Mew's Workshop - We died. Maybey another shall come soon...

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RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!


Image: Sasuke Uchiha(have his back facing us)
Background: A Dark Hall(make Sasuke walking down it)
Text: Surrender To Your Darkest Fears(red text)
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Could someone else try? I don't think I could do that very well.

- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Well could you at least try? Right now I have asked around pretty much every shop there is and no one can! Please at least try!
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

There is a problem, and that is that I can't find the correct picture.
If you provide the picture, then I will try.

- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Ok I will try and find the picture! Give me a moment!


^Here it is!^

Please enlarge it and if possible delete the words at the bottom!
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Here you go:



I couldn't get it on the hallway or remove the text. Hope it's OK!

- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Could you enlarge the text a little more please? If possible?
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Version 2:



- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Alright that is good lemme try it!
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Can I request a banner for my Team Darkness?

Text: Team Darkness. Can you defeat the darkness?
Pokemon: Darkrai from GE, the holo foil one, Shiftry ex, the CG one.
Font type: i don't care
Font size: 24
Banner size: Big enough to fill sig.
Background: A dark forest
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Uhh...I think you copied my shop's name....
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Mew's Art Shop! Orchard Garden, Request ANYTHING! Forms Required!
Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!
They are different.
I'm not gonna be available today, so could someone else do the banner?

- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Serebii1997, and ZD I leveld up your pets and piplupx33 so please level me up! Thanks! OK ummm I can take a whack at the TCG banner but are you wanting the cutouts or the picture and not the cut-out?
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Thanks C88. Your in charge for a bit. I'm not going to be here today.

- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

Ok then ZD! Umm animated stuff when you get back I will want a tut for.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

I'm back! Emailed you the tut to your yahoo ID.
I think no cut outs for the banner.

- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

I had more Q's at piplup's shop for the banner.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

can i have an animated avatar
slide 1: text: Furroshi Productions presents: Pwnage Team! backround: blue(for everything
slide 2: text: Furret # 1! picture: Furret(every picture)
slide 3: text: Furret # 2!
slide 4: text: Furret # 3!
slide 5: text: Furret # 4!
slide 6: text: Furret # 5!
slide 7: text: Furret # 6!
slide 8: text: Attack of the Furrets! PWNZORZ!
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

um...zzzdark how do you animate banners, avys, and all the other stuff?

i was wondering because it seems alot of people want those types of things and since i can't do them i don't really get to do much :/
RE: Mew's Workshop: Almost everything you can think of. Status: Open!

I will do the avatar when I have time, or Piplup can do it.

- ZD