Midnight Designers:: Redux [GFX]

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Those brushes are of my own concoction. :3

Using the default hard brush and messing around with the brush effects, I got those. Scatter, Shape Dynamics, Dual Brush, Transfer, and Wet Edges.
To get the c4ds in that V Shape I generally duplicate the c4d I want done then go transfor> flip horizontal. Now it is the exact same but flipped over. Than I position them both in a manner that forms that V shape. Nothing to it really aha. But most the time I add another c4d or fractal over to add a bit more spice.
V2 was also my favourite because v1 was too saturated and dark as you said.

Yeah he's Carlos from the Hang Over ^.^

I like those effects. The renders are also very good quality. I like the text on the first but not the second aha. First one is my favourite because of the text and the colour contrast is very cool. Just would love to see a better bg than just grey. KIU
Okay. Since all of you people told me not to slap C4D's all over the place I decided to do it different and all.


I actually like what I did here and really proud of it. :)
You talking to me? It's a Lady Gaga Render from her official music video Poker Face. And thanks. :)

SPM3-Like the new style! Love the splatter!

PokeFanJosh-Cool! Wish I could see that movie, but still cool!
I don't like Mudkip that much, since he isn't an electric type pokemon. Though I think Lady Gaga is awesome. I usually make pokemon banners and avatars, though I'm trying different renders now.

EDIT: Thanks aggiegwyn. :)
You're going to need to bring Gaga out some more, since she's the focal point. The focal point should stand out the most, and I'm looking at the C4D's more than Gaga.
Great improvement, Fatal! I do think that the lighting in the tag isn't so strong. Try using the Lighting Effects filter for stronger lighting if you need to.
Alright, I'm a member of this group, it's about time I posted something for you guys to critique. :)


This is a bit of an experimental graphic, not sure I even like it myself, but I'd like to know what you guys think. I almost feel like it needs a little something more, myself.
@ Aadm- yeah not a fan of this one mate. Kinda of looks just like the Tron render with stroke and text (text is awesome as always XD)
Anyway KIU mate ^.^
Since I'm definetly out for a while i leave Gliscor and PokeFanJosh in charge. I trust they will both keep this place alive and orderly.
I would like to post my first avatar. It is actually my first [GFX]. It is for the Anime contest, which is probably long over. Well, here it goes.


Tell me what you think of it.
@Dragonspit. Not bad for a first try. First off I'd try and get your colours to coordinate better. The reason being that bright red doesn't look to appealing with the other colours. That's something small but vital to start off with. Effects for beginner are also decent and a lot better than my first goes. Now the text is interesting but probably just me but I can't understand it properly but does it say LuLu? Anyway I would of added a nice border to finish it off. Looking at this avatar and it's effects I would of went with a thicker border than usual with say a 2-3px border.

On other news I won't be making any more GFX for a while now. Details are on the Community Shop's last page.
So I leave you with one last piece before I leave for now.

A wallpaper I made randomly. I am currently using it because I think it's unique to myself. Feel free to use

I guess since Josh and sparks are out, I'll handle this group until they come back (if they do).
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