Matt's Faking Competition - And the winner is...

RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Time for Round 3! Halfway done...

Kingdra * - 90 HP - Water

[W] Squirt
Place 2 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like.

[W][W][C] Dragonbreath 40
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending Pokémon is now paralyzed.

[W][W][W] Dragon Surf 40
This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon. (Do not apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon)

Weakness: [L]
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: [C]
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Time for Round 3! Halfway done...

Poliwrath* HP 90 F

(F)(C) Mega Punch 40

(F)(F)(F) Focus Punch 50
If your opponent has less prizes then you and Poliwrath* is the only Pokemon you have in play discard all F Energy attached to Poliwrath*.
This attack does 30 more damage for every F Energy discarded in this way.

Weakness: P
Retreat Cost: (C)
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Time for Round 3! Halfway done...

About time I reviewed these.

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 45/50 Eh. It doesn't really have anything that makes it stand out, except a terrible second attack. Nice job on the grammar and wording. I guess it could be useful early game.
Bottom Stats: 10/10 Paranoid, are we? :p You don't need to have the -30 unless you actually have a resistance. Look at real cards.
Total Score: 95/100 Now, normally, I would have taken 20 points from you, but you do technically have an attack that does 40 damage. What I meant was 40 to 1, not 10 to 4. I did say "attained however you wish" (and I meant by 40 damage, 20 + 20, 90 - 50, 20 x2, etc), and since it's a rather creative way to get 40 damage, you can keep the 20 points.

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10 It just fits. Lucky!
Body: 47/50 Put, not place. Always put, never place. Dragonbreath and Dragon Surf are underpowered. I would change Dragon Surf's damage to 60. I guess you made sure you got that 40 damage attack requirement, huh?
Bottom Stats: 10/10 I'm not taking points off for this anymore. Kingdra should not have Lightning weak, it should be Colorless. Master of the six kings will get the point back that I docked in this score.
Total Score: 97/100

Master of the six kings
Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 44/50 Some wording errors; the correct term is "Prize cards." A couple grammar mistakes as well. Focus Punch is ridiculously strong, but it isn't that great. Think about it. If you're losing and Poliwrath * is all you got, you get amazing damage, but you lose all your Energy. His first attack costs 2. If your opponent has another attacker built in the back, he can easily take you down before you get set up again (and you really don't have one since you just used Focus Punch's effect.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 94/100

All three new entries did well. ShinyMarshtomp and Crazy Weavile defend their positions in first and second place, respectively. Andyman has jumped into third, and is actually tied with Scipio. Both competitors are two points under Crazy Weavile. He'll have to work hard to stay ahead.

Unfortunately, there is only one person who hasn't made a Round 3 entry yet - DarkCrow. I'm actually late on sending out that 3-day warning, so I will send it right away.

Wait, what's this? DarkCrow was here two days ago and didn't make an entry? Hm... Matt not happy >:[
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Sorry for the delay. Round 4 starts now, DarkCrow is out.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness


110 HP, Psychic
Stage 2, evolves from Haunter

Poke-Body: Spiritual Guard: Gengar can't be affected by any Special Conditions.

(P)(C) Shadow Punch 30

(P)(P)(P)(C)(C) End of the World 80
Discard up to 5 cards from your hand. Then, discard that many cards from the top of your opponent's Deck.

Weakness: (D)
Resistance: (F) -30
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

So, stage 2 that needs to have an attack with 5 energys...

Evolves from Kirlia-Stage 2

PokePower: Calm Mind
If your opponent has any stage 2 evolved pokemon in play, ignore all [c] to pay for Gardevoir's Double Psycic attack and Super Psy Shock attack.

[p][c] Double Psycic
This attack does 30 damage to each defending pokemon.

[p][p][c][c][c] Super Psy Shock 70
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is now paralized.

RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Shiftry 110Hp {D}
Evolves from Nuzleaf
Stage 2

Poke-body : Darker Power
If Shiftry has a Darkness Energy Attached to it,all of Shiftry's attack does 20 more damage and all damage done to Shiftry by the defending pokemon is increased by 10 more damage.

{D}{C} Dark Mend
Search your discard pile for 2 Darkness Energy and atatch it to Shiftry.If you do,remove 2 damage counter from Shiftry.
{D}{D}{D}{C}{C} Darkness Blade 70
This attack isn't effected by Resistance

Weakness : {F}
Resistance: {P} -30
Retreat Cost: {C}
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Tyranitar - 130 HP - Fighting
Evolves from Pupitar
Stage 2

[F][F] Tail Swing 30

[F][C][C] Mending Stones 30
Get up to 2 [F] Energy from your discard pile and add them to your pokémon in any way you like. Put 1 damage counter on Tyranitar for each [F] energy you attach to your Pokémon this way.

[F][F][F][C][C] Rock Impact 100
Discard 2 energy cards attached to Tyranitar, or Tyranitar cannot use this attack during your next 2 turns.

Weakness: [G]
Resistance: [P] -30
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C]
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Alakazam - delta species - 100HP [L]

Poké-power: Super Charge
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a [L] Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Pokémon. Put 2 damage counters on that Pokémon. This power can't be used if Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition.

[L] Psychic Boom 10+
Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to Alakazam and the Defending Pokémon.

[L][L][C][C][C] Giga Volt 10x
Does 10 times the number of damage counters on all of your Benched Pokémon.

Weakness - [P] Resistance - none Retreat Cost - [C][C]
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Crazy Weavile
Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 49/50 The word 'deck' is never capitalized. I think discarding 5 is a little broken, but since the effect is optional and you are losing 5 cards, it's a little fairer. Excellent job.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 99/100

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 45/50 Just for future reference, it's spelled "psychic." Calm Mind is a body, not a power, and its wording can be copied directly from Rayquaza ex d. Super Psy Shock sucks terribly unless Calm Mind is in effect. At least increase the colored cost of the attack, maybe up the damage output by 10. "Paralyzed" is spelled incorrectly.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 95/100

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 45/50 The body should read "If Shiftry has any [D] Energy..." the rest of it is worded wrong. The second attack is a little overpowered; since it is so easy to get Darkness attached to Shiftry, you're paying 130 for 5. Without the body, it becomes more fair. The effect is also pretty worthless, since nothing has Darkness resist. Didn't dock you points for that, though, Darkness resist is possible.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 95/100

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 9/10 130 HP is too much. We're not in D/P generation yet.
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 47/50 Mending Stones is worded a little wrong, and why would you damage Tyranitar for it? It makes him suck more. Rock Impact really doesn't even need the Energy discard, and the effect actually makes it worse; 100 for 5 on a Stage 2 is fine.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 96/100

I don't know why I doubted you'd do this again. A hundred points for you.

The rank is updated. Those that posted obviously passed those that haven't yet. ShinyMarshtomp and Crazy Weavile are still in first and second place, respectively.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

I'd like to note that I gave Tyranitar 130 HP for 2 reasons:
1 - Mending Stones. That alone warrants a tadbit extra HP.
2 - It's retreat cost. Having relative high retreat cost, Energy discard and a self-damaging attack, 120 would make it too vulnerable.

Just saying.

On a side note: Aren't there any Blissey/Wailord cards with over 120 HP non-ex?
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Yikes, losing that 20 points really made me suck... Well, here goes nothing...

Flygon-Delta Species-120HP-{L}
Stage 2
Evolves from Vibrava

Poke-Power: Electricity Charge
Once during your turn, you may attach a {L} energy from your hand to one of your {L} Pokemon. If you do, put 1 damage counter on any of your Flygon or Flygon ex in play. This power can't be used if Flygon is affected by a special condition.

{L}{C}Electrifiying Shock    20
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is Paralyzed.

{L}{L}{L}{C}{C}Raging Power        20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of damage counters on Flygon.

Weakness          Resistance -30          Retreat Cost
       {C}                    {L}{F}                 {C}{C}

Well, I did my best...
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Scipio - Nope. There are 2 non-ex Blissey (N3 and AQ); both have 120 HP. There are also 2 non-ex Wailord (RS and LM), and both have 120 HP. It's been the limit for non-ex since the very beginning; no matter how good (or bad) a card is, 120 HP will be the maximum... until D/P rolls around ;)

Now then, let's see what we've got.
Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 44/50 The power should not be able to target any sort of Flygon you have in play. It breaks the power. The first attack should say that they are "now Paralyzed" rather than just "Paralyzed." It's also a little weak, you can up the damage by 10 or 20. Since the second attack costs 5 Energy (good job), you will be doing the first attack often, and you don't want to be hitting for a measly 20 for a while. The second attack seems way overpowered at first glance, but the Energy cost balances it out some. Overall, a decent card.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 94/100

Flygon jumps into 5th from dead last. After Andyman and Master of the six kings make their entries, the final round will start.
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Metacross 120 HP  
Stage 2 Pokémon - Evolves from Metang

PokeBody Metal Bend
If there is a Metal Pokémon on your bench Metagross's Retreat cost is [C][C].

[M][C] Iron Defense 10
All of your opponent Basic Pokemon can't attack next turn.

[M][M][M][C][C] Thousand Year Old Meteor Fall 100
Does 10 damage to all non [M] Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Weakness - Fire
Resistance -30- Grass
Retreat Cost - [C][C][C][C]
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Kabutops HP 120 (F)
Stage 2
Evolves from Kabuto

Poke-Body: Extinction Alert
As long as Kabutops' remaining HP is 30 or less, Kabutops' attacks do 50 more damage to the Defending Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

(F) Fossilized Fury 10+
This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more for every Mysterious Fossil, Claw Fossil and Root Fossil you have in play. You can't add more then 30 damage in this way.

(F)(F)(F)(C)(C) Preultimate Pummiling 150
Discard all Energy cards attached to Kabutops in order to use this attack.

Weakness: (G)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - Fourth Round Craziness

Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 46/50 Metagross is spelled wrong in the name. Iron Defense is worded wrong, and it's also exceedingly weak. Up the damage to at least 20. "Thousand Year Old Meteor Fall" will never fit on a card. It's also worded incorrectly. Pretty good for five Energy, though.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 96/100

Master of the six kings
Following Directions: 10/10
HP: 10/10
Type: 10/10
Size: 10/10
Body: 43/50 Nice job copying Water Pressure for Extinction Alert's text. Fossilized Fury is okay by itself, but if you combine it with Extinction Alert, it becomes broken; you can very easily meet the requirements for extra damage and be doing 90, consistently, for a single Energy. Even the normal 40 for 1 is a little overpowered on a Stage 2. Compare that to Blastoise, who has only 1 attack and needs to pay 3 Energy to use it, for 50 base damage. He pays 5 for 90. The wording for your attacks is a little outdated. You never start an attack's effect with "This attack does..." Just use "Does..." whatever. Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage, etc. For the second attack, if you leave the "in order to use this attack" part of the sentence in, it means that Clefable can Metronome it and slap you for 150 damage without discarding a thing. Granted, it'd only be 1 Energy rather than 5, but still. The sentence is left out so Clefable needs to lose all its Energy rather than slam you for free.
Bottom Stats: 10/10
Total Score: 93/100

After waiting until after Christmas to update the scores, Round 4 is now officially over. The first post has been updated with your final assignment, undoubtedly the toughest yet. Make sure you read the red below the rankings.

Andyman is tied with Scipio for third place. Master of the six kings isn't too far behind them. (only 8 points) ShinyMarshtomp retains his lead, but Crazy Weavile is hot on his trail. The smallest mistake could spell defeat for anyone... what will happen in this final week?
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - The Final Round

Yay for dragons!

110 HP, Colorless
Evolves from Dragonair

Poke-Power: Mythic Song: Once during your turn (before your attack), if Dragonite is on your Bench, you may remove 1 damage counter from your Active Pokemon.

Poke-Body: Myth Guard: As long as Dragonite has any Special Energy cards attached to it, Dragonite has no Weakness.

(C)(C)(C) Epic Impact 70
Discard the top card of your opponent's deck.

Weakness: (C)
Resistance: (G)(F)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - The Final Round

Houndoom ex - 110HP [D]

Poké-body: Dark Aura
As long as Houndoom ex is on your Bench, each of your [D] Pokémon does 10 more damage to the Defending Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

Poké-Power: Night Howl
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. Each player discards the top card of his or her deck. This power can't be used if Houndoom ex is affected by a Special Condition.

[D][C] Chaotic Fang 40
The Defending Pokémon is now Confused.

Weakness - [F] Resistance -30 - [P] Retreat Cost - none
RE: Matt's Faking Competition - The Final Round

Here goes nothing...

Typhlosion-110 HP-{R}
Stage 2
Evolves from Quilava

Poke-Body: Counter Burn
Whenever the Defending Pokemon attacks Typhlosion, the Defending Pokemon is now burned.

Poke-Power: Destruction
Once during your turn, if there is any stadium in play, you may discard it. You can't use this power if Typhlosion is affected by any special condition.

{R}{R}{C}Burn Power 50
If the Defending Pokemon is burned, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage.

Weakness Resistance Retreat Cost
{W} {C}{C}

I think it's a little overpowered...