marching band/orchestra members?


been here forevs yo
you know, just wondering, like if any of you guys play in band or orchestra, what instraments you play, around the grade level of your music.

I play percussion, so it really depends on the day about what instrament I play. But I like the marimba the best. Im in 7th grade, so you can guess around whatever level I play.
Lol, there's a funny stereotype about band people in my school. I play the bass, and bass guitar for orchestra.
woo. Band discussion thread. :D

I play Flute, and I'm a sophomore, my class does some annoyingly technical pieces.
Juliacoolo-what stereotype?
Power of Three-Your welcome and, even though Im in 7th grade, and my musics lower, for my level, I KNOW what you mean.
I like my stay at pokebeach very much. I don't wish to get banned.

Anyways, my school district is trying to ban music :( Anyone else's?
I played the violin from 6th grade to 11th grade. I finally realized how much I hated it and didn't sign up for my senior year. and I still don't regret it :]
The Power of Three said:
woo. Band discussion thread. :D

I play Flute, and I'm a sophomore, my class does some annoyingly technical pieces.

I play in an Orchestra* at school, I play violin. I'm only in seventh grade**, but I play very advanced music, such as Boccherini and Hayden. We even have our own string quartets, which are the orchestra divided. We have "gigs", where we play at specific venues. I'm in the quartet of the highest priority :D

IFX: You should have kept playing, the world could use more string players.

JC: Luckily, no. If my school district tried to ban music... I would either move or start a protest.

*Sorry, couldn't resist. The band people at my school are so annoying with all their "wind-instruments-sound-better" crud they give people. Even if that's true, it is because string instruments require a more sophisticated level of intelligence and advancement to play... whoops, went off there again.
**Don't judge ability by grade. My school is an arts school, so we have 6th, 7th, and 8th graders mixed in an orchestra. We're very lucky. :D
I'm a Senior in high school, and I play Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, Violin, Cello, Piano, Marimba, and Baritone. I'm a member of the school's Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Marching Band. I'm currently trying to prepare impressive pieces on Clarinet (my main instrument) for college auditions.

To 42 chocolate: Don't give me that "strings require more intelligence and skill" nonsense. You clearly have no idea what it's like to try and develop a good sound on any wind instrument. Let me tell you, it is not easy at all. Wind players must take years getting everything from their technique to their embouchure right before even establishing an 'okay' tone quality. Developing a 'great' one is insanity. I've been diligently studying the Clarinet for 8 years and I'm still not quite there. Also, woodwind instruments have over 30 keys, sometimes with 4 or more keys for one finger. That takes an ample amount of intelligence and coordination. Making the performance industry on a wind instrument is also crazy. In a symphony orchestra, how many violinists are there? Maybe... 15? More or less? How many Clarinet players are there? Yeah, that's right, two. Meaning that only two (or three, rarely four) of each wind instrument will make one professional symphony. It's insanely competitive.

So yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that your sophisticated, intelligent, and advanced claim pretty much flops.
In 6th grade, I started the trumpet, but hated it. Then, from 6 grade(about 2 months in) to the end of 8th grade, I played french horn, and-hated it. Lol. Then I wanted to switch BACK to trumpet in 8th grade, but I was like:
"I am not taking band next year so bleh."
IFX: You should have kept playing, the world could use more string players.

you haven't met my orchestra teacher from when i was in 11th grade,

were talking Demon possessed, rude, and words that I am not allowed to say on this forum.

This teacher makes me so sick. To the point that I would rather ditch her class than go in ther for 5 minutes of misery with her.

and i'm not just saying this, I had fun all the other years in orchestra except for this one. Everyone hated her, actually I think she quit after that year because she realized how horrible she was at life.

omg I can write an essay on why I hate her so much.

The teacher has a lot to do with the orchestra. A bad leader makes bad instrument players.

seriously the last memories of my junior year was this annoying, rude lady who needed serious help.

well thats all, i'm gonna poof away now. :]

lol, wind vs brass.....classic wars..

neway, i was in symphonic band, jazz band, full orchestra. i played tenor trombone and bass trombone in jazz/full orch.

weve won many awards and trophies and whatnot....meh.

its alright. lol
The Power of Three said:
woo. Band discussion thread. :D

I play Flute, and I'm a sophomore, my class does some annoyingly technical pieces.

For me?! Flute, piano, piccollo, and a little bit of the harp. :S I play alot of classic stuff cuz my sister and stepdad cover guitar and my sis might do drums.... I like to widen my horizons.
I play the trumpet at UH. As a music major, I know a lot about the different instruments, and I believe that the hardest instrument to play is the French Horn, mainly because the partials are so close together. The hardest to master is the oboe, because it's really hard to double tongue, and the fingerings are rather difficult on those fast passages... :p
I've always wanted one of these threads.

I play the trumpet at my 6th grade band, and play the low part in any band arrangements that are divided. It's pretty fun, but can also be mind-snappingly hard seeing as you only get three valves and have to use your mouth to create higher pitches. The highest I can manage right now is a C, but that's because my school goes from grades 5-7 and it's my first year here.