Metal weakness

wow.. just wow...

So all i have to do to kill infernape with magnizone is "just" use a buffer piece, and then "just" stack 3 plus powers... wow...

How about this... name one other card that can give you a knockout say... hmmm about 80% of the time when vsing basics and stage 1s... ALL I'M SAYING IS CHIMCHAR RARECANDY INFERNAPE DOUBLERAINBOW all in your 1st turn (if you go second) IS UNCOUNTERABLE! No I never said Darkrai Lv.X is cheap.. it's not even that great of a card... I can counter that card with 2 cards... holon GL or holon WP, plus you can't rare candy double rainbow that attack like you can with infernape...

NO CARD SHOULD BE ABLE TO HIT 90s for 1 energy card. No other combo comes close to this.. NOTHING, infercheapass is just uncounterable unless you go to the extremes. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE...
infernape vs empoleon....

piplup gets an energy inserted and pecks for 20 (weakness)
chimchar rarecandy to infernape double rainbow for an easy nock out... :)

WHERE WAS MY CHANCE TO PUT A BUFFER PIECE OR SOMETHING? How is that far? Let's reverse it now... say chimchar goes first :)

Chimchar... normal energy scratches piplup
piplup+rarecandy = empoleon... insert double rainbow ice blade.... NO KNOCK OUT!
40-10(dre)+10(weakness) = 40...

ONLY INFERNAPE CAN DO SUCH A DISTASTEFUL THING, any card that has no counter to it is simply to good. A card that simply can kill you before you can do anything about it is just unfair.

Magnizone and Bastidon is a great strategy, and no other fire pokemon is cheap or uncounterable like infernape... magmotar is strong and his level x's100 to anyone is really powerful, but again you can counter it before it's to late. ALMOST EVERY CARD IS COUNTERABLE in this game.

As a matter of fact you can be really powerful by using pokemon like flygon or altera ex to insert an extra energy into someone and then rare candy and double rainbow that pokemon to get the same effect, but it's way way way way harder to do and again you need 2 pokemon to do it... infernape doesn't need anyone's help to take out almost anything that's not a stage 2.
Empoleon beats Infrernape bad. There are a TON of other good water cards out right now too. I would say that Infernape, while good, simply will not be able to win much because of all the water decks that are going to be around.
Jeez, the odds of pulling that T1 trick isn't that high. You gotta have a precise combination of 4 cards in your hand. The odds of having a DRE is 4 out of 60. The odds of having a Chimchar is 4 out of 60. The odds of having a Candy is 4 out of 60. The odds having an Ape is 3 out of 60. Then you draw 8 so those odds become better (4 out of 60 becomes like 1 on 2), but thats still 4 specific cards you gotta have. In the end, you'll have the combo ONCE EVERY TEN GAMES in the first turn.
Sorry to jump in. I have to agree that Infernape is tough, but how about a Magicarp that candies to Gyarados first turn. Go ahead and hit it for 80, the Infernape gets hit for 140 the next turn. Same chance to get to Gyarados turn one as Infernape and you don't need a DRE either.

Just something to think about.
Wow just wow.

You honestly expect Infernape is a cheap card? The fact that it works well is your problem. Don't like the +40 weakness? Don't play it. Just because Piplup is my favorite Pokemon doesn't make that automatically my deck. I use cards that combo and unfortunately for you so is Inferncatty

Even with out the chimchar-candy-ape-DRE-80, doing 90 for only 2 energies is cheap. All I'm saying is with the new weaknesses it's not that easy to one hit KO anyone, except metal. Oh and magnezone isn't my favorite, but even if he/she were it still doesn't make it right how they (un)balanced the cards. Still a piplup with no energy isn't going to hit an inferape with 50! It's a cheap card because it's too fast and hit's too hard.Here let me put it in a math equitation for you:
too good = cheap.
vanderbilt_grad said:
Empoleon beats Infrernape bad. There are a TON of other good water cards out right now too. I would say that Infernape, while good, simply will not be able to win much because of all the water decks that are going to be around.

yea he does, but empoleon still doesn't have that chance of hitting for 100 in one turn. He/she still would have to do a DRE and then a water and if there is a DRE attached to emploleon it wouldn't hit infernape in one hit. If empoloen does go the one energy-per-turn way infenape would knock him out before he had a chance to get the 100 hit off.
Who cares how much damage you can do with Empoleon T1-T2 ... that's not how you win with the card. Prinplup spreads the damage for 1 and eventually gets KOed. THEN you get to decide if you want to spread damage with another Prinplup or start doing bigger damage with an Empoleon. Oh and you get to play Cessation Crystal with Empoleon pretty much the whole time forcing the other player to draw into a Windstorm, WP, or similar.

Really, maybe ... sometimes ... if you are lucky ... being able to do T2 100 isn't going to win every game. If it did then T2 Tune would win EVERYTHING since that deck can do 80+ T2 just about every single game while plaing Cess and other good stuff.
NO CARD SHOULD BE ABLE TO HIT 90s for 1 energy card. No other combo comes close to this.
How about sniping for 70 with Empoleon LVL X for a Scramble? Hitting 80 for a Boost with Noctowl? Hitting 90 for a Boost with Queen d? Hitting a quite likely >80 for any energy with Catty ex?
And if you use DRE, Ape only does 80 base damage. Your rant is obviously biased if you ask me. Infernape isn't distasteful, he couldn't even win Worlds. This proves that you're overreacting a lot.
Magnizone and Bastidon is a great strategy
No, seriously not. If you disagree, prove it by going to Nats and ONLY losing to Infercatty.
StealthAngel667 said:
NO CARD SHOULD BE ABLE TO HIT 90s for 1 energy card. No other combo comes close to this.
How about sniping for 70 with Empoleon LVL X for a Scramble? Hitting 80 for a Boost with Noctowl? Hitting 90 for a Boost with Queen d? Hitting a quite likely >80 for any energy with Catty ex?
And if you use DRE, Ape only does 80 base damage. Your rant is obviously biased if you ask me. Infernape isn't distasteful, he couldn't even win Worlds. This proves that you're overreacting a lot.
Magnizone and Bastidon is a great strategy
No, seriously not. If you disagree, prove it by going to Nats and ONLY losing to Infercatty.
Scramble you need to be losing! And thats a couple turns into the game. I'm talking about on the first turn. With empoleon LVL X isn't possible to get out on the FIRST turn "sniping 70's". It's not biased, there are cards like infernape that are broken, too good, cheap. Just besides it didn't win worlds doesn't make it not cheap.
prenceofdarkness said:
Magnizone and Bastidon is a great strategy, and no other fire pokemon is cheap or uncounterable like infernape... magmotar is strong and his level x's100 to anyone is really powerful, but again you can counter it before it's to late. ALMOST EVERY CARD IS COUNTERABLE in this game.
No every card is countarable.

Magnezone + Bastiodon=What the Team Galactic's Wager!
Po-Po-Pocchama said:
prenceofdarkness said:
Magnizone and Bastidon is a great strategy, and no other fire pokemon is cheap or uncounterable like infernape... magmotar is strong and his level x's100 to anyone is really powerful, but again you can counter it before it's to late. ALMOST EVERY CARD IS COUNTERABLE in this game.
No every card is countarable.

Magnezone + Bastiodon=What the Team Galactic's Wager!

How about sniping for 70 with Empoleon LVL X for a Scramble? Hitting 80 for a Boost with Noctowl? Hitting 90 for a Boost with Queen d? Hitting a quite likely >80 for any energy with Catty ex?
And if you use DRE, Ape only does 80 base damage. Your rant is obviously biased if you ask me. Infernape isn't distasteful, he couldn't even win Worlds. This proves that you're overreacting a lot.

Like duckii just said you need to be losing, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING YOU JUST SAID ON THE 1ST TURN, unless maybe roulu or what ever that card's name is does that 30 to your magicarp.

Yes gyarados is tough but your not forced to attack it right away, meaning in a way you do have some control over it... you can simply just hit it when ur ready have it kill you and then come out with a chimchar and hit a 30 (1 prize each means it's a tie). Empoleon can potentially kill infernape in one hit, but infernape can kill so many cards. I know most of you are saying, "It's not always T2", and I agree with you on this but even then it still comes out fast. At any time during the game you can play chimchar from your hand rare candy it and DRE out of no where which... although is tough it isn't as bad as early game...

Okay I'm gonna end this convo because some of you probably play inferkatty and are really upset at me and duckii for calling infernape cheap. Personally I play salamence ex which really doesn't care about infernapes doing 50s to it. I just hate it when I see all my friends losing to infernape all the time when their decks beat other deck which are VERY POWERFUL but in no way cheap. Here is a list of strong deck that are in no way unfair or cheap and why:
Electigon: Does 120 damage almost non stop every turn... easily counterable with many cards including legacy, frontier cessation, and even electivire L.x's power helps

Duskqueen: Keep your bench to 3 and 1 active to avoid dusknoir's power. At this point Nidoqueen does 90 (yes just like infernape) but since it took at least a few turns to get here you also are built up and most pokemon that are stage 2 can take a 90 and still get to attack once.

Salamence: Any salamence can easily be taken out with almost any stage 2 pokemon with a crystal shard attached... usually in just 1 hit, infernape + crystal shard, magmotar+chard, kingdra EX + shard

kindraqueen: -40 plus a buffer = -60. Agian all well said and done but there are a number of ways to counter this, you can windstorm the buffer peice or warp out the active kingdra, cessation makes kindra your average EX.. and well that's actually it, BUT THIS ISN'T CHEAP, because to pull this off you need 4EX pokemon in play lmao... if they all did -20 i still wouldn't think it's cheap simply because YOU NEED 4 EX. Since you probably are gonna use ferrow or nidoqueen as supporters that's 1 more guy you need!

So let's review... to do 90 with duskqueen you need at least 2 stage 2s. For electivire to do 110 every turn you need 3 stage 2s at the very least (2 delta supply 1 DRE). Salamence does 150 by discarding 5 cards (meaning you could potentially kill your self by discarding cards you really really need).

Bastiodon is a great combo with Magniton. Duckii has beaten me a salamence EX user with her very powerful combo. Special metals reduces damage done to her by 10. She had a bastiodon with a buffer and a special metal surviving my 150 volcanic flame. After I knocked it out she stalled by feeding me a few prizes and she came out with a magnizone with 3 scrambles and 2 special metals with a buffer piece, and 1 hit my fresh new salamence and then took a hit from my benched salamence and 1 hit KOed that one as well... Luckily I had a fire pokemon to finish her off. Her deck is really fast and is on par with many pros that play at our league. It's stupid to see infernape beat it simply because it's to fast...

THE BALANCING ACT: All they had to do was make infernape require 1 more colorless energy to use flare bliz and non of use would be complaining. Instead of discarding all fires they could have made it just 2 and I would no longer have a case.

This will probably be my last post because let's face it, your all probably using infernape and are too immature to admit it's unfair. I'll tell you all what if we meet up at worlds and ur all using inferkatty we can flip a coin (i'll call heads) and if I miss you win, however if I hit then I win... it'll be just as fun as vsing infernape.

I use redshark and go to nuetral grounds in NYC, if your all such big shots and believe infernape isn't so cheap I'll use my inferkatty deck and you can use anything you want NON infernape. I promise you that if you don't use infernape's only fear (empoleon) i'll win 3 out of 5 matches. Then after you lose we can be friends and have some friendly matchs with our real decks. I promise that if you win I'll post it up on the forum here and shut up :) call you the best pokemon card game player that ever lived and will say that I SUCK. Let's see now which of you can really prove infernape is a fair card :)
Please, Infernape is not cheap. I play it myself, I shall admit that. But I lose a LOT more playing it as I do when playing Flygon. Why? Because Ape isn't that stable as people pretend it to be.
B'sides, if my Redshark would work I'd load in my Salamance deck and shove that Infernape to a place where the sun doesn't shine. OMG SALAMENCE IS LIEK BROKN IT HITZ 150 EACH TURN!!!111
I play neither Infernape or Gyarados so my comments are neutral. Gyarados will destroy Infernape. Only Infernape X can one hit it. If you don't attack it and let it build energy then it will it will use Enrage for 110 (80 +30 weakness). If you do attack it, then it hits you with flail for damage +30 for one energy. Infernape is a nasty card but by no means "unfair". How about Empoleon and Gyarados together? Might be the Monkey killer huh?

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but again just something to think about.
(and yes I'm kind of a noob.)
the reason why Metal Pokémon Get +40 and others don't, is because of Metal. If they gave them no weakness at all, it would be broken.
Ex Dragon18 said:
the reason why Metal Pokémon Get +40 and others don't, is because of Metal. If they gave them no weakness at all, it would be broken.

I'm not saying give metal no weakness but why is it Bastiodon has to get 40+ weakness and no one else does, not empoloen who has a crap load of hp just like metal, or any of the LVL X's from DP.
Its because they're Metal. If they have less, the Metal Energy Defense boost would become too good.
Thats the point of metal pokemon, they aren't meant to be KOed in one hit. What's the point of having the special metal? Take it away and just give them regular +30 weakness. You can't search for a spacial metal energy (with legal cards) also.
d master342 said:
Fire pokemon beat Metal/Grass and any others as Water beats Fire. Infernape is not cheap and you should be glad they even included Metal pokemon in the first place. If you don't like it, play Water types. Find a combo with Bastiodon and a Water pokemon. Sorry to be harsh but don't make a pointless thread about it complain, (silently), to the TCG card makers.

Seacrest out.
So, wait fire gets to beat two types of pokemon and thats fair? While everyone else gets to only beat one type?

OMG thankyou poke gods for including metal pokemon!!!!

Oh and if this is such a pointless thread why are posting on it and if my "complaints" are so pointless to you, how about you tell everyone your view on the current situation of decolonization and development in third world countries?
1) d master342: this thread is not pointless. A member had a question and has gotten multiple viewpoints on the matter. Please do not tell members that the thread is pointless. If you think a thread is pointless, report it or send us a PM about it, and do not post about it.

prenceofdarkness said:
I use redshark and go to nuetral grounds in NYC, if your all such big shots and believe infernape isn't so cheap I'll use my inferkatty deck and you can use anything you want NON infernape. I promise you that if you don't use infernape's only fear (empoleon) i'll win 3 out of 5 matches. Then after you lose we can be friends and have some friendly matchs with our real decks. I promise that if you win I'll post it up on the forum here and shut up Smile call you the best pokemon card game player that ever lived and will say that I SUCK. Let's see now which of you can really prove infernape is a fair card
Please try to state your opinion in a way that is respectful of other people's opinions. This can be viewed by some people as being inflammatory.

Noobnerd: Everybody, please do not use harsh remarks that may insult another player. Use words with tact.
@ DocRobot_K-176
I'm very sorry for my conduct, I realized I shouldn't have used big mouths, rather I'm just trying to prove a point. In a much more respectful way I wish to challange as many people as possible to vsing an inferkatty deck, where I am the user. The challange being simple... use a deck that you would use at battle roads... meaning don't make an anti-infernape deck just to kill me and prove a point. Bring a deck to the challange that you would use at a tournament or some kind of event. Inferkatty isn't a counter deck to a specific deck, it's an all round great deck that can take out alot of people... the very core of our argument.

I am here to build friends, i'm sorry if all you guys got the wrong impression. I'm here to learn about what is out there and how to counter it. What i'm really looking for is an easy way to semi-counter infernape (when I mean semi it means I don't want a card that instantly kills infernape, just debuffes it some how... like cessation vs electigon). I've spent alot of time worrying about infernape when building my deck, I'm sure no one here thinks infernape is a crappy card... so in a sense we all do agree on something. Let there be PEACE :).