XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I think there will be all mega starters, I can't see them making Blaziken and not the other ones. I think Lucario and Absol look pretty cool. I'm hoping for... Mega Abomasnow? I don't really know how I feel about the whole thing, but I think it has potential.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Bogleech said:
J.D. said:
I suppose it's worth noting that new info has confirmed that not all Pokemon will be getting a Mega Form.

Definitely makes sense. I personally can't see why some Pokemon, like the generic early bug, bird and Normal-types getting a Mega Form.

Don't you think those are pokemon that could both use and deserve a boost more than something already as powerful as Mewtwo or Blaziken? The bugs especially, who only seem to exist to play with in-game and be quickly forgotten.
Use? Yes. Deserve? No... for the exact reason you specified. Sad fact of the matter is, there's always gonna be filler characters, and I can't imagine why they'd spend time beefing up fillers when the big name characters are what everyone cares about.

While we're on the subject, I'd like to voice my disappointment in Absol and Mawile's Mega Forms... they're just too cool! Why do they have to be temporary forms and not true evolutions?!
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

People have named well-known or strong pokemon so far. But pokemon that I would like to see take the lead role in the next mega pokemon spotlight are:

Pikachu/Raichu. I really, really, really want to see what it looks like. But they are also in dire need of defense! You look at a Pikachu wrong and it can just have a heart attack and faint. Can you imagine a Pikachu or Raichu being overused with its new defenses? Coupled with its trademark lightball, and you have fierce competition.

Emolga. Really! It could no longer be restricted to gliding, it could learn the TM fly! It is a flying type after all, I believe it deserves the TM fly. It already has an immunity to ground type, which is a nice perk. But wait! There can be more! Maybe its defenses will also improve! And it can see the light of the Underused tier because of that.

Bidoof/Magikarp/Dunsparce. All three are notoriously known for their in game and competitive uses (Or lack of). They are desperately in need of some attention, their stats being unanimously low. Does anyone even use a Dunsparce anymore? Here's where it gets interesting folks, could a mega version of one of these take the star role in UnderUsed or possibly even...no it couldn't be...OverUsed?

Stay Tuned...
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Mega Mantine is clearly the best idea. :p

Seriously though, I think that the Mega Pokemon are based off of Norse/Germanic Gods.

Blaziken -> Sultr (God of fire)
Lucario -> Forseti (God of Justice)
Amphy -> Thor
Mawile -> Loki (God of Deception)
Absol -> Fortuna (Goddess of Disaster)
Mewtwo > Magni (God of Power)

In addition, Xerneas and Yvetall are based on similar myths too, so I don't think it's too big of a stretch.

So I'll be listing other Norse Gods, alongside Pokemon I think can be them.

Metagross -> Odin (God of Knowledge, Metagross is smarter than a supercomputer)
Milotic -> Sjofn (God of Love. Milotic makes people calm. Could also be Delcatty)
Celebi -> Iounn (God of Youthfulness. Time travel keeps you young)
Chatot -> Bragi (God of Music. Makes sense huh?. Could be Kricketune or Wigglytuff though)
Cherrim -> Buri (God of Daytime. Cherrim blooms in sunlight)
Blissey -> Eir (God of Healing. Shouldn't need to explain this. Could be Miltank though)
Kangaskhan -> Frigg (Goddess of Motherhood. Yeah I don't need to explain this)
Gardevoir -> Hlin (Goddess of Protection. Gardevoir will sacrifice itself for it's trainer)
Lunatone -> Mani (God of the Moon. Hmmmmmmmmmmm)
Solrock -> Sol (God of the Sun. >_>)
Gyarados -> Ran (God of the Ocean (Magikarp is found in every body of water)
Ninetales -> Vali (God of Revenge. Red/Blue PokeDex calls it vengeful)
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Octillery! I would love that! Even though I am not much into competitive gaming, and I honestly don't think that stats are everything. Some pokemon just exist to exist and provide diversity, not to be major powerhouses. Most of the weaker ones still have some niche usage.

But Octillery could go for a little statistic boost. Maybe something that greatly improves its less than spectacular speed. A super-speedy octopus cannon? Sign me up!
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

My personal hope is Ho-Oh, just because I really would like it to be the rainbow pokemon that it is supposed to be, not just a rainbow with three colors and a bit of gold.
On a more serious matter, I really do hope pokemon like dunsparce get it, as this would make certain pokemon more attractive to train and more useable. I'll just name a few pokemon, because that is whole point of this post.
1. Charizard - This pokemon is ruined, why, because of stealth rock being everywhere! In my opinion this has to be one the most terrible starter pokemon. Get rid of that flying type, add dragon we are good to go!
2. Any bug/poison pokemon, with the exception of scolipede and venomoth - If poison turns out to be strong against fairy, this is much needed to balance the game. Why the bugs, you might think? Dark pokemon don't like bugs, fighting attacks do half damage to them and both are seen very frequently.
3. Corsola - This is the dunsparce of water-pokemon, maybe even worse, there is seriously no reason to get this thing, beside pokedex-completion of course. It is horribly weak and is just desperate for a retyping, little boost and Mega Evolution.
4. Jynx - She wouldn't be a terrible pokemon if she didn't have that horrible typing. I mean please ninty, PLEASE, make this one usable. A retyping is much needed and she would be a force to be reckoned with. Lovely kisses everywhere, muhahahaha!
5.Giraferig - This pokemon needs to be upgraded, It already has a rather unique and decent typing. Make this pokemon stronger and this one might cause interesting battles.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I don't want Pokemon who still have realistic chances of properly evolving to gain Mega formes. (like Banette<3 for example)

I wish they'd focus on Pokemon who seem to be final stages, but aren't already overpowered (so Lucario, while cool, deserves a facepalm).

So for example.... since it doesn't seem like it will ever evolve:
Mega Ariados

Or the long overshadowed original 3-stage Normal/Flying bird:
Mega Pidgeot

Also, as Ampharos shows, this can be used to give types to Pokemon that should be but aren't what seems obvious:
Mega Golduck (Water/Psychic)

Since there will be weaker single stagers gaining these (instead of evolving) as shown by Mega Mawile...I can see this happening to some of those that are too gimmicky to evolve:
Mega Farfetch'd (xDDD)

All these aside, I want a Mega Luxray D:
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

It comes as no surprise that I'm personally hoping to see a Mega Raikou and Mega Legendary Beasts. I can just see them being taken to the next level, and Raikou fits in with the whole "X" and "Y" theme going on in this generation's Pokemon designs. It has an "X" on it's face!

I also think Mega Lugia or Ho-Oh would be very interesting. Lugia could be like Shadow Lugia's design without a drastic color change (or maybe it could just bring Shadow Lugia forward for new fans). An even more substantial Ho-OH with full rainbow colors, or maybe Black/Red design like Blaziken.

I'm loving all of the possibilities for new designs here! Game Freak has no doubt turned down a lot of interesting designs for Pokemon in the process of creating them, so this allows for even more exploration/freedom!
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I would love to see Mightyena or Luxray to get a Mega evolution since they're pretty inferior stat wise (mainly low defenses and pretty slow, as well as an attack that isn't all that). I could see Mightyena become a werewolf-like
Pokemon with a boost in attack and speed, maybe in defense... For typing I could see staying dark or maybe gaining fighting type. Luxray could either become a larger, more menacing lion or a manticore. I could mainly see it getting an attack boost, but its more likely to get the same boost as absol. Either appearance for mega Luxray would definitely be electric and dark
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

TheRoyalXerneas said:
I would love to see Mightyena or Luxray to get a Mega evolution since they're pretty inferior stat wise (mainly low defenses and pretty slow, as well as an attack that isn't all that). I could see Mightyena become a werewolf-like
Pokemon with a boost in attack and speed, maybe in defense... For typing I could see staying dark or maybe gaining fighting type. Luxray could either become a larger, more menacing lion or a manticore. I could mainly see it getting an attack boost, but its more likely to get the same boost as absol. Either appearance for mega Luxray would definitely be electric and dark

I would love for either mightyena or luxray to mega evolve into some kind of bipedal werewolf creature. Possibly Zoroark too, even though I know none of these are actually based on wolves.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Reminder! Don't just post a wish list of Pokemon! Include some kind of reasoning for your picks. Why do you want to see those Pokemon have a Mega evolution?
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

FT10 said:
TheRoyalXerneas said:
I would love to see Mightyena or Luxray to get a Mega evolution since they're pretty inferior stat wise (mainly low defenses and pretty slow, as well as an attack that isn't all that). I could see Mightyena become a werewolf-like
Pokemon with a boost in attack and speed, maybe in defense... For typing I could see staying dark or maybe gaining fighting type. Luxray could either become a larger, more menacing lion or a manticore. I could mainly see it getting an attack boost, but its more likely to get the same boost as absol. Either appearance for mega Luxray would definitely be electric and dark

I would love for either mightyena or luxray to mega evolve into some kind of bipedal werewolf creature. Possibly Zoroark too, even though I know none of these are actually based on wolves.

Well Mightyena is based on both wolves and hyenas so a werewolf appearance is the most logical. Luxray is a lion so you can get either a bigger lion or a manticore (both lion creatures). Zoroark is based off of a fox (mainly kitsune) so it's transformation would be more similar in appearance to Ninetails.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I wouldn't bet on any MegaEvolution to change a Pokemon as drastically as you guys describe.

I mean looking at the examples we got they mostly keep their basic bodyshapes/faces/etc etc. They merely gain details, patterns, color swapping... and fabulous haircuts XD
The only real exceptions I see are Mewtwo since it actually becomes a smaller creature, and Mawile for having 2 mouths instead of one I guess.

A wolf turning into a werewolf sounds like proper evolution material.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Mitja said:
I wouldn't bet on any MegaEvolution to change a Pokemon as drastically as you guys describe.

I mean looking at the examples we got they mostly keep their basic bodyshapes/faces/etc etc. They merely gain details, patterns, color swapping... and fabulous haircuts XD
The only real exceptions I see are Mewtwo since it actually becomes a smaller creature, and Mawile for having 2 mouths instead of one I guess.

A wolf turning into a werewolf sounds like proper evolution material.

If we can't get a mega evo, give us a regular evo then, amirite *self high five*. Back to the topic at hand, Absol gained a lot for the mega evo standards, gaining wings and an extra blade. I don't think having, let's say Luxray, gaining a bunch of those features would be too far off. A manticore isn't that far off of a lion design wise and he already has dark type potential, so giving him wings and maybe a longer tail would be possible. And another thing, I know I'm probably jumping to conclusions, but in the trailer the only other Pokemon showcased besides the Megas and our three new Kalos friends we're Hydreigon and Gyrados. Is it possible they're hinting toward them getting mega evos too?? Like I said probably over speculating, but deep down I know they're secretly telling us something...
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I was thinking earlier today, about Mewtwo's supposed other Mega Form; this is speculation of course, and I suspect I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but...

So far we've seen nothing of this rumored second form, and it's got me thinking, what if its suppose to be something different? The form we've seen is like a standard Mega Form, like all those possessed by other Pokemon with Mega Forms, but its second form is a completely different, superior form, possibly the result of genetic engineering or something by Team Flare, or someone? Mewtwo itself is said (in the anime at least) to be an attempt to make a super Pokemon, so what if someone tried to give it a second Super Mega Form? Like if a Mega Form is suppose to be a Pokemon at 100%, Mewtwo's second form is a Pokemon at 150%! It'd certainly explain why it hasn't been seen yet... it's not on the same level as other Mega Forms or Mewtwo's "true" Mega Form, it's something far more powerful and deadly!

I know I'm probably wrong, but I'm starting to think Mewtwo and its second form may be a part of the plot, and maybe even the speculated "Pokemon Z".

*Sigh* Okay, moving away from that little bit...

I'd also like to add that I don't think unevolved Pokemon will be getting a Mega Form. I'm fairly certain only Final Form, or Single Form Pokemon will get a Mega Form, so all hopes of a Bidoof or Magikarp Mega Form seem totally out of the question to me.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I would like Ho-oh and Lugia because Ho-oh is 4x weakness to Rock and Lugia because what is he? Is he a dragon? Is he water? Why the Psychic/Flying combo, make no sense to me.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

My personal favourite for a Mega Evolution is Mismagius, I don't know where the stats would be buffed but it would be perfect to add Fairy Type to it.
One I think could really use the stat boosts is Lumineon, only one of its stats is above 90 at 91 Speed. I would love to see it get some more speed and Special Attack in a Mega Evolution, maybe even add Bug type to it to give it some more stab to play around with.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

J.D. said:
I was thinking earlier today, about Mewtwo's supposed other Mega Form; this is speculation of course, and I suspect I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but...

So far we've seen nothing of this rumored second form, and it's got me thinking, what if its suppose to be something different? The form we've seen is like a standard Mega Form, like all those possessed by other Pokemon with Mega Forms, but its second form is a completely different, superior form, possibly the result of genetic engineering or something by Team Flare, or someone? Mewtwo itself is said (in the anime at least) to be an attempt to make a super Pokemon, so what if someone tried to give it a second Super Mega Form? Like if a Mega Form is suppose to be a Pokemon at 100%, Mewtwo's second form is a Pokemon at 150%! It'd certainly explain why it hasn't been seen yet... it's not on the same level as other Mega Forms or Mewtwo's "true" Mega Form, it's something far more powerful and deadly!

I know I'm probably wrong, but I'm starting to think Mewtwo and its second form may be a part of the plot, and maybe even the speculated "Pokemon Z".

I already gave my insight on this. The source said the other form looks more like Mew. I think it mistook a Mega Mew for a second Mewtwo form.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Metalizard said:
J.D. said:
I was thinking earlier today, about Mewtwo's supposed other Mega Form; this is speculation of course, and I suspect I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but...

So far we've seen nothing of this rumored second form, and it's got me thinking, what if its suppose to be something different? The form we've seen is like a standard Mega Form, like all those possessed by other Pokemon with Mega Forms, but its second form is a completely different, superior form, possibly the result of genetic engineering or something by Team Flare, or someone? Mewtwo itself is said (in the anime at least) to be an attempt to make a super Pokemon, so what if someone tried to give it a second Super Mega Form? Like if a Mega Form is suppose to be a Pokemon at 100%, Mewtwo's second form is a Pokemon at 150%! It'd certainly explain why it hasn't been seen yet... it's not on the same level as other Mega Forms or Mewtwo's "true" Mega Form, it's something far more powerful and deadly!

I know I'm probably wrong, but I'm starting to think Mewtwo and its second form may be a part of the plot, and maybe even the speculated "Pokemon Z".

I already gave my insight on this. The source said the other form looks more like Mew. I think it mistook a Mega Mew for a second Mewtwo form.

I've been assuming that's the case as well.
It made perfect sense the whole time, and now even moreso.

I mean Mewtwo is made from Mew DNA. So if there is a stone triggering MegaEvolution for Mewtwo, how could there not be one for Mew? Heck with Mewtwo being artificial its stone should be Mewnite anyway!
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Metalizard said:
J.D. said:
I was thinking earlier today, about Mewtwo's supposed other Mega Form; this is speculation of course, and I suspect I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but...

So far we've seen nothing of this rumored second form, and it's got me thinking, what if its suppose to be something different? The form we've seen is like a standard Mega Form, like all those possessed by other Pokemon with Mega Forms, but its second form is a completely different, superior form, possibly the result of genetic engineering or something by Team Flare, or someone? Mewtwo itself is said (in the anime at least) to be an attempt to make a super Pokemon, so what if someone tried to give it a second Super Mega Form? Like if a Mega Form is suppose to be a Pokemon at 100%, Mewtwo's second form is a Pokemon at 150%! It'd certainly explain why it hasn't been seen yet... it's not on the same level as other Mega Forms or Mewtwo's "true" Mega Form, it's something far more powerful and deadly!

I know I'm probably wrong, but I'm starting to think Mewtwo and its second form may be a part of the plot, and maybe even the speculated "Pokemon Z".

I already gave my insight on this. The source said the other form looks more like Mew. I think it mistook a Mega Mew for a second Mewtwo form.

Awww, now I'm sad :(... I liked the idea of Mewtwo having a unique ultimate form; something that once again made him the ultimate uber.

Personally, I'm still holding out hope that this Mega Form thing is somehow manmade, and as such super rare legendary Pokemon won't have one (since how do people make a Mega Form for something so rare, and thus, impossible to work with?). Mewtwo is an exception of course, since itself is manmade.