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Medaforcer's Trade Thread

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the garchomp my friend wants... but he prolly doesnt have anything i want... but i promised that i would hold onto it for 2 days. thursday and friday... but i dont want the salamance.. so... ill cyl

salamance for Torterra Lv. 47
zkid0605 said:
no thanks.

Just so you know I didn't mean both for it.

Regigigas Lv. X (Tin)
Shaymin Landform Lv. X
Shaymin Skyform Lv. X

check me for one if not all

I'm sorry, as willing as I am to trade these I don't see anything I need for them.

salamance for Torterra Lv. 47
I don't find that to be exactly even.
SF Salamence Added

Hi Medaforcer!

Hmmm... perhaps my POP 9 Garchomp & SF Salamence for your SW Gardevoir & RR Jirachi?

Thank you.

- Hypno68
alyxandra said:
how is that not even... its a rare for a rare...

That is a rare for a holo-rare

Hypno68 said:
Hi Medaforcer!

Hmmm... perhaps my POP 9 Garchomp & SF Salamence for your SW Gardevoir & RR Jirachi?

Thank you.

- Hypno68

Is there anything you are interested in besides the Jirachi?
Alex13 said:
Hi Guy.
I'm interesting in : Shaymin Skyform Lv. X

CML and choose anything ^^

I'm really sorry, I can't let go of it for any of those, but I am interested in the Roseanne's Researches.
Jirachi & Friends

Thank you for your reply!

Along with Jirachi... I like the following RR rares...

Beedrill, Luxray GL, Nidoqueen, Shiftry, and Walrein

Any one of these combined with SW Gardevoir would suit me nicely.


Hypno68 said:
Hi Medaforcer!

Hmmm... perhaps my POP 9 Garchomp & SF Salamence for your SW Gardevoir & RR Jirachi?

Thank you.

- Hypno68

Is there anything you are interested in besides the Jirachi?
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