Lavitz said:I will do this:
Articuno and Mewtwo for Call Energy, and Pokemon Com.
i will giv u the 6 Energies and the power spray + 1 uxie for the EX? i dont want the Xpokefan1234 said:How about this:
x2 Uxie LA
x6 HGSS Darkness Energies (I like having 1 extra)
x1 Power Spray
x1 Luxray GL
x1 Entei/Raikou Legend Bottom (or top witch ever floats your boat)
T-tar EX
Palkia X
then because it is worth alot due to its demand u would have to take out the uxies or add somtin goodpokefan1234 said:x2 Uxie LA
x6 HGSS Darkness Energies (I like having 1 extra)
x1 Luxray GL
I need these the most^
for T-tar EX
um, ok pm me dealpokefan1234 said:I will add the Palkia X
blaZofgold said:CML rare candies, shedinja and miasma valley
Azelf Master said:cml for Charizard EX. and post in thread
Tweed said:Interested in call energy, expert belt and pokemon communications.
These smaller items don't compare to your wants. What other wants do you have? CML
Tweed said:i like the kingdras(including prime), spiritomb, mow rotom, sv bird reprints, charizard plush, Suicune/Entie T/B, Riakou/Suicune T, MACHAMP X, i can do them for machamp and throw ins LMK!
can i do the machamp X - 15$ + mow rotom, fo my cards and somtin else?PokemonLv63X said:I could do my:
2x Kingdra LA ($7each) and Mow Rotom($5)
for your:
call energy ($10), Expert Belt ($3), Communications ($4)
Tweed said:can i do the machamp X - 15$ + mow rotom, fo my cards and somtin else?
ok here is wat i like, and i pobably wont trade the mistys gyaradoswyoungb said:please CML for
gyarados delta species
gyarados legendary
mistys gyarados
shining magicarp