XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I say Flygon is one of the ones which need a boost. They might even give it sand stream!

Mienshao, Shuckle, Drapion, Pawniard, Skarmory and Gyarados (because if they can do Blaziken, wynaut), speaking about wynaut, add Wobbufet, Jynx could use one, all starters, and many other Pokemon could use some.

Shuckle seems like the Pokemon that need better attacking stats (+20 would be ok) and could give a small boost to defense, simply because it looks like to could use one.

Mienshao is too fragile (generally can't survive any hit from a big attack/super-effective damage) and the probability of missing with its 2 best attacks doesn't help. A attack boost will help in case it couldn't OHKO/2HKO while speed (like +5) would make it outspeed most of UU (scarf already does it but there are sacrf'ed variant of other Pokemon).

Drapion needs a better movepool, Pawniard seems like its a bit plain, Skarmory and Gyarados to help with Lucario and all other Pokemon that are already getting a boost (gyarados will be killer).

Wobbufet has lost what it does best and can be easily taken out (of the team) for another Pokemon. Jynx needs to gain some love and it is pretty bad so...

Starters are a most as they already did Blaziken. They should do it event only or after league (the ones of Kalos).
RE: [split] What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

J.D. said:
Also, anyone else disappointed that Mewtwo got stuck with Insomnia?! I mean, seriously, Insomnia?! Sure, he's immune to Darkrai's Dark Void, but that's really all it'd be good for. They couldn't have given him something more... useful?

You don't get it? Its Mewtwo's Awakened form...therefore it can't fall asleep.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I would love an espeon for no good reason. I just love espeon.
RE: [split] What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Dark Void said:
J.D. said:
Also, anyone else disappointed that Mewtwo got stuck with Insomnia?! I mean, seriously, Insomnia?! Sure, he's immune to Darkrai's Dark Void, but that's really all it'd be good for. They couldn't have given him something more... useful?

You don't get it? Its Mewtwo's Awakened form...therefore it can't fall asleep.
Is that suppose to be a joke or something? Because I'm pretty sure the Awakened Form was just a temporary name until they revealed the Mega Forms.

In any case, Insomnia is still pretty useless in an environment where few Pokemon can inflict Sleep with any effectiveness, and for the ultimate uber, it's hardly an amazing ability in any way.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I'm all aboard the Mega Dunsparce train - though it would only really be worth it if it got the biggest, weirdest, most dramatic transformation of all of them.

I'd also love to see a Mega Stantler. That Pokémon's got a fantastic concept behind it, with the hypnotic illusion-generating antlers and all, but it's been overlooked from the moment it was introduced. It definitely needs some love, and this would be a good way to do it.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

I want a Water/Steel MegaBlastoise! With bigger (maybe more than 2) cannons and a shell fully encased or made of steel. This will help avoid super effective hits from Energy Ball, Frenzy Plant, etc. Maybe some lightning rods on its shell, or cannons designed as lightning rods in order for it to have Lightningrod as its ability. The only downside to this would be SE hits from fighters and ground types, but its D would be super high to help with that.
RE: [split] What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

J.D. said:
Dark Void said:
You don't get it? Its Mewtwo's Awakened form...therefore it can't fall asleep.
Is that suppose to be a joke or something? Because I'm pretty sure the Awakened Form was just a temporary name until they revealed the Mega Forms.

In any case, Insomnia is still pretty useless in an environment where few Pokemon can inflict Sleep with any effectiveness, and for the ultimate uber, it's hardly an amazing ability in any way.

Insomnia is literally a gift from heaven. His main counter darkrai can no longer put him to sleep and kill in one shot as he usually would have been able to do.
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

Mega Kangaskhan is a really neat concept for a Mega Evolution. I've always wanted for that baby to do something in battle, it really helps Kangaskhan stand out.
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

Did you guys hear about MegaKangaskhan? Announced at the VGC opening ceremony by Junici Masuda, the baby comes out and fights and the pokemon gains the new ability parental bond, which allows the pokemon's moves to hit twice.
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Astra said:
Mega Mantine is clearly the best idea. :p

Seriously though, I think that the Mega Pokemon are based off of Norse/Germanic Gods.

Blaziken -> Sultr (God of fire)
Lucario -> Forseti (God of Justice)
Amphy -> Thor
Mawile -> Loki (God of Deception)
Absol -> Fortuna (Goddess of Disaster)
Mewtwo > Magni (God of Power)

In addition, Xerneas and Yvetall are based on similar myths too, so I don't think it's too big of a stretch.

So I'll be listing other Norse Gods, alongside Pokemon I think can be them.

Metagross -> Odin (God of Knowledge, Metagross is smarter than a supercomputer)
Milotic -> Sjofn (God of Love. Milotic makes people calm. Could also be Delcatty)
Celebi -> Iounn (God of Youthfulness. Time travel keeps you young)
Chatot -> Bragi (God of Music. Makes sense huh?. Could be Kricketune or Wigglytuff though)
Cherrim -> Buri (God of Daytime. Cherrim blooms in sunlight)
Blissey -> Eir (God of Healing. Shouldn't need to explain this. Could be Miltank though)
Kangaskhan -> Frigg (Goddess of Motherhood. Yeah I don't need to explain this)
Gardevoir -> Hlin (Goddess of Protection. Gardevoir will sacrifice itself for it's trainer)
Lunatone -> Mani (God of the Moon. Hmmmmmmmmmmm)
Solrock -> Sol (God of the Sun. >_>)
Gyarados -> Ran (God of the Ocean (Magikarp is found in every body of water)
Ninetales -> Vali (God of Revenge. Red/Blue PokeDex calls it vengeful)

The Kangaskhan that was revealed supports this theory. Even the ability it has matches perfectly. Since Legendary Pokémon get Mega forms, we could perhaps see them for Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre. Kyogre seems like a perfect fit for the "God of the Ocean". Even though Groudon has a strong connection to the land (I am not sure if there is a Norse/Germanic God for that) his ability Drought could also relate to the "God of Day Time".

I would love to see a Mega Gyarados too! They can make it look beastly with bigger fins and perhaps even a alternate typing! Would wings be too farfetch'd? Absol has them (sort of).
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Drohn said:
Astra said:
Mega Mantine is clearly the best idea. :p

Seriously though, I think that the Mega Pokemon are based off of Norse/Germanic Gods.

Blaziken -> Sultr (God of fire)
Lucario -> Forseti (God of Justice)
Amphy -> Thor
Mawile -> Loki (God of Deception)
Absol -> Fortuna (Goddess of Disaster)
Mewtwo > Magni (God of Power)

In addition, Xerneas and Yvetall are based on similar myths too, so I don't think it's too big of a stretch.

So I'll be listing other Norse Gods, alongside Pokemon I think can be them.

Metagross -> Odin (God of Knowledge, Metagross is smarter than a supercomputer)
Milotic -> Sjofn (God of Love. Milotic makes people calm. Could also be Delcatty)
Celebi -> Iounn (God of Youthfulness. Time travel keeps you young)
Chatot -> Bragi (God of Music. Makes sense huh?. Could be Kricketune or Wigglytuff though)
Cherrim -> Buri (God of Daytime. Cherrim blooms in sunlight)
Blissey -> Eir (God of Healing. Shouldn't need to explain this. Could be Miltank though)
Kangaskhan -> Frigg (Goddess of Motherhood. Yeah I don't need to explain this)
Gardevoir -> Hlin (Goddess of Protection. Gardevoir will sacrifice itself for it's trainer)
Lunatone -> Mani (God of the Moon. Hmmmmmmmmmmm)
Solrock -> Sol (God of the Sun. >_>)
Gyarados -> Ran (God of the Ocean (Magikarp is found in every body of water)
Ninetales -> Vali (God of Revenge. Red/Blue PokeDex calls it vengeful)

The Kangaskhan that was revealed supports this theory. Even the ability it has matches perfectly. Since Legendary Pokémon get Mega forms, we could perhaps see them for Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre. Kyogre seems like a perfect fit for the "God of the Ocean". Even though Groudon has a strong connection to the land (I am not sure if there is a Norse/Germanic God for that) his ability Drought could also relate to the "God of Day Time".

I would love to see a Mega Gyarados too! They can make it look beastly with bigger fins and perhaps even a alternate typing! Would wings be too farfetch'd? Absol has them (sort of).
This is beautiful and will make me completely OK with pokes like absol and mawile getting megas instead of evos since there is strong reasoning like this behind it.
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

Blaziken -> Sultr (God of fire)
Lucario -> Forseti (God of Justice)
Amphy -> Thor
Mawile -> Loki (God of Deception)
Absol -> Fortuna (Goddess of Disaster)
Mewtwo > Magni (God of Power)

In addition, Xerneas and Yvetall are based on similar myths too, so I don't think it's too big of a stretch.

So I'll be listing other Norse Gods, alongside Pokemon I think can be them.

Metagross -> Odin (God of Knowledge, Metagross is smarter than a supercomputer)
Milotic -> Sjofn (God of Love. Milotic makes people calm. Could also be Delcatty)
Celebi -> Iounn (God of Youthfulness. Time travel keeps you young)
Chatot -> Bragi (God of Music. Makes sense huh?. Could be Kricketune or Wigglytuff though)
Cherrim -> Buri (God of Daytime. Cherrim blooms in sunlight)
Blissey -> Eir (God of Healing. Shouldn't need to explain this. Could be Miltank though)
Kangaskhan -> Frigg (Goddess of Motherhood. Yeah I don't need to explain this)
Gardevoir -> Hlin (Goddess of Protection. Gardevoir will sacrifice itself for it's trainer)
Lunatone -> Mani (God of the Moon. Hmmmmmmmmmmm)
Solrock -> Sol (God of the Sun. >_>)
Gyarados -> Ran (God of the Ocean (Magikarp is found in every body of water)
Ninetales -> Vali (God of Revenge. Red/Blue PokeDex calls it vengeful)

Don't want to be a downer here, but I just can't see it and it sounds to me like an awful stretch.
Out of +650 pokemon of course your going to cross over themes and similar territories, besides even if Norse Mythology was involved in X and Y somehow, I doubt it would be so heavily integrated into the game, Gen III had the weather trio, but not much beyond that.

Just enjoy your mega pokes people, they seem to be pretty much just that.
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

It will be interesting to see if this is power creep coming to video games.

But there is hope for my
Super Mecha Ninja Pikachu with Thermonuclear Thunderstrike.* It would be a fan favorite.

*an omahanime creation. All rights reserved 2009
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

One question, are the mega stones going to be just like the moon shard in pokemon XD, and it will be used up, except in battle?
I hope several pokemon get mega evolutions: lapras gets a mega evolution because of stats are bad except health, Dusknoir because its Dusknoir, Jellicent because it needs a little boost in stats it great as a supporter but hardly nothing else.

If darkrai gets a mega form it should be banned I can imagine it now....
RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see?

Drohn said:
I would love to see a Mega Gyarados too! They can make it look beastly with bigger fins and perhaps even a alternate typing!

Water Dragon please, it's been practically begging for Dragon type since 1st gen.
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

Ghost King said:
If darkrai gets a mega form it should be banned I can imagine it now....

If mewtwo, who's already insanely strong, can get one, I don't see why darkrai can't get one, just boost its special attack and make it look more like a grim reaper, it will bring death and destruction to all (sorry Yveltal)
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

Anyone else think Celebi and Jirachi will get Mega forms?
I think Celebi will be Grass/Fairy and Jirachi will be Psychic/Fairy.
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

I hope the kanto starters the source said we get from sycamore have their respective x-ite items and they give us a chance to choose from MegaCharizard, MegaBlastoise, and Mega Venasaur !
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

TheRoyalXerneas said:
Ghost King said:
If darkrai gets a mega form it should be banned I can imagine it now....

If mewtwo, who's already insanely strong, can get one, I don't see why darkrai can't get one, just boost its special attack and make it look more like a grim reaper, it will bring death and destruction to all (sorry Yveltal)

It wouldn't be the reaper. It's not his design and belongs to like 3 other pokemon. He is in the same boat as hypno and musharna: Dream pokemon. They could probably incorporate all of the standard fears into his design since he deals with nightmares. Like snakes, spiders, death, etc.
RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see?

What does this means for normal evolutions for older gen pokemon, I wonder?
Is the fact that mawile and absol got a megaevo implying that all other potentially evolvable pokemon will get a mega instead of a common evo? does it mean that, from now on, each 1 stage pokemon capable of megaevolving will only get preevolutions added, ending in a second/third stage much weaker than the average? that's not cool.