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Mew/Rhyperior for 3rd Masters Cities


Hating durant since 11/16/11
Mew Prime x4
Uxie x1
Unown Q x1
Rhyperior Lv. X x2
Eevee x2 (Signs of evolution)
Umbreon x2 (moonlight fang)

Pokemon Collector x4
Bebee's Search x2
Cynthia's Feelings x2
Pokemon Rescue x4
Palmer's Contribution x2

Call x4
Rescue x4
Cyclone x2
Psychic x16
SP Darkness x4
Basic Darkness x4

There is one single goal of this deck. Keep the mews coming and use hard crush pretty much T2 till the end. 2/3rds of the deck is energy, so that should average 150 damage a turn.

Umbreon is my all-purpose counter. It is immune to mewtwo, wonder shell shedinja, and DGX. Although I still lost at cities to a dilaga/luxray/garchomp deck. I guess I need a better DGX counter?
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

*_* Oh wow, this could be like totally devestating. Um, You won't need that many PSY or FTG energy, though, or that many Call or Rescue Energy. I suggest running 3 PSY, 3 Rainbow, 3 Rescue, 3 Call, and 14 FTG. This totally frees up 14 slots for other cards. You'll need that space for more counter techs and some cards to manipulate your opponent (especially ones that let you choose who to hit).
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

I'm not Los Gatos player, but I think it would be better to run more Psychic Energy than Fighting Energy, Waterviper. It improves your chances of actually starting out with a Mew and a Psychic Energy to get the T2 Hard Crush. I don't even think the Fighting Energy is necessary at all.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

Yeah I agree, why not just substitute all the fighting energy for psychic energy?

Fighting energy serves no purpose at all in this deck :/
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

@WaterViper: If I only have 26 energy, I'm only likely to get 100 damage a turn. That may not be enough to keep the prizes coming. And what's the rainbow for?

@Gliscor and Tamoo: I'll admit I had a hard time deciding on the energy. I figure 12 psychic was enough to insure I would get one in my opening hand. The fighting energy is so I can use rhyperior's second attack to fill my deck back up with energy. Which may or may not be important. Ideally I need 6 attacks to win, which means I'm discarding 30 cards. As long as they aren't milling or something I shouldn't deck out.

The call energy was just in there because I can ^.^
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

I agree on the fighting energy. Rhyperiors 2nd attack is nice to fall back on if palmers of energy returner (my personal addition) are in the discard. I think that it is risky to run it without a blaziken or some sort of counter. Instead of bebes, what about great ball? Won't use a supporter per turn and since your deck is basic? Unless you are trying to get an energy out of your hand, I'd try that.

I like sableye in my build just for the fact I can get the mew if needed and or blaziken, a Q etc. Not a big fan of uxie in there but its players choice.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

^Acutually, the bebee's is to get rhyperior back in my deck if I happened to draw both. If both are either in my hand or prizes I can't do any damage.

As far as a counter, I'm considering throwing in a stage 1 fire tech. Not sure which yet.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

@Gliscor: You could run just PSY energy, but I think you need to be able to take advantage of Rhyperior lv.X's second attack. You can run 4 energy returner (and lots of 4-anything that puts energy back into your deck), but if you happen to burn all those up, you're in a bad position.

@amisheskimoninja: I see your point about the massive energy needs. :/ This deck reminds me lot of the Blaine's Magmar rogue that people tried to play, back when Gym Challenge was was in the format. It was just too inconsistent, and had a tendency to seriously burn itself out, fast. :/
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

A stage 2 might be to hard to get out. I would stick with a 1-1 blaziken. Maybe. 2-1 if you aren't considering azelf. Thinking of posting my deck idea here but there's a lot of talk already about it. If anyone wants to see my take on it, just PM me.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

...why? He might want to keep it secret.

@snorlax, I meant stage 1. Like RR Arcanine. Although I am leaning towards blaze FB X right now.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

Not hijacking his thread. It was posted to assist in this build. I would find it rude if someone posted their deck list on a post without the thread starter asking to see it.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

^honestly I'd rather just know what your pokemon are and how many energy you have. Like do you have a backup attacker.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

This makes me barf from donk risk and probable inconsistancy.

Personally, if I had an urge to build this, I'd look into playing for speed by playing trainers that burn stuff away and actually give you something usable over drawing into your Uxie and 7 Energy. After you play most of the trainer portion of your deck, pulling out the pokemon and other trainers, you're free to grind through your energy. Adding this really doesn't change your Dialga matchup, even if you fit in the Fire type, as there's not much you can do if your pokemon are drowning in energy. I'd go for three or four Palmer's for ability to draw into them and that they're gonna be helping you for most of the game when you play them anyways.

Pokemon: 12
4 Mew Prime
4 Unown [R]
2 Uxie
2 Rhyperior Lv.X
1 Unown [Q]

Trainers: 24
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Palmer's Contribution
1 Twins [questionable]
4 PokeDex
4 PokeDrawer
4 Quick Ball [questionable, maybe play a starter Pokemon alternative]
2 Pokemon Rescue
2 Pokemon Communication

Energy: 24
4 Call Energy
4 Rescue Energy
16 Psychic Energy

Tweak the numbers later, but I'd try that out to see if a different version works well.

RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

@WaterViper: I run 20+ Psychic and I still can't sometimes draw into one T1. 3? NO WAY!!!

You need a little under 40 energy in this deck. For my Pokemon and T/S/S lines:

4 Mew Prime
3 Sableye
1 Smeargle
1 Unown Q
4 Rhyperior X

4 Collector
4 Palmer's
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

@Lucario, pokedrawers and unown R really don't help you. Why not replace those with energy?
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

Because I'd rather draw into those than Energy. This is still competitive Pokemon, and I'd rather play certain Trainers over Energy in many cases.

RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

try teching in a crobat prime to help do poison damage if you are in a tight spot.
RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

@Lucario: the problem is you'll be drawing those instead of energy when you hard crush. You really don't have space in this deck for stuff that isn't essential. Those cards are for speed decks like machamp where you need 4-5 cards to pull off a donk. Here you only need a psychic and a mew to get going. So cards like collector's/bebees is a better idea. Maybe even cynthia's guidance.

@golferboy: I really want to avoid teching a stage 2. It will be too hard to set up without rare candy/broken time space/pokemon communication.