Max Payne

RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

I think they will^. This is practically the only movie that's going to consistently make high money the rest of the Summer, just like The Dark Knight did. I mean, there's not really anything coming out for a while that'll make this much money....

Edit: Wow, this might make even more than I expected. This movie had a bigger Midnight release than The Dark Knight. And that's really saying something about what's to come..

dmaster out.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

If it covered everything in the book, it would be a 12 hour movie at least.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

It sold out at my city's theater.
That's pretty impressive. If this makes more than T-Formers, I'll cry.

Sad tears.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

My buddy and I snuck into it because it was sold out and we couldn't get tickets. After sitting there for an hour, we were two minutes away from the start, and we realized, we forgot if the people here check your tickets when you leave. Since we watched a movie earlier, and snuck into two other movies and never left, we didn't know lol.

We're probably watching it later in the week.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

not very honest but hmm as long as you dont get caught
next time buy your tickets
New Percy Jackson and the Olympians Movie!

I just saw HP6 last night and there was a trailer for a Percy Jackson and the Olympians movie! So I thought I'd make this just to see if anyone else likes Percy Jackson/know anything about the movie.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

Saw it yesterday morning.
ok. the begining was different. the end was different. and ginny was different.

not to mention all they did to introduce the warewolf was a poster. :/

oh, and no arguing with tonks and lupin.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

The All Powerful Squirtle said:
I saw it last night and there was only 2 or 3 things they got wrong.

There were a LOT more things wrong than that. The beginning was out of place, Fleur Delacour wasn't even in the movie, Bill didn't get bit by Greyback, the Death Eaters went through the castle unchallenged except by Harry. That's just a few.

Struby said:
It sold out at my city's theater.
That's pretty impressive. If this makes more than T-Formers, I'll cry.

Sad tears.

prepare to cry.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

Well harry potter is a good book but it is too good to turn into a movie IMO. It has to much detail
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

What really peeved me about the movie was how they handled the relationships between Ginea and Harry and Hermione and Ron, though the former is really just one scene. But about Ginea, I was unimpressed to the point of being turned off from her and Harry's romance. It didn't feel forced, it was just boring.



The following is the opinion of GODZILLA and should be regarded as such.

A scene that confused me (and did feel forced, unfortunately :[) was the one where Hermione was sobbing about Ron snogging with another girl. What confused were two things: 1) why exactly was Hermione crying? I understand she's had a subdued crush on Ron for a long time but what makes her think she has no chance with him? It's obvious, and I believe Hermione acknowledges this with distaste in the film, that the girl only has a fangirl crush on him. If not that, then she just wants to snog with him. All Hermione would have to do is walk up to Ron, stare into his eyes, and pull him into a passionate kiss while he's fumbling to say that she's standing pretty close. Hermione should be smart enough to figure that out. >:O But like I said, I don't understand why she was crying so hard.

The second thing is when Ron and the girl happen onto her and after scowling at him, directs a flock of magical birds to attack him. What really got on my nerves here is Ron's reaction to seeing Hermione crying and attacking him with birds. He just stands there like a dork not saying a single thing. He's just staring at her. Not doing anything. I'm sitting in the theatre anxious to see how this plays out and all I get is Ron staring into space like he's forgotten his lines. I don't care if this is how it happened in the book, but when you have a girl who is in the middle of crying about a boy and then suddenly confronts this boy, you don't have the boy say absolutely nothing and then just walk away.

It's just Ron that ruined this scene for me. Even in the theatre I was silently yelling at Ron to say something. >_>
RE: New Percy Jackson Movie!

It's Peter Jackson, and yes, District 9 is going to be amazing. Everything that Jackson touches is great. King Kong was excellent for example.

dmaster out.
RE: New Percy Jackson Movie!

Nononono dmaster. Percy Jackson is a book series some person wrote to try and replace Harry Potter.

District 9 does look pretty sweet though.
RE: New Percy Jackson Movie!

Percy jackson wasn't written to replace Harry Potter, It was written because the guy's son was dyslexic and had ADHD, and he really likes greek gods.
RE: New Percy Jackson Movie!

My brother and mom really like those books. I should tell them that a trailer is out for the movie.
RE: Harry Potter 6 the film

Yeah, I think that was in the book Zilla. Well, Hermione was heart broken that Ron was stupid, and he was, so she attacked him. :F That's all I can say, they're teenagers Zilla, not experienced adults in the world of love. _-_

ESP said:
The All Powerful Squirtle said:
I saw it last night and there was only 2 or 3 things they got wrong.

There were a LOT more things wrong than that. The beginning was out of place, Fleur Delacour wasn't even in the movie, Bill didn't get bit by Greyback, the Death Eaters went through the castle unchallenged except by Harry. That's just a few.

They didn't want to add more battles because the last two movies are going to be FULL of them. Frankly, that was a good move. They added a battle scene anyway, so it evens out.

dmaster out.
RE: New Percy Jackson Movie!

Struby said:
Nononono dmaster. Percy Jackson is a book series some person wrote to try and replace Harry Potter.

District 9 does look pretty sweet though.

Oh, I thought this guy was talking about District 9. The names are so similar. :F Oh well. Never saw a trailer for this I don't think.

dmaster out.