Finished Mafia XXXVI: Werewolves of the Interspectaculars ~ Game Over! Congratulations, Interspectaculars!

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I'm not sure I understand... You're voting me because of the "You're another Squirtle" comment? What kind of a reason is that? I'd be incredibly stupid if I thought that was a good reason to lynch SS. XD
In that comment you also voted for SS.
Do you want me to take my vote off of him? As of now, I don't feel him to be scum, but I don't have a reason to suspect anyone else, either... Or, wait, just blindly following you would make me scummy too, wouldn't it? I'd be too eager to please. -_-
Well let's see, you don't think SS is scum, so you tell me whether or not you should unvote.
When under suspicion, my playstyle is to lurk, read, re-read, re-re-read, etc. until I find a good way to reply. Otherwise I'd just look like a panicky scum
So you're afraid of looking scummy?
I'm not sure I understand... You're voting me because of the "You're another Squirtle" comment? What kind of a reason is that? I'd be incredibly stupid if I thought that was a good reason to lynch SS. XD
All of the comments I've posted so far have been RVS and a bandwagon. And I jumped on the bandwagon, but I don't plan to actually lynch SS. Not only would that be a horrible way to go out, but I would feel terrible about it. Do you want me to take my vote off of him? As of now, I don't feel him to be scum, but I don't have a reason to suspect anyone else, either... Or, wait, just blindly following you would make me scummy too, wouldn't it? I'd be too eager to please. -_-

Ooh, while I was typing, this was posted. As it fits me, too, I'll reply as well.
I honestly had no idea this was a big thing for SS. Because I'm rather unobservant, I didn't realize going out for a dumb reason was a trail that had followed him. One of the reasons I started playing WW in the first place was to work on my observation skills.
So, I repeat, I will unvote SS if people want me to. Even if it makes me look like eager-to-please scum.

Ahh, I see. That makes sense.
When under suspicion, my playstyle is to lurk, read, re-read, re-re-read, etc. until I find a good way to reply. Otherwise I'd just look like a panicky scum. Until now, I haven't been able to think of anything. My head has been filled with band competitions and struggles my friends are going through. I realize this sounds like a lame excuse, but it's the honest truth. Make of that what you will.
@Reinforce , @King Xerneas , or anyone really, if you want to ask me more, fire away. I'll respond as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go over and over and over the cases again.

Hmmm I don't like much of this post... Don't unvote me just cos people ask you too. You've said it already thAt you don't want to lynch me so realistically you should have unvoted by now. Don't let people tell what you to do because you're playing blindly. You've got a vote and an opinion so use them!

A town aligned player shouldn't worry about looking scummy because ultimately they are still town aligned. The more you say you worry about appearing scummy the more you look scummy.

Anyways: @everyone else I'm still the majority lynch and there's less than 24 hours of this day...

Also @PikaMasterJesi im on 4 votes with only 2 people voting me, is this correct?
Ok as for the double vote it's Skyleaf. There's a vote count where pmj, frosstoise and sky are on me with 4 votes, and now sky and Luis are on me with 3 votes.

##vote: quakingpunch you are usually way more active than this plus so far today your minimal posts have barely contained anything. This is unusual for you.
So you bandwagoned on SS, but you were confident he wouldn't be lynched?
Of course he wouldn't be lynched during RVS. Nobody would be dumb enough to put enough votes on someone to be lynched this early on. Plus as far as we know we have one player with a double vote weight and one with a vote weight of 0, it would've taken 8 people with the double vote weight to lynch him and with how activity stands, that would've been next to impossible.

Why did you vote for SS if your intention all along was to unvote him if his lynch actually gained momentum?
Breh it was RVS, chill

Why didn't you want to use the save button?
Save button? I almost never use my computer, so I don't even think I have that option on mobile. Even if I did, I don't even know a fraction of what I can do on Xenforo tbh.

You don't vote randomly during the first stages of RVS, but then after we've got a few minor leads, you vote randomly for NP?
Ah yes vote for a lead including me, SS, and PMJ. I've already pointed out I had no reason to vote for either of them. Did I think PMJ's vote was unjust? No. Did I think SS was panicky? No. Did I participate in RVS, which is grounds for suspicion all of a sudden? Yes.

Was it your scumchat you had to respond to?
Mobile usage doesn't allow me to get notifications from QT's. I have to hop onto another page entirely to even see if there was a new QT post, so I couldn't get a notification from another site entirely.

The contradiction is that you didn't want to vote for SS and PMJ here, but you were willing to vote for NP in just your last post––and SS earlier in the game!––for as much reason.
What did NP do? What did SS do earlier? Nothing. I think you're looking at this a little too hard and with the idea I'm scum. You have to look at it from both sides to make an actual judgement. RVS is simply RVS, and this is the first RVS stage I've participated in since Grima's Rebirth. My votes may not be entirely random all the time, but OMGUS this early on serves as RVS for me.

That's a massive contradiction there. You don't don't vote until you have more than good reason to believe someone is scum? How about SS and NP?
You really don't believe in simple RVS do you? Like I've said above, I don't really participate in RVS, but I knew there'd probably a post quota so I just hopped in.
Ok as for the double vote it's Skyleaf. There's a vote count where pmj, frosstoise and sky are on me with 4 votes, and now sky and Luis are on me with 3 votes.

##vote: quakingpunch you are usually way more active than this plus so far today your minimal posts have barely contained anything. This is unusual for you.

I'm in camp from 9-5 each day of the week where we're not allowed to use cellphones. I'll try to be more active over the weekend.

On the 2 cases right now, I feel like Skyleaf is the way to go.

All of the comments I've posted so far have been RVS and a bandwagon.

So you haven't contributed or posted your thoughts on any other cases at all? Sounds scummy to me.

Not only would that be a horrible way to go out, but I would feel terrible about it.

So you still voted him? The bolded part also reads as AtE to me, which is scummy to resort to as a defense immediately.

I don't have a reason to suspect anyone else, either...

Why don't you suspect anyone else? This also reads like AtE to me as well, like Skyleaf wants to get on our good sides.

My head has been filled with band competitions and struggles my friends are going through. I realize this sounds like a lame excuse, but it's the honest truth. Make of that what you will.

Even more AtE. :X

Really, Skyleaf's post is filled with AtE, and her wanting to do what the majority of others have done, like dos and SS have stated, is the scummiest AtE possible. I also don't like that she lurks when under pressure because it looks like she's just waiting for someone else to be more suspicious than her, which is a classic scum tactic.

##Vote: @Skyleaf2000
Day 1 so fun woop woop.

Did I miss something as to why Camoclone isn't Camo posting?
Of course he wouldn't be lynched during RVS. Nobody would be dumb enough to put enough votes on someone to be lynched this early on. Plus as far as we know we have one player with a double vote weight and one with a vote weight of 0, it would've taken 8 people with the double vote weight to lynch him and with how activity stands, that would've been next to impossible.
All it takes for an RVS wagon to explode is one wrong response from the target.

Breh it was RVS, chill
See responses below.

Save button? I almost never use my computer, so I don't even think I have that option on mobile. Even if I did, I don't even know a fraction of what I can do on Xenforo tbh.
Ahh, fair enough.

Ah yes vote for a lead including me, SS, and PMJ. I've already pointed out I had no reason to vote for either of them. Did I think PMJ's vote was unjust? No. Did I think SS was panicky? No. Did I participate in RVS, which is grounds for suspicion all of a sudden? Yes.
And I've pointed out that you had no reason to vote for the people you did earlier in the game, either. I can accept RVS as a reason for it, but you've mentioned that you don't vote people unless you're certain they're scum. Why did you join in on the RVS this game?

Mobile usage doesn't allow me to get notifications from QT's. I have to hop onto another page entirely to even see if there was a new QT post, so I couldn't get a notification from another site entirely.
AFAIK you can't get notified by a QT anyway. My point was that you "getting sidetracked" could have been an excuse for checking the scumchat; not getting notified by it.

What did NP do? What did SS do earlier? Nothing. I think you're looking at this a little too hard and with the idea I'm scum. You have to look at it from both sides to make an actual judgement. RVS is simply RVS, and this is the first RVS stage I've participated in since Grima's Rebirth. My votes may not be entirely random all the time, but OMGUS this early on serves as RVS for me.
That's the point; NP and SS did nothing, and yet you voted them. NP you OMGUS'd, but SS hadn't even voted you beforehand.

You really don't believe in simple RVS do you? Like I've said above, I don't really participate in RVS, but I knew there'd probably a post quota so I just hopped in.
RVS doesn't last all of D1. And besides, there's a post quota in just about every other game, too. Why this one specifically?
@King Xerneas, who is your top scum read(s)? I know you've said that you don't really have any, but if you had to lynch someone other than yourself, who would it be?

@Everyone on the Sky wagon: Sky isn't scummy. Stop pushing the easy lynch.
All it takes for an RVS wagon to explode is one wrong response from the target.
Then it's no longer RVS which was the entire point of SS not being able to be lynched. He wouldn't be RVS lynched, he could be lynched by being scummy.

And I've pointed out that you had no reason to vote for the people you did earlier in the game, either. I can accept RVS as a reason for it, but you've mentioned that you don't vote people unless you're certain they're scum. Why did you join in on the RVS this game?
It was the RVS phase of the game. Nobody is going to have scumreads at the beginning, why would I be any different? You're taking my stance on scum voting WAY too seriously. I even made a post saying that the game was actually starting which is when my vote goes into reserve, otherwise I'm vote hopping and enjoying the game. I really don't know how that's hard to understand.

That's the point; NP and SS did nothing, and yet you voted them. NP you OMGUS'd, but SS hadn't even voted you beforehand.
Yeah but he had a few votes on him so I just hopped on the bandwagon for sh*ts and giggles, like I've said he wasn't going to be lynched this early on.

RVS doesn't last all of D1. And besides, there's a post quota in just about every other game, too. Why this one specifically?
Did I say it lasted all of D1? No. That's irrelevant and a moot point. Just look at every game I've played in, if I don't jump into the game right away I'll be scrambling to meet the quota, just look at the last game, I was at risk of being modkilled almost the entire time, with bb's case on me being the only time I got to post a bunch. Even look at my playstyle in other games, it's very observational. I mainly lurk and watch from afar until I see something of interest, it's how my brain works as an artist, observing and taking notes. This playstyle however constantly puts me in a scummy light and more importantly puts me at risk of being modkilled. My playstyle is never going to be interrogative. Some people can build cases and question players into oblivion, some do better watching from a distance, and some can do both. I'll usually jump in and comment on things when I know what I want to say. That aside, you can say I'm in a transitional period in my playstyle trying to participate more, but it'll still take time for me to adjust to it.
@King Xerneas, who is your top scum read(s)? I know you've said that you don't really have any, but if you had to lynch someone other than yourself, who would it be?
Well there's not much to go off of since like 5 other players are somewhat actively participating while everyone else seems dead. I do find NP leaving strange though, and Camo being absent does give me mixed feelings too. I'm still gauging my suspicions on Sky, so I'll wait until she posts more. It's still too early for me to have a good guess on who scum could be now that we're actually getting into the game. I would save the question until later in the day, maybe even D2 if things are slow.
Then it's no longer RVS which was the entire point of SS not being able to be lynched. He wouldn't be RVS lynched, he could be lynched by being scummy.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. It wouldn't be RVS anymore, but the point is the same.

It was the RVS phase of the game. Nobody is going to have scumreads at the beginning, why would I be any different? You're taking my stance on scum voting WAY too seriously. I even made a post saying that the game was actually starting which is when my vote goes into reserve, otherwise I'm vote hopping and enjoying the game. I really don't know how that's hard to understand.
So from what I understand reading through your answers below, you joined RVS this game due to a transitional period in your playstyle? Fair enough; I was accused of something similar back in Future In Stasis. It's a WIFOMy point, though, so I'm not sure this really gives you much town cred.

Yeah but he had a few votes on him so I just hopped on the bandwagon for sh*ts and giggles, like I've said he wasn't going to be lynched this early on.
Alright, I'll buy that.

Did I say it lasted all of D1? No. That's irrelevant and a moot point. Just look at every game I've played in, if I don't jump into the game right away I'll be scrambling to meet the quota, just look at the last game, I was at risk of being modkilled almost the entire time, with bb's case on me being the only time I got to post a bunch. Even look at my playstyle in other games, it's very observational. I mainly lurk and watch from afar until I see something of interest, it's how my brain works as an artist, observing and taking notes. This playstyle however constantly puts me in a scummy light and more importantly puts me at risk of being modkilled. My playstyle is never going to be interrogative. Some people can build cases and question players into oblivion, some do better watching from a distance, and some can do both. I'll usually jump in and comment on things when I know what I want to say. That aside, you can say I'm in a transitional period in my playstyle trying to participate more, but it'll still take time for me to adjust to it.
See responses above.

Well there's not much to go off of since like 5 other players are somewhat actively participating while everyone else seems dead. I do find NP leaving strange though, and Camo being absent does give me mixed feelings too. I'm still gauging my suspicions on Sky, so I'll wait until she posts more. It's still too early for me to have a good guess on who scum could be now that we're actually getting into the game. I would save the question until later in the day, maybe even D2 if things are slow.
All right. LMK when you find a read.

Okay, so why isn't she scummy after she AtEd, said that she would do whatever people told her to do, and was worried about looking scummy?
Basically what SS said. Sky still isn't very experienced. All of those are things new town does just as much as scum.

Lol and this is coming from someone pushing a lynch on me, k.
You're significantly scummier than Sky, and you're not a new player. The situations aren't at all the same.
You're significantly scummier than Sky, and you're not a new player. The situations aren't at all the same.
The point is that in two games I was noted to be an easy lynch for scum to push. So by telling them to lay off the Sky lynch because it's easy, is the same argument for the last two games where scum tried to push a lynch on me.
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