5 Pokémon I'd like to have Mega Evos:
1. Dunsparce
- It's a bit forgotten (and weak) Pokémon, so it needs a Mega Evo. It could keep its single Type, but I think it could add Ground Type (Pokédex keeps talking about Dig) or Flying (because of its wing-like appendages).
- Looks: Make it a little bigger and give it legs. If it would get Flying Type, make the wings bigger. If it gets Ground Type, switch the "wings" with spike, and add more spikes (especially in the tail region).
- Stats: Increased Speed and Attack.
2. Zoroark
- In addition to Lucario and Gardevoir, Zoroark is my favourite Pokémon. And since those two first ones already have Megas, it should get one, too. But it should keep the single typing of Dark.
- Looks: Little needs to be changed, but make it a little taller and a little bulkier.
- Stats: About the same, but a higher HP would be nice.
3. Froslass
- Since Glalie already have a Mega, and so do the Gardevoir/Gallade couple, Froslass should, too. Keep the Ice/Ghost typing.
- Looks: I don't really know, but since her head have a little resemblance to Glalie('s head), although smaller and a little differently coloured, add an extra horn at her head and make the lower part a little fluffier.
- Stats: A little higher Defense and Special Defence, make the Speed a little lower in the progress (although not necessary).
4. Eevee
- Yeah, Eevee should get a Normal Mega Evo. It would be neat!
And cute (hopefully)!
- Looks: A little longer, taller and heavier. And fluffier!
Longer tail, too.
- Stats: Higher Attack/Special Attack.
5. Dedenne/Hawlucha
- More Kalos Pokémon need Evos, and my choice are these two. Can't really decide between them, though.
- Looks: Dedenne: Bigger body and thicker tail, maybe?. Hawlucha: A bit bulkier/more muscular. Maybe a little longer legs.
- Stats: Dedenne: Higher Attack/HP. Hawlucha: Higher Defense, perhaps?
Concerning (new) moves for these, I don't really have any opinions.
And Stats are something I really don't know so much about, so those I picked I just threw in.
If they would add Evo to a Legendary, I would like to see it on Phione/Manaphy.
Looks? No suggestions, really. Just make it/them even cuter... !
And Stats? No real suggestions. Maybe Higher Special Attack/Special Defense.
1. Dunsparce
- It's a bit forgotten (and weak) Pokémon, so it needs a Mega Evo. It could keep its single Type, but I think it could add Ground Type (Pokédex keeps talking about Dig) or Flying (because of its wing-like appendages).
- Looks: Make it a little bigger and give it legs. If it would get Flying Type, make the wings bigger. If it gets Ground Type, switch the "wings" with spike, and add more spikes (especially in the tail region).
- Stats: Increased Speed and Attack.
2. Zoroark
- In addition to Lucario and Gardevoir, Zoroark is my favourite Pokémon. And since those two first ones already have Megas, it should get one, too. But it should keep the single typing of Dark.
- Looks: Little needs to be changed, but make it a little taller and a little bulkier.
- Stats: About the same, but a higher HP would be nice.
3. Froslass
- Since Glalie already have a Mega, and so do the Gardevoir/Gallade couple, Froslass should, too. Keep the Ice/Ghost typing.
- Looks: I don't really know, but since her head have a little resemblance to Glalie('s head), although smaller and a little differently coloured, add an extra horn at her head and make the lower part a little fluffier.
- Stats: A little higher Defense and Special Defence, make the Speed a little lower in the progress (although not necessary).
4. Eevee
- Yeah, Eevee should get a Normal Mega Evo. It would be neat!
- Looks: A little longer, taller and heavier. And fluffier!
- Stats: Higher Attack/Special Attack.
5. Dedenne/Hawlucha
- More Kalos Pokémon need Evos, and my choice are these two. Can't really decide between them, though.
- Looks: Dedenne: Bigger body and thicker tail, maybe?. Hawlucha: A bit bulkier/more muscular. Maybe a little longer legs.
- Stats: Dedenne: Higher Attack/HP. Hawlucha: Higher Defense, perhaps?
Concerning (new) moves for these, I don't really have any opinions.
And Stats are something I really don't know so much about, so those I picked I just threw in.
If they would add Evo to a Legendary, I would like to see it on Phione/Manaphy.
Looks? No suggestions, really. Just make it/them even cuter... !
And Stats? No real suggestions. Maybe Higher Special Attack/Special Defense.