Discussion M Tyranitar EX

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Since MTtar has so much offensive capability, I was thinking more defensive Tools like Hard Charm, Weakness Policy, or Heavy Boots would be a better addition to the deck. Hard Charm or Heavy Boots would put it out of OHKO range from anything that hits for 240 and Weakness Policy would help it greatly against Fighting types.
My List (XY-on):

3x Tyranitar-EX
3x M Tyranitar-EX
2x Seismitoad-EX
3x Zubat
3x Golbat
2x Crobat

4x Professor Sycamore
2x Shauna
2x Professor Birch's Observations
1x Lysandre
1x Teammates/Xerosic
3x Tyranitar Spirit Link
3x Muscle Band
1x Hard Charm
3x Ultra Ball
1x Dive Ball
2x Switch
3x Shadow Circle
1x Silent Lab
1x Professor's Letter
4x Mega Turbo

2x Acro Bike
1x Trainer's Mail

ENERGY (12):
4x Double Colorless Energy
6x Darkness Energy
2x Dangerous Energy
@fourthstartcg I like your list except for the 3 extra Trainers... You have 35 Trainers listed, not 32.
While I think M TTar will definitely be a deck, Im thinking it will be like tier 2.5, looking at it it seems pretty slow to setup with no good early threats.
I plan on building this deck as I have a history with T-Tar and I really do see potential for this deck.
Here's my crazy AF list that I'm definitively sure looks like a POS until I settle on a single variant/3 variants. Note that I cannot EVER remember what staple trainers etc to put in in the right amounts.
Don't judge how bad it looks until I explain everything.

Gengar EX 3-4
2-1/2-2 Mega absol EX (yes I know how bad it is without the spirit link)
2-3 Absol ROS (when it's benched move 3 damage counters from one of your opponent's pokemon to another one)
3-4 baby yveltal
2 Hoopa EX
2 shaymin EX
POSSIBLY a 2-2 line of zubat-golbat as you'll never need more than 2 damage counters on something once you have mega t-tar out, unless you're facing wailord, in which case Gengar EX says hi.

Total pokemon 25 at minimum and 32 at maximum. Yes I know this is fing crazy.

Eco Arm 1 (3 tool cards from the discard back into your deck)
3 weakness policy (read machamp EX and lucario EX make this deck crap itself and you need all the tool cards on it once you play it down or according to current anti-hype you'll get head ringered)
2 muscle band
3 ultra ball
3 vs seeker
3 mega turbo
4 switch
2 escape rope. (read absol makes your opponent regret switching into something they thought could survive)
2-3 shadow circle I couldn't think of a better counter stadium as team magma's hidden base and colorless city hurt you, while you can use other cards that deal damage to the opponent instead.

Total tainers 21 Yes I know this is low

TOTAL CARDS 51-59 (fuuuuuu)


2 Ace trainer (it's N but only if you have less prize cards than your opponent)
2 Professor sycamore
3 Professor birch
1 pokemon fan club
(if you decide to go with mega absol) 2-3 Wally.

Total supporters 8


Energy I want to put in the deck.

6-8 dark energy

Total cards 58-76 HOLY CRAAAAAAAP!

My reasoning for the above card choices:

1. Gengar EX. It's a cheap, colorless attacker that places 3 damage counters on ANYTHING you want it to. This includes Mega Sceptile which is immune to bats and Absol non EX. I know the retreat cost sucks, but that's what 6 switch cards are for. It goes through any safeguard abilities as it PLACES damage, not DEALS damage.

2. Mega Absol EX. Before you continue reading this I do know that it normally sucks cascoon as it doesn't have a spirit link, but hear me out. If you can get a T1 mega absol via Wally + energy you're getting slight item disruption + 160 damage without muscle band. And since it only costs 2 energy to attack it doesn't take away THAT much energy from mega T tar. It also allows you to set it up as your opponent is likely crapping themselves as you can likely deal another 160 damage each turn, until they KO it or Mega t-tar.

3. Absol ROS. This is purely for its ability, against everything that is NOT Mega Secptile or Golurk (I have no clue Who TF would play it though), it basically acts as a kind of pseudo Lysandre, because while it may not bring up the pokemon you want, it basically allows mega T-tar to KO whatever TF is active, even if it's a wailord EX with hard charm on it. (read 30+110+180, because of the 30 damage on it already = 390 damage - 20 from hard charm, and holy crap that calculation is accurate. O_O )

4. Baby Yveltal. This sort of doesn't need an explanation, but I'll give it one anyway. It deals 30 (which helps with absol), and can help set up Mega T-tar/whatever you are trying to set up ATM.

5. 3-4-3 Mega t-tar line. This deserves an explanation, once you get t-tar ex out you need to attach the spirit link ASAP, OR YOUR OPPONENT WILL HEAD RINGER YOU. On a pokemon that can have 2 tool cards attached to it at once it's a really bad idea to even allow your opponent to put one on it in the first place.

6-7. These do not need an explanation.

There's not really anything else I could think of to mention as the rest of the deck is pretty self explanatory, minus the lack of lysandre which I think you could just substitute Absol for.
I recommend using a Zubat/Golbat line with Yveltal. Theta Stop will exist soon so Bats is useless against it. Also, for the tools, Spirit Links and Hard Charm to prevent OHKOs by M Rayquaza. Shadow Circle should work as a counter stadium.
I recommend using a Zubat/Golbat line with Yveltal. Theta Stop will exist soon so Bats is useless against it. Also, for the tools, Spirit Links and Hard Charm to prevent OHKOs by M Rayquaza. Shadow Circle should work as a counter stadium.
Hard charm only goes so far, maybe a 2/2 split with weakness policy and hard charm? And isn't T-tar supposed to eat ray alive? Think about it, 2 damage counters and ray dies, while it's hard for them to keep up with a sky field every time you place a shadow circle down. Also, it barely kos mega t tar with a full bench of 8.
Hard charm only goes so far, maybe a 2/2 split with weakness policy and hard charm? And isn't T-tar supposed to eat ray alive? Think about it, 2 damage counters and ray dies, while it's hard for them to keep up with a sky field every time you place a shadow circle down. Also, it barely kos mega t tar with a full bench of 8.
This isn't Primal Groudon so you're gonna attack asap with Yveltal so ending your turn without attacking will suck. And M Ty will be a beast when set up but you need time. M Ray will most likely take out Yveltal from its first turn of attacking so to compensate for this, use Oblivion Wing and Mega Turbo in 1 turn then attach DCE next turn.
I think team magma's hidden base would be the best option for getting that damage. It would allow you to remove the bat line and focus more on the problem on setting up the mega Tyranitar. There's no point in putting the damage on if you cant attack with the Tyranitar so it would make more sense to add more energy acceleration and item based draw power with that space.
This isn't Primal Groudon so you're gonna attack asap with Yveltal so ending your turn without attacking will suck. And M Ty will be a beast when set up but you need time. M Ray will most likely take out Yveltal from its first turn of attacking so to compensate for this, use Oblivion Wing and Mega Turbo in 1 turn then attach DCE next turn.
I'm not worried about Primal Groudon, I'm worried about Machamp EX/Ariados which does 160 + poison in one turn for FFC, and it's an easy and cheap deck to build, and sets up fast. Also I think there is a solid counter to head ringer, it's called Banette. Also it helps slow down sceptile and other mega decks quite a bit as their spirit link is now next to useless. And I mean this Banette, note do not play it against fighting decks as weakness policy will be useless.
Banette tool counter.jpg
And for the love of glob who needs team magma's hidden base (TMHB) when you have options like Gengar and fing absol?
I'm not worried about Primal Groudon, I'm worried about Machamp EX/Ariados which does 160 + poison in one turn for FFC, and it's an easy and cheap deck to build, and sets up fast. Also I think there is a solid counter to head ringer, it's called Banette. Also it helps slow down sceptile and other mega decks quite a bit as their spirit link is now next to useless. And I mean this Banette, note do not play it against fighting decks as weakness policy will be useless.
View attachment 8634
But that would be a double edged sword since your Spirit Links wont work as well.

Head Ringer isn't much of a problem with Theta Double since when you are going to Mega Evolve you would most likely have a tool in your hand to attach next turn. Even if your opponent places a Head Ringer, Tool Retriever or Xerosic will get rid of HR and you can put something else on it.
Here's food for thought: what about Lucky Rock/Charm (someone spot check me on the card name) for Yveltal XY? It helps against the Groudon match-up and provides more draw power, making you able to build up Mega Tyranitar faster in theory.
I haven't tried out the deck myself with proxies, but the general consensus seems to be a deck that gets you energy and damage counters on enemy pokemon in the most efficent matter.

Everyone keeps saying bats is a good idea but in my opinion they don't really seem that needed.

This is a decklist currently used in the post bandit ring meta they have there, thought this might be interesting for the people trying to think of the best M Tyr deck possible:


Only thing I don't understand here is Tierno, just about any list i've seen from japan uses Tierno, cant figure out why.
But that would be a double edged sword since your Spirit Links wont work as well.

Head Ringer isn't much of a problem with Theta Double since when you are going to Mega Evolve you would most likely have a tool in your hand to attach next turn. Even if your opponent places a Head Ringer, Tool Retriever or Xerosic will get rid of HR and you can put something else on it.
The Spirit Link would still be used by you as all you have to do is mega evolve 2 t-tar by the time it's in play/1 t-tar because once Banette is out Mega Secptile is going to lose a LOT of speed, to the point where you can just wreck them while they try to recover. And "head ringer won't be a problem" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's like saying a kick to the nads is painless because you can just cut them off. It sucks either way, and there's not many other ways to put up with head ringer. Xerosic is iffy at best and tool retriever is even more rarely seen. This is just crazy.
I haven't tried out the deck myself with proxies, but the general consensus seems to be a deck that gets you energy and damage counters on enemy pokemon in the most efficent matter.

Everyone keeps saying bats is a good idea but in my opinion they don't really seem that needed.

This is a decklist currently used in the post bandit ring meta they have there, thought this might be interesting for the people trying to think of the best M Tyr deck possible:


Only thing I don't understand here is Tierno, just about any list i've seen from japan uses Tierno, cant figure out why.
While I do like that list (the hidden card above letter is a robo sub I think), the things I truly don't understand are the red card, one stadium, malamar EX (YOU SHOULD BE PLACING DAMAGE via Gengar EX DAMMIT), asides from that and 3 Bad Energy I see no problems with the list.
The Spirit Link would still be used by you as all you have to do is mega evolve 2 t-tar by the time it's in play/1 t-tar because once Banette is out Mega Secptile is going to lose a LOT of speed, to the point where you can just wreck them while they try to recover. And "head ringer won't be a problem" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's like saying a kick to the nads is painless because you can just cut them off. It sucks either way, and there's not many other ways to put up with head ringer. Xerosic is iffy at best and tool retriever is even more rarely seen. This is just crazy.
I don't know what your first half of the paragraph is saying so please reword it clearly. So you're saying you hold off the Banette until you Mega Evolve Tyranitar?

Secondly, the only decks that play Head Ringer are Toad decks and maybe some Manectric decks and they usually only run 2. Running 4 is over kill and is useless.
Stop taking what I said out of context. Did you read the rest of what I said or are you just quote mining because you know your argument is baseless? Your analogy is such a poor parallel to what I said.
when you are going to Mega Evolve you would most likely have a tool in your hand to attach next turn
That's the rest of what I said. If they do have HR in their hand but you played a Spirit Link to Tyranitar, they can't play a tool onto him. When you Mega Evolve to Mega Tyranitar, you can then attach another tool and bam! Head Ringer can't be attached to him. Unless they use Xerosic or Startling Megaphone.

People are just saying the double Head Ringer thingy because they're just worrying for no reason. I understand. Happens when you get excited for something you start worrying about what could go wrong.
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I don't know what your first half of the paragraph is saying so please reword it clearly. So you're saying you hold off the Banette until you Mega Evolve Tyranitar?

Secondly, the only decks that play Head Ringer are Toad decks and maybe some Manectric decks and they usually only run 2. Running 4 is over kill and is useless.
Stop taking what I said out of context. Did you read the rest of what I said or are you just quote mining because you know your argument is baseless? Your analogy is such a poor parallel to what I said.

That's the rest of what I said. If they do have HR in their hand but you played a Spirit Link to Tyranitar, they can't play a tool onto him. When you Mega Evolve to Mega Tyranitar, you can then attach another tool and bam! Head Ringer can't be attached to him. Unless they use Xerosic or Startling Megaphone.

People are just saying the double Head Ringer thingy because they're just worrying for no reason. I understand. Happens when you get excited for something you start worrying about what could go wrong.
I did mean that I hold off on the Banette until I mega evolve. In the XY+ format I believe that a head ringer or two in nearly every deck isn't that far off since no one runs cards that remove it and it is highly disruptive. I never said that anyone would run 4 head ringer, I did however say run 4 Spirit Link. I miss read your comment about Spirit Linking t-tar, so I thought you meant not attaching it until after you mega evolved + another tool.

Why do people talk big about head ringer and stuff killing t-tar when they couldn't ko it with the decks they actually build?

Also I am nerd rage fighting about a deck list for a card that's only out in Japan, on an online pokemon fan website, I have never been more of a geek or proud of my geekness.
I did mean that I hold off on the Banette until I mega evolve. In the XY+ format I believe that a head ringer or two in nearly every deck isn't that far off since no one runs cards that remove it and it is highly disruptive.
Have you been living under a Golem for the past few weeks? During the US Nationals stream, people mentioned how Xerosic is creeping its way into decks now. It's a pretty versatile card as it can discard a Special Energy or Tool attached to one of your Pokemon or your opponent's. Saying no one runs it is not only inaccurate but shows a statement without any proof.
I haven't tried out the deck myself with proxies, but the general consensus seems to be a deck that gets you energy and damage counters on enemy pokemon in the most efficent matter.

Everyone keeps saying bats is a good idea but in my opinion they don't really seem that needed.

This is a decklist currently used in the post bandit ring meta they have there, thought this might be interesting for the people trying to think of the best M Tyr deck possible:


Only thing I don't understand here is Tierno, just about any list i've seen from japan uses Tierno, cant figure out why.

So the only cards to turn on M TTar are 3 Dangerous Energies? I wonder how well that performs, do you happen to have some videos of it in action?
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