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Medaforcer's Trade Thread

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RE: Jirachi & Friends

Hypno68 said:

Thank you for your reply!

Along with Jirachi... I like the following RR rares...

Beedrill, Luxray GL, Nidoqueen, Shiftry, and Walrein


Hypno68 said:
Hi Medaforcer!

Hmmm... perhaps my POP 9 Garchomp & SF Salamence for your SW Gardevoir & RR Jirachi?

Thank you.

- Hypno68

Is there anything you are interested in besides the Jirachi?

I would happily do Gardevoir with one of the following:
Beedrill (I assume RR?), Nidoqueen, Shiftry, and Walrein

Your pick.
Nidoqueen, It Is...


I'll PM you to confirm -

POP 9 Garchomp
SF Salamence
SW Gardevoir
RR Nidoqueen

Thank you.

- Hypno68
Hey, I have those Fossil Excavators you want, and one of them is RH. Got any Call Energy, Level Max, Rare Candy, or Poke Drawer? If not CML for my wants. :D
hi medaforcer
i got 3 fossil excavators 1 rh
and 2 PT rampardos

cml if you would like to trade
ElectroManiac said:
CML for:
RR Nidoking x 2
RR Nidoqueen
RR Shiftry x3
PT Dugtrio x2
SF Cherrim x2

Do you diglett?

I'm sorry, I'd like to trade you things you need, but I don't know what I need from there...

Actually, I would do something for those three pokehealer +
How about:
PT Dugtrio
Nuzleaf RR

for your Pokehealer+ x3

That's a rare and an uncommon for three uncommons. If that's not ok I can offer something else.
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