Metal weakness

Ex Dragon18 said:
Empoleon can't Metal Abuse
So it's okay he gets to get the perks of being a metal i.e. a lot of HP, but none of the downside? And you can't search for a special metal!
@Ex Dragon18
Actually... you should read that.. ya charazard takes +40 from water but so what? Empoleon with a plus power still doesnt 1 hit charazard... what point are you trying to make exactly? o_O That charazard isn't cheap... it can't turn 2 120 anyone... Infernape should need 2 fire and a colorless just so it can't double rainbow 90 on the 2nd turn of the game.

(c)(r)(r) Flare blizz: Discard 2 fire energies attached to infernape.

Or to be honest with you if he had 1 more colorless then he should only need to discard 1. Oh well I realized this wont make a difference... the card is out and about... and let's face it they aren't going to recall it :). Also this is getting boring so GG.