Well you would hafe to play two plus powers the pikachu mafia. And there is pokemon catcher so you can bring up mewtwo ex or any other ex.
but I'm saying ZPS can do the same thing with more bulk, ZPS would run catcher too.... plus Zekrom would get an evolite boost (and if you want to defender can be run too....)
i was wondering?
4 new basics from BW3 on the main page, and one of them is Grimer.
it's a solid basic with 70HP and a turn 2 energy 20 attack with a chance of Paralysis.
(Fliptini would play a part in getting a better heads though)

being a Psychic type it would aid against a Mewtwo, but what about a Muk. they won't release an evolving basic without it's stage 1 in the same set, i hope.
we don't know how MUK would play or if it would be any good. if it turns out to have it's Fossil Ability then that would be better, as you would stop rival Mewtwo decks from setting up with Jirachi, and keep spamming Paralysis with other Psychic types and Fliptini

only time will tell, what Muk will do!?
You have to remember You only need to kill 3 of them to win,and that's a pretty big drawback.
Ok, I am sick of this. I am a competitive player, but I do not allow myself to be caught up in hyping cards. I simply test before I speak. I don't exactly see how Mewtwo is going to "break" the format. I mean sure, 170 HP is a lot to take down, but its attacks are decent, at best, and the Jirachi engine that I've seen people talking about just doesn't work as well as you'd like. It's one of those things that just looks better on paper. I've also seen a deck that just runs 4 Mewtwo, which I don't like either because then you may have a hard time getting basics out.

There are some cards in the current format that can KO this thing rather quickly, AKA Mew Prime. Now, if Mew goes 1st and can See Off that Jumpluff, it can most likely get the KO next turn, depending on what variant is being run or how fast the opponent loads their bench or can attack Energy, so right off the bat, T2 or T3, the player with Mewtwo is down 2 prizes! I don't see it as being that big of a threat.

Now, this is directed at EVERYONE: Stop hyping! Whenever a new card comes out that seems to "break the format" it never really does what everyone thinks it will. I bought into the Lostgar hype, guess what happened, I teched for it, removed some stuff I shouldn't have, didn't even play it, and then lost in Top 16 at States due to that. I bought into the Magneboar hype as well, and then bought into the MegaJudge hype and switched decks at the last minute, causing me to go 5-4 at Nats. All hyping does is scare yourself and make the forum look bad when in fact, the deck never goes anywhere.

I guess what this post is trying to say, is ask yourselves how many times a hyped deck has truly done well (that means more than 1 or 2 States or Regionals wins).

We need a like button. ~Gliscor
^That. And think of it this way: Two Zekroms/Reshirams together give up the same amount of prizes as Mewtwo. But together, they have 260 HP, rather than 170. 260>170. Plus, they have a better first attack, and a better typing (Zekrom at least). Plus both of them have MUCH better engines than some flippy/luck based Jirachi/Shaymin.
mismagius UL could be used over shaymin then engineer's adjustment to throw some energy into the discard pile but it's still too slow and inconsistent :/
Muddy68 said:
Ok, I am sick of this. I am a competitive player, but I do not allow myself to be caught up in hyping cards. I simply test before I speak. I don't exactly see how Mewtwo is going to "break" the format. I mean sure, 170 HP is a lot to take down, but its attacks are decent, at best, and the Jirachi engine that I've seen people talking about just doesn't work as well as you'd like. It's one of those things that just looks better on paper. I've also seen a deck that just runs 4 Mewtwo, which I don't like either because then you may have a hard time getting basics out.

There are some cards in the current format that can KO this thing rather quickly, AKA Mew Prime. Now, if Mew goes 1st and can See Off that Jumpluff, it can most likely get the KO next turn, depending on what variant is being run or how fast the opponent loads their bench or can attack Energy, so right off the bat, T2 or T3, the player with Mewtwo is down 2 prizes! I don't see it as being that big of a threat.

Now, this is directed at EVERYONE: Stop hyping! Whenever a new card comes out that seems to "break the format" it never really does what everyone thinks it will. I bought into the Lostgar hype, guess what happened, I teched for it, removed some stuff I shouldn't have, didn't even play it, and then lost in Top 16 at States due to that. I bought into the Magneboar hype as well, and then bought into the MegaJudge hype and switched decks at the last minute, causing me to go 5-4 at Nats. All hyping does is scare yourself and make the forum look bad when in fact, the deck never goes anywhere.

I guess what this post is trying to say, is ask yourselves how many times a hyped deck has truly done well (that means more than 1 or 2 States or Regionals wins).

We need a like button. ~Gliscor
shoulda played Magneboar :p
Anyhow Mewtwo EX is something I WILL play for BR's(just b/c i'm a mewtwo fan of course) but I mean this is a deck that has no consistent energy acceleration. Discarding multiple cards, then hoping to hit heads AND somehow get a shaymin on top of that is ridiculous, also if this card turns out be good, RDL and Magnezone Prime would like to send their regrets to this card...Also 170 HP is IMO way too much, and quite frankly scares me even more for Reshiram and Zekrom EX, I mean they have to be better than their counterparts and they're both already considered tier one/tier two..

Also, at the very least though this card may signal the end of Yanmega's reign('m talking about EX's in general), i mean a 3HKO at best, might not worth it for me to stock up on that card now...

I agree. Remember when Luxape was overhyped? It got barely any play after the hype.

Well, about the Mewtwo EX, I see it as a small tech in a few decks, but for now, I don't really think it's playable.
Look at a ZPS matchup. They set up Zekrom 1st turn, and KO you the next turn and draw 2 prizes before you can do anything.
See IDK what you could actually tech this guy into, he has such a hefty attack cost, that really doesn't OHKO anything, besides Yanmega Prime and Zoroark. I don't think it's a bad card, but i think in the right metagame, aka full of Yanmegas, he could shine, but just not quick enough IMO.
^ in defense of mewtwo I must say it can OHKO many things other than yanmega and zoroark :/ like mew prime, gengar prime, scizor prime, scolipede, machamp prime, RDL, Vileplume (not that vileplume would ever come out :p), absol prime, and any pokemon with a psychic weakness..... I'm not saying use it I' saying it can OHKO alot of pokemon :/
See IDK what you could actually tech this guy into, he has such a hefty attack cost, that really doesn't OHKO anything, besides Yanmega Prime and Zoroark.
It also counters other Mewtwo EXs. Assuming they have at least 2 energy (or a DCE), you simply put down your Mewtwo EX, put a DCE on it, and a PlusPower and you can OHKO the opposing Mewtwo EX. Might be one of the only times in the format where you'd actually want to run PlusPower.
I'm amazed that nobody's touched here on the matchup to the unconfirmed partner EX from Psycho Drive. It's going to be either Gallade or Gardevoir. This will mean a very likely chance that it can OHKO Mewtwo with weakness and vice versa. They'll cancel each other out probably, or they'll introduce a new or old lock.
The Pikachu Mafia said:
^ in defense of mewtwo I must say it can OHKO many things other than yanmega and zoroark :/ like mew prime, gengar prime, scizor prime, scolipede, machamp prime, RDL, Vileplume (not that vileplume would ever come out :p), absol prime, and any pokemon with a psychic weakness.... I'm not saying use it I' saying it can OHKO alot of pokemon :/
but it can't OHKO these(which seem to be huge right now)
Magnezone Prime
Donphan Prime
Those seem to be the power cards, so that's my issue w/ the card, and I mean it can OHKO a lot, just not a lot of the metagame.
but it can't OHKO these(which seem to be huge right now)
Magnezone Prime
Donphan Prime
Those seem to be the power cards, so that's my issue w/ the card, and I mean it can OHKO a lot, just not a lot of the metagame.

you got me on zekrom reshiram and donphan

beartic is a hype and will die down after it meets catcher

Magnezone can be KO'ed by his first attack right before he uses lost burn

(for two people who have the same favorite pokemon we can argue quite a bit lol :p)
The Pikachu Mafia said:
Magnezone can be KO'ed by his first attack right before he uses lost burn

How? Most players will never put more than 2 energy on Magnezone itself since you can LZ energy from other pokemon, so X-Ball will only do 80 damage to a Magnezone most of the time.
The Pikachu Mafia said:
you got me on zekrom reshiram and donphan

beartic is a hype and will die down after it meets catcher

Magnezone can be KO'ed by his first attack right before he uses lost burn

(for two people who have the same favorite pokemon we can argue quite a bit lol :p)

lol, i guess so :p
It's not that i'm disagreeing w/ you as you bring up some good points, but I think that i have some points to. Yeah I agree w/ Beartic being doomed, but Magnezone won't OHKO'd by Mewtwo's first attack unless people are silly and misplay. I think this EX will be playable, just not great, it's definitely setting up the stage for them to reveal an utterly broken Reshiram EX and Zekrom EX however.
If setting up Archeops doesnt end up being too hard to set up then the Basic EXs will be pretty tuff. IMO Mewtwo's X-ball move is were the moneys at, just needs colorless energys to fill up so u can pair this guy with pretty much any other powerful basic EX pokemon(dragons) and Archeops. ATM mewtwo does seem like a good card if you can set up an archeops wit it, but who knows still alot of cards to be released and alot of testing to be done.

since basics are getting stronger and then you add eviolite onto of it making every basic into a better donphan, i gota wonder if they have anything kewl in-store for stage 1s and 2s.