Devin, you understand that M Aggron requires flip reliance and is therefore inconsistent? And Primal Groudon sees almost no play because of Vespiquen being so prominent?
I'm not saying they're great, I'm saying they're better.
I don't care what you guys think! Tyranitar and Crobat is the all-time most powerful deck there is! I win second place or even first place in the pokemon league almost everyday!
Just because you win at your local league frequently doesn't mean the deck is "the most powerful there is". Your league most likely doesn't play the by the regular meta seen at most big tournaments. And saying you don't care what anyone thinks doesn't really add discussion, you're pretty much just shutting down discussion completely.
Mega T-Tar going into regionals had a little bit of hype, but overall failed. The idea of having both Mega Turbo AND Dark patch made Mega T-Tar seem very fast, but fact was that it was easily out classed by Turbo Yveltal variants, which dominated both AZ and Huston regionals. Mega T-Tar also had sketchy match-ups that didn't really give it any reason to be played. Yveltal destroys because of T-Tars energy cost, Donphan destroys because weakness and prize trade, Mega Ray destroys because faster and easier set up, Giratina/Seismitoad destroys because of Mega T-Tar's Mega stage, and then there's Archeops. Archeops COMPLETELY shut's down Mega T-Tar because it keeps Mega T-Tar and bates lines from evolving. Archeops was tech'd into so many things in regionals, so overall T-Tar had no and has no chance in expanded format.
So what about standard? Well. Giratina EX is a thing, Regice is a thing, Mega Mewtwo Y might become a thing, fighting variants are things, and T-Tar is way too slow without Dark Patch. And the problem with slow mega's like that is the fact if your opponent has Lysandre, you're pretty much done for before you can even set up. That's why Primal Ground is straight up better. Fighting has more support, and Primal Groudon can't be Lysandre'd because of Omega Barrier.
So pretty much overall, Mega T-Tar is trash. Compared to most other decks, it just doesn't have any reason to be played. Will it maybe get a reason to be played later on? Probably not. If you wanna have fun with the deck, go ahead, but there is absolutely no reason at all for you to be trying to make Mega T-Tar competitive in any way shape or form. It's just a bad pick. (I think my point is made)