Lv.X's contest.Congrats Dr4gon!

RE: Lv.X's contest.

a pretty good card, you covered all details and raised weakness.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Dragon's card is a 10/10! Perfect synergy! I feel this would be a very devastating deck in the modified format.

Good job!
RE: Lv.X's contest.

I was planning on making a "5" retreat cost, but thought that it wouldn't be allowed/be too high. Thanks guys!
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Ignore my PM Infmach.
I have decided to make it 10/10 because it balances itself out. It it risky however.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Ok then, congrats Dr4gon, you have a perfect score.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Yay!!! I be so happy! I wonder if we'll go into a second final round...
RE: Lv.X's contest.

I'll join, here it is! :p

Name: Rewrite
Why joining?: I've never done anything like this before and it looks interesting.
Will you be active?: Yupp
Will you understand the judges decision?: Of course.
Sample of Lv.X:

Gyarados Lv.X {W}HP-160
Level-Up / Put onto Gyarados

Poke-BODY: Water Wall - As long as Gyarados Lv.X is your Active Pokemon, your opponent can not use any Poke Bodies or Poke Powers.

{W}{W}{W} Dragon Hydro: 40+ Count the number of Water Energys you have attached to all of your Pokemon, this attack does 40 damage plus 10 for each Water Energy you counted.

Weakness: {L} x2 Resistance: Retreat Cost: {C}{C}{C}
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Sorry Rewrite, we are in the finals, but if I want to make a second version, you would be in!
If Lyte doesn't have her card for Thursday, then Dr4gon will win his secret prize.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

yeah, you are right.
I will give you later the secret prize.

Thou shall use the avvy if you want to:

