I realy want to see Sawsbuck or Delphox with a mega evolution I think they might be pretty cool with a new mega form.
CF1994 said:Even though Aurorus is kinda new, I feel like it should be Electric/Ice if it does Mega Evolve in future Generations.
It would still have Refrigerate, but should gain access to Hyper Voice, Snore and Uproar, making better use of that ability.
steffenka said:Since Heliolisk and Pyroar both have the Normal type as their secondary type, they would both benefit from an -ate Ability (Aerilate, Pixilate etc.), because the ability would change the typing of the move. I would love to see Mega Heliolisk and Pyroar, and maybe we could get our manticore Fire/Poison Pyroar and our solar powered Electric/Dragon Heliolisk![]()
Mitja said:steffenka said:Since Heliolisk and Pyroar both have the Normal type as their secondary type, they would both benefit from an -ate Ability (Aerilate, Pixilate etc.), because the ability would change the typing of the move. I would love to see Mega Heliolisk and Pyroar, and maybe we could get our manticore Fire/Poison Pyroar and our solar powered Electric/Dragon Heliolisk![]()
I don't get it.
How would an -ate ability be beneficial due to their secondary Normal typing?
The ability would change the types of Normal moves, so they wouldn't get the Normal STAB from the Normal type anymore...not even that, but you then suggest their Normal type be replaced by a different type, which makes even less sense in this context, since that only gets rid of this one special thing about them in the first place.
steffenka said:Mitja said:I don't get it.
How would an -ate ability be beneficial due to their secondary Normal typing?
The ability would change the types of Normal moves, so they wouldn't get the Normal STAB from the Normal type anymore...not even that, but you then suggest their Normal type be replaced by a different type, which makes even less sense in this context, since that only gets rid of this one special thing about them in the first place.
If for example Pyroar changed from Fire/Normal to Fire/Poison and got a Poisonate ability, wouldn't it get stab for those moves, or am I missing something? I didn't mean that Pyroar would change to Fire/Poison and then get Refrigerate, that wouldn't make sense at all.
steffenka said:Mitja said:I don't get it.
How would an -ate ability be beneficial due to their secondary Normal typing?
The ability would change the types of Normal moves, so they wouldn't get the Normal STAB from the Normal type anymore...not even that, but you then suggest their Normal type be replaced by a different type, which makes even less sense in this context, since that only gets rid of this one special thing about them in the first place.
If for example Pyroar changed from Fire/Normal to Fire/Poison and got a Poisonate ability, wouldn't it get stab for those moves, or am I missing something? I didn't mean that Pyroar would change to Fire/Poison and then get Refrigerate, that wouldn't make sense at all.
Mitja said:Well you started specifically with Heliolisk and Pyroar for their notable secondary Normal typing, but then described a change that is equally applicable to any single-type Pokémon (say Fire -> Fire/Poison+Poisonate), which in this case just strips them of that specific detail.
It would have made sense if the suggestion was somehow exclusive to them rather than making exactly that irrelevant, otherwise why use those two in the first place?
MegaBeedrill said:Did ampharos really need moldbreaker? Maybe GF derped and thought moldbreaker would let him hit fairies..
CF1994 said:I might as well discuss the Unova Starters.
Mega Serperior
I don't think I need to say much, since Mega Beedrill beat me to the punch. I do agree with it gaining both Contrary and the Grass/Dragon combo, though.
Mega Samurott
Personally, I think it should be Water/Fighting to extend its' samurai motif. The best ability for it would probably be Adaptability. Though, I wished it was able to learn a little more Fighting Type moves (Particularly, Sacred Sword and Close Combat) to begin with.
Mega Emboar
Mega Emboar should change Type combos to become Fire/Dark for variety reasons. I don't mind it being Fire/Ground as well, but Fire/Dark sounds perfect if you'd wish to keep that Ganon motif.
I could go on a little more, but I think I am not supposed to go into competitive factors.
scattered mind said:I think Mega Serperior can be a really cool looking dragon if they would add him wings. It would also fit its overall royal look.