Wi-Fi Trades MCD's my player thread

sasukefan: Does it know Featherdance and Psycho Boost?
vince360410: Level 100? If so, I want Electivire. What do you really want? I'll check your thread...
EDIT: If it's a high level, I have Deoxys, and Shinies...
Lugia doesn't learn them naturally. Go to http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/249.shtml. Those two are purification moves that are only learned when it is recieved from XD. If you erase those 2 moves (or don't have them to begin with), they're gone, and there's no getting them back.
no. my friend had to get rid of it. sorry. i can look if he has any other that do know it. He cloned half a dozen to a dozen then sold me his game.
okay 4 what? me checking or just that? cuz i already migrated today, and i wont be here for a week! soccer camp starts next week! and i have the days of '47 parade on monday! so, if u want my level 63 lugia, then i can trade today.
i will trade it now for a garchomp or the CELEBI holding dawn stone.