Pokemon Meanest/Scariest Looking Pokemon

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Scariest is Gengar no doubt about it or something like Darkrai. Houndoom is also scary. But all three of those could fit the mean category as well. Pokemon that look scary usually also look mean as well. :)
Many people have been talking about Gyardos to look scary/mean. Why? Is it because of his temper?

This thread is also to explain why.
Because Gyarados is the ATROCIOUS Pokemon~!

owo; I don't know, I think it's cute, but honestly, it's scary too. I mean, a giant mouth-breathing serpentine monster that's only dreamed up in our myths and legends? Yikes!
MCD said:
Luxray, or Tyranitar.


I wouldn't say Luxray all of the way. Luxray can be a cute one sometimes, but not in one of the anime episodes.

But Tyranitar... defenitely monstrous. I totally agree on that one, and don't forget Metagross. He takes the cake with being mean and scary, but also cool and powerful as well. :)
I find Garchomp to be intimidating as well with it's vicious nature. Seviper also is a bit scary with it's poisonous fangs. Just think of what a Pokemon's attacks could do to you in real life, and you'll find that almost every Pokemon except Magikarp is scary, lol. :p
I also say Dusknoir. The first time I saw the thing's belly open up into a creepy smile made me shiver.

I think that Darkrai is scary because it has that bear-trap looking thing around it's neck. And since it's red it looks bloody.
I have to say if I saw Dusknoir in the middle of the night I very well may empty my bladder. Then again I have a complete fear of ghosts.
MylesPrower said:
I also say Dusknoir. The first time I saw the thing's belly open up into a creepy smile made me shiver.


Have to agree with that...

Also, what would you do if a mean, scary and enraged Primeape is charging towards you? :p
Primeape...oh Lord. He's quite scary!

And don't forget Igglybuff...whoa, she creeps me OUT!

when i was little and watched the first pokemon cartoon show (back when ashs voice sounded like a dying toad) haunter on the theme song when he licked charmander and charmander started shivering always freaked me out
What about Gliscor? Man, those eyes. Honestly, freaky!
Totally ready to cut/crush you up too, with those giant claws. Oh, and what's that? A flippin' scorpion tail. Nuff said...
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