XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

MegaRaichu, please for the sake of Arceus, make a MegaRaichu :(

Raichu, being one of my favorite all-time pokes, has a bit of room for statistical boosts along with design. Just give 'em a couple flourishes here and there like Lucario and Absol and I'll be extremely pleased.
nightkeeper said:
MegaRaichu, please for the sake of Arceus, make a MegaRaichu :(

Raichu, being one of my favorite all-time pokes, has a bit of room for statistical boosts along with design. Just give 'em a couple flourishes here and there like Lucario and Absol and I'll be extremely pleased.

I'm actually fairly sure Raichu will get a mega evolution due to it being the evolution of the mascot Pokemon (if not now then soon for sure. Weren't there some rumors about the new Pokemon Global Link having a special Pikachu we can get at one point?). Heck I wouldn't be surprised if Pikachu itself would get one for the whole mascot reason too, even though only fully evolved Pokemon seem to get these formes. In this case however you can guess whose Pikachu would obtain that forme... which surely would lead to heated debates and a splitting community. Hmmm maybe it is unlikely afterall... But Raichu definitely is a good candidate for one.

I myself still hope for a Ninetails Mega evolution.
Considering how Houndour and Houndoom seem to be the main minions to Flare Grunts, there is a possibility that Houndoom could get a Mega Evolution.
I would want it to look like a two-headed dog with the horns melting in with the face, making it look like a skull. It also gains a tail of fire. Along with its paws.
Baktwerel said:
I myself still hope for a Ninetails Mega evolution.

Ninetails and Arcanine are most definitely on my list as well. Already two of the most visually appealing pokemon, megas would be stunning!

Milotic as well would look awesome as a mega.
I think they should give mega evolution to unpopular pokemon as well. There are so many pokemon lives in the shadow no body uses them becsuse design or stats. The mega evolution is their final hope to get noticed
Pikachu does have it's anime voice, which I'm hoping alludes to something and isn't simply cosmetic. As much as I want Mega Raichu, I feel as though they would have mentioned it before Mega Lucario or something. Raichu is one of my favorites, and it frustrates me that he's so useless. Even Pikachu is better than him (with a light ball). A little boost to speed and power, and Raichu is ahead of his pre-evo without a hitch!
Raichu having a Mega would benefit the most from a speed and special attack boost, for sure.

Now this is clearly exaggerated speculation, but what if he gained a secondary type? Such as Fire. Wait... What? Fire?

Maybe his electricity becomes so powerful and so hot that it actually can take the form of fire. He's already orange, it couldn't be too far of a stretch.

Understanding that this is pretty random, Ampharos did gain Dragon as a secondary typing. Clearly anything is game for GF at this point.
Raichu, Ninetales, Arcanine, and Zebstrika are all good picks. I dropped my Zebstrika in Black before I got too far. Def was just too shoddy. Couldn't take a hit. But I still love the design.

But for me, since it seems a sure thing that the starters will be getting Megas (YEAH, SWAMPERT!), I'd love to see Heracross and Metagross with Mega-evos. Maybe even a pre-evo for Heracross.

And, seriously, Farfetch'd. Throw the bird a bone...er...sharper leek, I suppose.

Speaking of bone - Mega Marowak, anybody?
okashiikessen said:
Raichu, Ninetales, Arcanine, and Zebstrika are all good picks. I dropped my Zebstrika in Black before I got too far. Def was just too shoddy. Couldn't take a hit. But I still love the design.

But for me, since it seems a sure thing that the starters will be getting Megas (YEAH, SWAMPERT!), I'd love to see Heracross and Metagross with Mega-evos. Maybe even a pre-evo for Heracross.

And, seriously, Farfetch'd. Throw the bird a bone...er...sharper leek, I suppose.

Speaking of bone - Mega Marowak, anybody?

Yes! I would love an evo or mega evo for marowak. It be cool to see the bone theme extended in his design.
matthatter said:
Metagross need a mega evolution that doesnt sacrifice its power for speed

I can kinda see one that has a slightly more aerodynamic theme, with it getting small rockets in its feet.
I imagine it'd just get increased speed.
Beedrill- this Pokemon is just an example for Pokemons that truly needs the mega evolution.
A full evolved Pokemon, bad type ,awful stats and poor moves.
I am sure that many people likes the design of Beedrill but just cannot use it in any way.
I know I'm not the first to recommend this but I would really love a Mega Evo of Rapidash, you know make it a Pegasus add some wings to make it a Fire/Flying type I think it would be beautiful. I would also like to see Venomoth, Cofagrigus and Galvantula all get Megas
Stephen Williams said:
I know I'm not the first to recommend this but I would really love a Mega Evo of Rapidash, you know make it a Pegasus add some wings to make it a Fire/Flying type I think it would be beautiful. I would also like to see Venomoth, Cofagrigus and Galvantula all get Megas

I think fire fairy would suit it more. They just seem too mythological to be simply fire and flying. A cofagrigus would be epic if it came out of the coffin in its mega form.
Mitja said:
I can totally see Dragonites Mega evolution turn Dragon/Fairy for some reason.

Ya know, since the days of Red and Blue, I never understood how Dragonair could go from such a majestic serpent-like creature to the large orange flying dragon that Dragonite is. Since "majestic" seems to be a common theme for Fairy pokemon, I think it would be an interesting take on what could have been if Dragonite got a mega that was Dragon/Fairy. Not to mention the awesome typing of now being immune to Dragon moves and no longer having 4x weakness to Ice!

Stephen Williams said:
I know I'm not the first to recommend this but I would really love a Mega Evo of Rapidash, you know make it a Pegasus add some wings to make it a Fire/Flying type I think it would be beautiful. I would also like to see Venomoth, Cofagrigus and Galvantula all get Megas

Someone has drawn a concept of what MegaCofagrigus would look like and it's actually rather cool.


Since Rapidash is just a stage 2 evo I always saw it getting another evo, but a Mega makes the most sense now. I'm not sure if I'd go with Fire/Flying, although the notion of a Pegasus would be cool. Since its a unicorn, once again, a MAGICAL creature, I could see it being Fire/Fairy.
Bloodronin said:
Stephen Williams said:
I know I'm not the first to recommend this but I would really love a Mega Evo of Rapidash, you know make it a Pegasus add some wings to make it a Fire/Flying type I think it would be beautiful. I would also like to see Venomoth, Cofagrigus and Galvantula all get Megas

I think fire fairy would suit it more. They just seem too mythological to be simply fire and flying. A cofagrigus would be epic if it came out of the coffin in its mega form.

Yeah that does make more since to make it Fire/Fairy seeing as how it is a magical creature. That typing would be beast. I just always imagined Rapidash getting an Evo transforming into the mythical Pegasus I would love for it to be a regular Evo but I will settle for a Mega Evo
[split] Mega Evolution: All Mega Pokémon & Info

If Pokemon Z will ever exists can you imagine what Mega Evolution Mewtwo would get then? I wish poor Mew could get in on the action. I always felt something about Mew though, I believe under it's cute appearance and child-like personality she is far more powerful than she seems.
RE: Mega Evolution: All Mega Pokémon & Info

SuchADamnLady369 said:
If Pokemon Z will ever exists can you imagine what Mega Evolution Mewtwo would get then? I wish poor Mew could get in on the action. I always felt something about Mew though, I believe under it's cute appearance and child-like personality she is far more powerful than she seems.

I thik I read somewhere that Mew is evil in the japanese movie. I could be wrong though. :/
RE: Mega Evolution: All Mega Pokémon & Info

zappy800 said:
SuchADamnLady369 said:
If Pokemon Z will ever exists can you imagine what Mega Evolution Mewtwo would get then? I wish poor Mew could get in on the action. I always felt something about Mew though, I believe under it's cute appearance and child-like personality she is far more powerful than she seems.

I thik I read somewhere that Mew is evil in the japanese movie. I could be wrong though. :/

How could that giggling-ball-of-joy be considered evil? It's got to be the sweetest thing ever, and no clone (Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, I feel like there is a certain name for these but nothing comes to mind) will ever be as incredible as the original Mew.

And if it got a Mega,, It might not be as adorable, but it'd be intriguing nonetheless.