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Magnegatr (Masters, Any tourny)


Now with one fewer 's'
3-2-3-1 Magnexone Prime/Lv. X
2-2-2 Feraligatr Prime
4x Spiritomb AR
1x Azelf
1x Uxie

Pokémon: 21

2x Pokémon Collector
3x BTS
2x Rare Candy
2x Interviewer's Questions
2x Pokémon Communication
2x Bebe's Search
2x Judge
1x Palmer's Contribution
2x Vs. Seeker
1x Luxury Ball

T/S/S: 20

5x Electric Energy
13x Water Energy
2x Rescue Energy

Energy: 20

Strategy: Use Feraligatr's power to attach as many energy as possible per turn, and hit with Magnezone for massive damage. Magnezone's power can be used for drawpower (yay!). The problems this deck has are mostly DGX (which kills it) and Umbreon UD (which kills it brutally).
I'd have some unown Q (I'd say 1-3). 4 Crobat G's are also needed to get the last 10 HP out of a Luxray or Garchomp.
Hmmm... This is an interesting deck. I'd have to say:

-2 Expert Belt
-4 Water Energy

All those energy can slow down your set-up. Sure, you'll need them to attack, but you need to set-up at lest two Stage 2's before you can do that. Expert Belts are not needed, considering that you can do as much damage as needed. I wouldn't use them.

+1 BTS
+1 IQ
+2 Pokemon Communication/Bebe's Search
+2 Double Colourless Energy

Max BTS is a necessity, another IQ will help get you energy, you need more search cards to set up Zone and Gatr, and Double Colourless can speed up Magnezone.

You may want to look into Crobat G's, but I'll leave that up to you.
I've tried Crobat G, it slowed it down a lot... I prefer using E-Belt if i need extra to get the OHKO.
After testing this deck out, I'm on the edge about more BTS. I can get them out quick enough usually, and the Spiritomb really helps a lot.
The DCE has really no point in this deck... for Magnezone, it's energy cards, not just energy. And Magnezone's attack costs 1 electric and 1 colorless. Otherwise, I would definitely have some.
I agree with the Crobat it is a shame being 10 damage shy of KOing Garchomp and Luxray X (or having to waste 3 energy to do it). Sticking expert belts on Pokemon should be only done if you simply do not have any other choice, or can get a crucial KO off (I have seen many people including myself lose games just because they stick on expert belts not thinking ahead). If you were to belt zone to kill a chomp or Ray they obviously will just bring up Promocroak and hit you for 130 while you die of poison because Magnezone won't be going anywhere anytime soon with that giant retreat unless you manage to top deck 1 of the 2 warp points in this deck.

So all in all I think adding some Crobats and turns maybe beneficial in order to hit the magic number. Not only for conserving energy which your whole attack plan is based around but it will soften the blow from a revenge KO seeing as they won't be able to get two prizes out of Magnezone.

May I also suggest a heavy line of warp energy? It helps with Magnezone's horrid retreat and you can actually use it as fodder for his attack since you won't need the warp energy after using it's effect anyway.
um..uxie? azelf? uxie x? just a suggestion. doesn't like Every deck need those? also in mine I run magnezone lv X to counteract fighting weakness
ok i have a deck similar to this, and i ran it with a line of 2-2 'Lanturn prime'
i only have 2 spiritombs and 2 uxies, but the who crobat thing i find cloggs my deck up.
so heres what i recommend :)
2 Spiritombs
1 azelf
2 crobats
2 cyrus conspiracy
2 poketurns

2 Uxies
2-2 Lanturn Prime
1-1-1 Magnezone Prime
(hes a good draw power and a good last minute sweep if you've got Feraligatrs on the bench or Lanturns)
Uhmm I would drop the azelf and add 2 smeargles and 1 unown Q instead if your not gonna run uxie. You really will need smeargle with your very low and not consistent supporter line. And you need a zone x for donphan and machamp matchups
@Toxicated13, I'd probably rather focus just on Magnezone; I don't have enough space as it is (I'd really like to run more rare candy/communications/collector/lots of other stuff, just don't have room...), so no Lanturn Prime. I feel like that belongs in its own deck. Spiritomb is my preferred starter, so I'd take it all out or nothing. Azelf is sort of a must for me because I'm running so little rare candies.
I've run out of space, so no more Crobat G... I will add in Maggy X for fighting-types.
Smeargle doesn't do much in this deck; I'd rather use Spiritomb to evolve near the beginning and get Magnetic Draw going quickly.
Update updated!
problem is that magnetic draw is gonna give u sh1t if you dont run more interviewers question. Smeargle is a must imo cuz if you dont start with tomb youll probably start with a lone totodile 4 energies a candy and a bts.... you need atleast 2 of him and definatly unown Q or just go with 4 collectors or 4 bebes
Just wondering, how does feraligatr's rain dance help you get set up at all?

His rain dance clearly states that you can only attach water energies onto water type pokemon, of which only feraligatr is in your deck, and you have nothing to move the energies onto magnezone so you'll surely just be stuck with a powered up feraligatr but nothing much else
@BubbleTea: that takes up more space than I'd like, and Smeargle still has the retreat cost problem even with Unown Q. I will add another IQ, though, that's a good point.
No I don't. Believe me, with my Magnezones, I have such ludicrous drawpower, that I haven't ever thought, "Oh, I wish I had a(n) Uxie right now." It's that awesome.
I am running this deck too, and all I have too say is YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE UXIE!!!!!! trust me since this deck will not be as consistent early game you need a quick way to grab cards that are needed to get Magnezone, + this deck has tons of bench space so there is absolutely no reason not to run Uxie. (also personally I would thin the Feraligatr line to 2-2-2)
I might do 2-2-2 Feraligatr, but I have really never had a problem with not having any Uxie (to be honest, there's hardly enough space as it is. If I took out some of the Feraligatr line, I would add in Bronzong SF instead). And as far as bench space goes, I usually have 1 Magnezone line, 1 Azelf, 1 Feraligatr, 1 Spiritomb (starter), and either another Magnezone line or Feraligatr line (it hurts when your only Feraligatr gets sniped...).