokéTurn
3 Power Spray
2 SP Radar

Energy: 14
2 Call Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Warp Energy
3 Lightening Energy
1 Metal Energy
2 Psychic Energy


If there are any of these cards you can't get, let me know and I'll see if I can help you. If you can't get them at all, I'll help you make the list work without them.
Now for the counter/other arguments you should also consider.

Staraptor is a good set up pokemon that gets your awesome stuff into play after getting locked and recovers you from slow starts lacking Cyrus. After that, it can kill off a Garchomp and snag a KO for your Luxray or Garchomp counter versus mirror when they send it up against your Staraptor. You lack the stadium and the counters to make this safe to run in many situations.

Honchkrow is amazing to set up yourself or pull lots of power sprays to keep your opponent from setting up too quick. It's also good for sniping with the darkness if you'd like to fit it in, but it's rarely worth it with big decks everywhere now, as you most likely won't be ready for the one random basic to hit the field when it's perfectly safe to kill it off. SPs are dying, and we need to know that.

Spending an extra space for a 3-1 Uxie gives you plenty more chances to set up and makes it so SPs will have a tough time of locking you. However, getting them off the field will give you lots of passive turns and missed energy attachments and might keep you from power spraying for a bit, but the third Uxie may not always be played, and it keeps you from having to Time Walk for it [or increases the chance of it being prizes, however you wanna look at it]. It all depends on how bad you wanna avoid lock.

Then blahblahblah trainers and blahblahblah supporters. It's all about preference for trainers and perfect supporters. Oh, and fix up your energy line. 4 Call is cool, 3 is a little less efficient, but still works if you want more basic energy.

Cards I have to put in:
1 Call
1 Drifblim FB
As you see, I don't have many cards I need.
I'll be getting 2 Power sprays soon though. I'm not taking out Honchkrow, it's good for setup.
take out honchkrow.. it's a bad card. if anything.. you can turn the deck into sablelock..that because you don't ahve a second luxray...X.. so you could play sablelock and tech a 1-1 luxray(what i did at worlds) OR, save up and get a second luxray and the other cards you need( i know people who are getting rid of luxrays for around 50 to 75 dollars.. but either 2-2 or 3-1 is best, and add premier ball for extra X's if you're gonna play 3-1..
glaceon said:
Cards I have to put in:
1 Call
1 Drifblim FB
As you see, I don't have many cards I need.
I'll be getting 2 Power sprays soon though. I'm not taking out Honchkrow, it's good for setup.

Start trading like mad up until cities, then let me know what you are missing from what I recommended and I'll help you out (That is if you want me to)
I think you should put in at least 2 more Call Energy because the chance of getting 1 call in your opening hand are 1 in 60. Call Energy is one of those cards that are best played in 3 or 4, or not played at all.

I also think 1 more Warp Energy can aid in getting Dialga to the bench. I think Seeker is a bit unnecessary, since you have Poketurn, and letting them get an additional Uxie drop can hurt. Personally I prefer Energy Gain at 3-4, and SP Radar at 3.

Overall it's pretty decent, but i'd try to stay away from Over-teching your build. Keep it simple for reasons of consistency and speed.
Call's aren't that great(I know everyone disagrees), and I use radar from a lot of needed cards. I'll add an E-gain though(once I get one).
Got another E-gain. What should I take out for it? (Not Seeker!)
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