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Garchomp C - 15$
Luxray GL Lv. X 80$

Participating in a never ending argument about card values - Priceless.
Garchomp C LVX is in one of two SV boxes generally. SV boxes come with 3/4 LVX cards, usually buying two nets you the full pack.
Luxray GL LVX is in one of 4/5 RR boxes. RR boxes come with 2, sometimes 3 LVX cards, and that set had 9 LVX's.

Should Luxray be tinned, it'd still be pricey because those tins would sell faster then bills of $100 sold for $50.

Coincidentally I have 2 Luxray LVX for sale :p
miniman said:
Congrads to the winners and hope everone else that went had fun. I reckon that Luxchomp (in seniors), Sablelock (in masters)will win next year not to sure about juniors. too bad no one from Australia won.[/b]
Bold Fail
Congrats to the winners and i might make a proxie of luxchomp
shadoworganoid said:
^Im not sure, but I do know this; Luxray GL Lv X will go up to $110 (Roughly) in value now.
Good luck getting one.

i would not count on that because Vileplume UD
Steelix_Kid said:
i would not count on that because Vileplume UD

There's no way vileplume is giong to slow down luxchomp. Setting up a stage 2 that isn't your attacker is bad. Its even worse if its important to your strategy. Thats why feraligatr and Blastoise sucked so badly. Too much setup= way too slow.
amisheskimoninja said:
There's no way vileplume is giong to slow down luxchomp. Setting up a stage 2 that isn't your attacker is bad. Its even worse if its important to your strategy. Thats why feraligatr and Blastoise sucked so badly. Too much setup= way too slow.
I have Gengar SF and Vilplume on my Bench T2
Steelix_Kid said:
amisheskimoninja said:
There's no way vileplume is giong to slow down luxchomp. Setting up a stage 2 that isn't your attacker is bad. Its even worse if its important to your strategy. Thats why feraligatr and Blastoise sucked so badly. Too much setup= way too slow.
I have Gengar SF and Vilplume on my Bench T2

My deck is the same way. T2 Vileplume and Gengar SF. I use Bebe's and lucky first hand/top deck draw:p Uxie helps, but isn't vital.
dragonpulse20 said:
I have Gengar SF and Vilplume on my Bench T2

My deck is the same way. T2 Vileplume and Gengar SF. I use Bebe's and lucky first hand/top deck draw:p Uxie helps, but isn't vital.

Thanks for clarifing what i was saying.
Luxchomp already has a built-in vileplume counter....Bright look Vileplume....retreat.....uxie X.....zen blade....dont even need lucario.
I am not so surprised, I mean it is a very powerful deck. However, I didn't expect Jumpluff to win Junior division.
Steelix_Kid said:
Uxie ???I Use Spiritomb attack and Bebe search.

So, a bunch of Tombs (WHICH YOU ALWAYS START WITH), then two stage two lines...hmhmm...
Yeah I'm oddly sceptical. Not to forget that you will always have Oddish and Gastly on your bench immediately, no need to use Call Energy or anything, your opponent cannot Bright Look/Regi Move your Tomb away...uhuh...
Still sceptical.
dragonpulse20 said:
I have Gengar SF and Vilplume on my Bench T2

If everyone and their brother can get out two stage 2's by T2, SP would not be so popular. I don't see how this is possible consistently, especially because you're locking your own trainers.
Ok, discuss the Worlds winners in the Front Page News Forum.


dmaster out.
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