Finished Mafia LV : Let's Go (Kanto)

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**The Safari Zone is now open. The following Pokemon are available

1 - Kabutops - TM03 - Swords Dance
2 - AlolanDugtrio - TM26 - Earthquake
3 - Muk - TM08 - Body Slam
4 - Fartfetch'd - TM02 - Razor Wind
5 - Primeape - TM18 - Counter
6 - AlolanRaichu - TM24 - Thunderbolt
7 - Nidoking - TM07 - Horn Drill
8 - Electrode - TM47 - Explosion
9 - AlolanMuk - TM50 - Substitute
10 - Golem - TM36 - Selfdestruct
11 - Charizard - TM19 - Seismic Toss
12 - Alakazam - TM46 - Psywave
13 - Poliwrath - TM17 - Submission
14 - Dodrio - TM49 - Tri Attack
15 - Parasect - TM22 - SolarBeam
16 - Dugtrio - TM28 - Dig
17 - AlolanNinetale - TM13 - Ice Beam
18 - Tentacruel - HM03 - Surf
19 - Ditto - TM31 - Mimic
20 - Starmie - TM11 - BubbleBeam
21 - Hitmonlee - TM05 - Mega Kick
22 - Kingler - HM01 - Cut
23 - Vileplume - TM21 - Mega Drain
24 - MegaGengar - HM05 - Flash
25 - Venomoth - TM02 - Razor Wind
26 - Venusaur - TM27 - Fissure
27 - Scyther - TM32 - Double Team
28 - Golduck - HM05 - Flash
29 - Tangela - TM44 - Rest
30 - Mewtwo - TM29 - Psychic
31 - Slowbro - TM09 - Take Down
32 - Machamp - TM19 - Seismic Toss
33 - Gengar - TM42 - Dream Eater
34 - MegaBeedril - TM32 - Double Team
35 - Flareon - TM20 - Rage
36 - Aerodactyl - HM02 - Fly
37 - Seadra - TM12 - Water Gun
38 - Hitmonchan - TM01 - Mega Punch
39 - Pidgeot - TM43 - Sky Attack
40 - Clefable - TM35 - Metronome
41 - MegaMewtwoX - TM01 - Mega Punch
42 - Missing No. # - TM45 - Thunder Wave
43 - Jynx - TM14 - Blizzard
44 - AlolanPersian - TM16 - Pay Day
45 - Victreebel - TM08 - Body Slam
46 - MegaMewtwoY - TM30 - Teleport
47 - Magneton - TM49 - Tri Attack
48 - Cloyster - TM33 - Reflect
49 - Dragonite - TM15 - Hyper Beam
50 - MegaCharizardX - TM23 - Dragon Rage
51 - AlolanExeggutor - TM37 - Egg Bomb
52 - MegaCharizardY - HM02 - Fly
53 - Rapidash - TM05 - Mega Kick
54 - MegaAerodactyl - TM48 - Rock Slide
55 - Zapdos - TM25 - Thunder
56 - Raticate - TM39 - Swift
57 - MegaVenusaur - TM22 - SolarBeam
58 - Magmar - TM38 - Fire Blast
59 - MegaKangaskhan - TM10 - Double-Edge
60 - Golbat - TM06 - Toxic
61 - Electabuzz - TM25 - Thunder
62 - Arcanine - TM38 - Fire Blast
63 - Nidoqueen - TM26 - Earthquake

**The Following Pokemon are in the Underground Dungeon

1 - AlolanSandslash - TM03 - Swords Dance
2 - Butterfree - TM21 - Mega Drain
3 - Kanghaskhan - HM04 - Strength
4 - Lapras - TM13 - Ice Beam
5 - MegaAlakazam - TM29 - Psychic
6 - MegaBlastoise - TM40 - Skull Bash
7 - Melmetal - TM31 - Mimic
8 - Porygon - TM50 - Substitute
So. Scattered is dead. ...does anyone want to point fingers at me yet?
Hey folks Dusk Form Lycanroc here!

I find it kind of interesting that @NinjaPenguin sort of started the Nick bandwagon here:

Nick hasn't cared one bit about finding scum this game he's only concerned with the votes on him.
##UNVOTE: Zone Q11
##VOTE: TeamAqua4Life #HEYNICK

and then far too quickly in my opinion @Celever followed him up:

Good point I'll match you on that. Pretty much as strong as Day 1 reads get.

##VOTE: Nick

An then out of the blue NP asks Cel this:

Hey Cel wanna be part of my towncore with Vom?

Would it not be impossible for NP and Cel to be scumbuddys? And if there's a third scum i would say @Vom could be him.
##VOTE: Celever
Hey folks Dusk Form Lycanroc here!

I find it kind of interesting that @NinjaPenguin sort of started the Nick bandwagon here:

and then far too quickly in my opinion @Celever followed him up:

An then out of the blue NP asks Cel this:

Would it not be impossible for NP and Cel to be scumbuddys? And if there's a third scum i would say @Vom could be him.
##VOTE: Celever
Correction: Would it be impossible
Rhydon, Seaking, Gyarados, Moltres, Mew, AlolanGolem, AlolanMarowak, MegaGyarados, MegaSlowbro were taken.
Would it not be impossible for NP and Cel to be scumbuddys? And if there's a third scum i would say @Vom could be him.
##VOTE: Celever
Towncore can't be 100% scum. Celever being scum is not a problem for me however.
##VOTE: Celever
No, i really don't see any proof that your scum
In that case you are in for loads and loads of nonsense from me.
@mordacazir - Not active at all after saying how Zone is acting like PMJ during D1. Quite hypocritical of you
True, this was quite hypocritical of me but nobody called me that RVS is over:p No sorry I just had some school work to do and forgot about this.
The person who I'm voting is Nick.
GamePheonix because they haven't posted yet.
Share your opinion on the spiciest read you have.
>says he's going to vote for Nick; proceeds to vote me a few posts later
Ugh I'm really believing Nick's AtE right now but that means I need to go somewhere else that seems feasible. I guess I'll:
##UNVOTE: TeamAqua4Life #HEYNICK
##VOTE: mordacazir
Ehmmm isn't AtE supposed to convince you to not lynch scum (or town in this case), and is exactly why sometimes somebody is lynched? What is so special about Nicks AtE that you believe him?
So. Scattered is dead. ...does anyone want to point fingers at me yet?
Are you saying you would have killed scattered if scum?
Ehmmm isn't AtE supposed to convince you to not lynch scum (or town in this case), and is exactly why sometimes somebody is lynched? What is so special about Nicks AtE that you believe him?
No AtE is an outdated scumtell you need to ask yourself if it's natural or false and what mindset wrote it.
Because NP could easily be town and voted Nick because he truly believed he was scum and then Celever if he is scum saw a chance to lynch a townie and jumped on it
I see a lot of "could" kind of words from you. Why specifically are you believing this is what happened as opposed to the other possibilities out there that could be occurring?
Hello! I'm here. I slept peacefully and I can semi-clear someone.
For now I'm gonna say: Luis is incredibly likely to be town.
If you're voting me for being in the towncore, please quote the post where I agreed to it, or remove my vote. I ignored NP's post very deliberately: as he said, towncore has to be 100% that everyone else in there is town. I'm not that with NP or Vom yet as it's way too early, but pointing that out is pointless sparks on Day 1. Thus I ignored the post entirely.

If you're voting me for applying pressure to Nick, without it we lose. Dusk (idk how you like your name shortened?), what Zone just did to you is exactly the same as what I did to NP: voted on a lynch very soon after someone starts it to get a better response. It's nick's thing that his response sucked until it was too late. Also, don't forget that Nick wasn't my first vote of the day: I had a disposition to getting rid of him to start with because he probably would drop later given track record and mess the game up.

This is where I l'm mean the to vote someone for being scum, but I'm not sure where to go from here. Zone is pinging all over my radar but he's playing the victim enough so that I don't think a lynch on him will pick up speed. He's still putting 0 effort into helping the town which I think is why someone before said he seems jestery (not his joking) so it should pick up speed, but we should also be meeting our global environmental targets to prevent climate change. Sometimes stuff just don't happen :shrug:
*points fingers*

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure at this point we're mostly convinced you're town but won't be helpful.
So you are willing to lynch a town while thinking said person is a town? We likely have two scum and one neutral. That leaves us with eight town. Two are already dead, and iwn again (which I HIGHLY predict you all will do) then all will come down to four town. that I have said it out loud, you are right. Let's lynch me and get you all some motivation to actually scumhunt.
##VOTE: Zone Q11
I guessed that from reading day 1 o_O
...hooray! --hey by the way, what do you read off of mordacazir?
Are you saying you would have killed scattered if scum?
I thought it was well known, but: Yes. I would've gone for scattered first regardless of both our alignments, had I been granted a killing role. After him comes you, and then Celever. After that... well, after that nothing. --ah. The regardless of alignment thing was only for scattered by the way. The reason is because A) because he is a big threat regardless of alignment and B) because of what happened in NUF. :p
Hello! I'm here. I slept peacefully and I can semi-clear someone.
For now I'm gonna say: Luis is incredibly likely to be town.
...and where exactly does this lead you to? Forgive me if I understand this wrong, but by giving us this information, would you not have put yourself at risk?
Because if you flip scum, then Luis' role can still be both. Your claim would only be acknowledged if you flip town.
This is where I l'm mean the to vote someone for being scum, but I'm not sure where to go from here. Zone is pinging all over my radar but he's playing the victim enough so that I don't think a lynch on him will pick up speed. He's still putting 0 effort into helping the town which I think is why someone before said he seems jestery (not his joking) so it should pick up speed, but we should also be meeting our global environmental targets to prevent climate change. Sometimes stuff just don't happen :shrug:
This is a weak argument, but how about going for Luis? I know he's only posted four times because of RL circumstances, but his last post isn't quite... "good".

--by the way Celever, after reading Nick's Abilities, I thought finally understood what happened. I thought that you had used your ability on me, but that wouldn't have made sense at all, since I would've followed your votes every time you voted. other words, either it was another's ability, or it was something random.
I have read your reason as to why you did it, but guess what? It only gave me a reason to vote you! --so unless you have a very good reason as to why I shouldn't vote you and/or Luis, then you will say it now. the way, somebody used Persian. Whoever did that will have a +1 vote.
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