Metal weakness


Hokemonsters! LMAO
Why in both DP1 and DP2 did they make it so infernape can knock out both Magnezone and Bastiodon in one hit? It's so unfair how the new weaknesses don't affect all other types of pokemon like they do metal ones. Am I the only one with this concern?
Chimchar does 50 damage to basiodon (with no energy). How is that right? And plus with out weakness infernape would knock him out (even having a double rainbow attached to him.)
Duckii said:
Why in both DP1 and DP2 did they make it so infernape can knock out both Magnezone and Bastiodon in one hit? It's so unfair how the new weaknesses don't affect all other types of pokemon like they do metal ones. Am I the only one with this concern?

I do not get it too.
Yea with three energies attached to him bastiodon does. But if chimchar hits first and bastiodon has no energies then chimchar would knock him out.
Ok, this thread is kind of odd...

Metal pokemon have always stood in the shadows... (Except Steelix, but that's another story). Fire type pokemon have always been a favorite of many. Obviously, Bastiodon is a good card, yes, but, Infernape is better. That is all (P.S, you think Lileep has it bad. Think about how much damage to poor little bulbasaur (CG)) :'(
Thats my point, metal pokemon can't get a brake. Infernape isn't a better card, it's a cheap thats what it is.
Chimchar, rare candy, infernape, double rainbow, 80 damage! All on the first turn.
So I should just make an infer-catty deck like everyone else? No thank you. It's a cheap card and the weakness for metal Pokemon are unfair.

It's not strategy, they basically handed you an easy win with that one card, don't forget it has free retreat to boot.
Emploeon even with a DRE still needs two turns to do that kind of damage. But who is doing 80 damage on the first turn? Just Infernape. Cheap!
WARNING LONG POST AHEAD! Don't read unless you really care :)

Duckii has a point. Name one other card that can hit that hard on the 1st turn (given ur opponent goes 1st). It's simply unfair. Delcatty and infernape is a great strategy don't get me wrong, I'm only saying it a bit TOO good. It's not Delcatty that is the problem, it's infernape. I mean by itself infernape can hit as hard as most EXes on the 1st turn... that's too freaking powerful. I'm guessing when they made infernape they figured "hey 90 every two turns since you need to discard all fires, thats only 45 every turn". They must of forgot DRE. Now me and everyone else I know is getting slammed by 80s almost every single turn, and a rare metor punch. When it's all done and said with, UPSTREAM or Flare Up and continue on.

I know most of you are saying how is it 80 every single turn... DRE is only 4 at max per deck. Your right, but your forgetting, since it's only infernape delcatty your gonna have 2 delcattys usually and at least 1 infernape usually 2. So what? Well after you double energy draw, use TV reporter, plus 1 card per turn = 10 card every turn for draw!

I know what your thinking now... "BS! He'll deck himself out!" Nope sorry, most ppl run 2 delcatty ex and 2 normal delcatties and at least 1 level X. If I deck out I'll just upstream,nightmaintenance or even TGW. BTW that means I have 4 DDR back in my deck, If i'm running 12-14 fire energies that means i have a new deck of around 10 fire energies and 4 DRE.... meaning on my next turn when i'll draw anywhere from 6-10 cards I'll probably get DRE (2 in 7 chance of getting it meaning i'll probably get 2), and start the cycle a new... but by this far in the game inferkitty already won...

THIS IS UNFAIR, and the reason is because most other cards other then the cheap ones (like infernape) are counterable usually with just 1 card. For example, how do you stop salamence EX? Crystal shard. How do you stop dusknoir? Holon WP energy. Maybe your thinking battle frontier for delcatty, but everyone theses days runs windstorm as a standard (unless you never vsed a cessation,battle frontier or holon legacy, BTW if you don't run windstorm then PLEASE I BEG YOU VS ME ), so same turn windstorm usually if they've been drawing at least once already.

Infernape can't be easily countered not even a little bit unless you make an ANTI-inferkatty deck... a deck made soly to kill inferkatty.. YES it is possible, you run duskclopes from CG (no more double rainbow energy), and battle frontier and cessation (only use one at a time so even if they use windstorm 4 times they are still screwed). Now you can hinder them further by useing energy removal 2, and use alakazam star to get back anything you might need. If you really wanna make them cry throw in another unbalanced card like Ray Ex or Empoleon (aka 1hit KO infernape).

In short all cards should be easily counterable to some extent.
prenceofdarkness said:
WARNING LONG POST AHEAD! Don't read unless you really care :)

Duckii has a point. Name one other card that can hit that hard on the 1st turn (given ur opponent goes 1st). It's simply unfair. Delcatty and infernape is a great strategy don't get me wrong, I'm only saying it a bit TOO good. It's not Delcatty that is the problem, it's infernape. I mean by itself infernape can hit as hard as most EXes on the 1st turn... that's too freaking powerful. I'm guessing when they made infernape they figured "hey 90 every two turns since you need to discard all fires, thats only 45 every turn". They must of forgot DRE. Now me and everyone else I know is getting slammed by 80s almost every single turn, and a rare metor punch. When it's all done and said with, UPSTREAM or Flare Up and continue on.

I know most of you are saying how is it 80 every single turn... DRE is only 4 at max per deck. Your right, but your forgetting, since it's only infernape delcatty your gonna have 2 delcattys usually and at least 1 infernape usually 2. So what? Well after you double energy draw, use TV reporter, plus 1 card per turn = 10 card every turn for draw!

I know what your thinking now... "BS! He'll deck himself out!" Nope sorry, most ppl run 2 delcatty ex and 2 normal delcatties and at least 1 level X. If I deck out I'll just upstream,nightmaintenance or even TGW. BTW that means I have 4 DDR back in my deck, If i'm running 12-14 fire energies that means i have a new deck of around 10 fire energies and 4 DRE.... meaning on my next turn when i'll draw anywhere from 6-10 cards I'll probably get DRE (2 in 7 chance of getting it meaning i'll probably get 2), and start the cycle a new... but by this far in the game inferkitty already won...

THIS IS UNFAIR, and the reason is because most other cards other then the cheap ones (like infernape) are counterable usually with just 1 card. For example, how do you stop salamence EX? Crystal shard. How do you stop dusknoir? Holon WP energy. Maybe your thinking battle frontier for delcatty, but everyone theses days runs windstorm as a standard (unless you never vsed a cessation,battle frontier or holon legacy, BTW if you don't run windstorm then PLEASE I BEG YOU VS ME ), so same turn windstorm usually if they've been drawing at least once already.

Infernape can't be easily countered not even a little bit unless you make an ANTI-inferkatty deck... a deck made soly to kill inferkatty.. YES it is possible, you run duskclopes from CG (no more double rainbow energy), and battle frontier and cessation (only use one at a time so even if they use windstorm 4 times they are still screwed). Now you can hinder them further by useing energy removal 2, and use alakazam star to get back anything you might need. If you really wanna make them cry throw in another unbalanced card like Ray Ex or Empoleon (aka 1hit KO infernape).

In short all cards should be easily counterable to some extent.
Wow just wow.

You honestly expect Infernape is a cheap card? The fact that it works well is your problem. Don't like the +40 weakness? Don't play it. Just because Piplup is my favorite Pokemon doesn't make that automatically my deck. I use cards that combo and unfortunately for you so is Inferncatty. Rather than complain make your own deck that won't exactly counter but be strong against your weaknesses. Usually a Start with let's say Skitty is a failure x2 Weakness Mario kills the thing (Heck every fighting type does). Start with Chimchar? Spheal says Willpower than Blast Chimchar for a 50. Darkrai Lv.X is also extremely cheap (According to you) for just 3 Energy you sent the opponent of a 50% chance of Sleep and a 25% of death. Okay would you rather have a x2 Weakness? Fine than have Infernape will have you for a pet. What want a +10 Weakness? What make all Pokemon walls to 10 or lower damage Pokemon besides why don't you just attach a Buffer Piece and stay alive for one more turn than stack Plus Power (3) and kill it?[/align]