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Machamp's Trade Thread! H: LT Booster Packs, Player Rewards, FA EX's W: Flashfire, Shinings!

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RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

zega90 said:
Mate would you like to check my list for:

Registeel EX FA
Regigias EX FA


I don't check lists. You either have something in my wants, or you don't.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

I will trade My:
Watchog(Watcheck) Near Mint
Giratina PS Jagged holo or non holo Gem Mint
For Your Registeel EX

not registeel I ment to say darkrai binder sorry
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

thepokepowershow said:
I will trade My:
Watchog(Watcheck) Near Mint
Giratina PS Jagged holo or non holo Gem Mint
For Your Registeel EX

not registeel I ment to say darkrai binder sorry

That is... not a good trade. No thanks.

Pokepuzzle said:
do you have any meta shinies?

By meta shiny's, do you mean BW shinies, or BW shinies that are good? Either way, the only one I have is Zoroark.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

I want it.

Would you do that + Any FA EX for my thundurus EX?
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

Pokepuzzle said:
I want it.

Would you do that + Any FA EX for my thundurus EX?

Would you throw in 10 PF codes? Or 8 PF codes and Watchog EP (preferred trade)? And is Reshiram EX FA good? Let me know, thanks!
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

Machamp the Champion said:
Pokepuzzle said:
I want it.

Would you do that + Any FA EX for my thundurus EX?

Would you throw in 10 PF codes? Or 8 PF codes and Watchog EP (preferred trade)? And is Reshiram EX FA good? Let me know, thanks!

I can add in the 10 codes if you do regigigas instead of reshiram?
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

Pokepuzzle said:
Machamp the Champion said:
Would you throw in 10 PF codes? Or 8 PF codes and Watchog EP (preferred trade)? And is Reshiram EX FA good? Let me know, thanks!

I can add in the 10 codes if you do regigigas instead of reshiram?

I can do that. I should say that the Zoroark has a bit of edge wear on the back, and a scratch on the front. I can get pictures of it if you like.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

woah. that might change things depending on how bad it is.

HQ pictures would be fantastic, thanks.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

Here you go. It's not exactly high quality, but they get the point across. Sorry for the delay. My computer had an error and shut down without warning. X_X


Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't even know until I looked at it to check it's condition.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

because of that

could you add in this? Thundurus FA [D]

let me know thanks.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

Pokepuzzle said:
because of that

could you add in this? Thundurus FA [D]

let me know thanks.

Hmmmmm... I think I'll have to pass then. I understand the reason for increasing the value, but I already have 2 Thundurus EX, and the 3rd is just for luxury, and if I trade those cards, I'm just going to try and trade for them again. Thanks anyways, and sorry for the confusion. Note to self: don't trade with little kids at league without checking the condition first.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Thundurus EX!

fine I'll do the trade originally T_T

PM me..
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Dunno

would you be interested in

1x Deoxys EX full art
1x Thundurus EX full art

but not as upgrades (meaning what I want in exchange is other stuff, not a regular deoxys/thundurus + stuff)
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Dunno

I want your Lugia legend but only have FA colress from your upgrade wants
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Dunno

Pokepuzzle said:
would you be interested in

1x Deoxys EX full art
1x Thundurus EX full art

but not as upgrades (meaning what I want in exchange is other stuff, not a regular deoxys/thundurus + stuff)

I'm a little interested in the Deoxys, but I don't really want to trade FA's or anything like that since they're both collection wants. Sorry.

KeldeoOwns said:
I want your Lugia legend but only have FA colress from your upgrade wants

I wouldn't trade for a collection want with another piece of my coloection. Sorry.
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Dunno

Keldeo EX Promo

4x Blend WLFM (Player Rewards)
2x Eviolite (Player Rewards)

Here's other stuff I have for you to counter if necessary, I really want those Blends and Eviolites!

2x Gothitelle EPO 47 (I'd prefer not to trade these if possible, but they're still on the table)
1x Watchog EPO
3x Float Stone
2x Level Ball
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Dunno

I also have:

1x Keldeo EX set
1x Keldeo EX Promo
1x Celebi EX
1x Gold Potion

These are all deck wants, yes?

Interested in these:

Registeel EX FA
Ho-oh EX FA

lmk the difference, I can add some more codes or something if you want.
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