BW/BW2 Mijumaru's evolution?

Legit or fake?

  • Legit!

    Votes: 13 14.1%
  • Fake!

    Votes: 79 85.9%

  • Total voters
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imo, I like this evo fanart better.
I'm already picking Mijumaru reguardless. ;D

Uhh *shivers* It's hideously atrocious. I'm definitaly getting the grass starter just because i absolutely hate what the water starter looks like(and i've chosen water for every generation too!).
EDIT:hmmmmmmmm this one ^(above) looks great as an evolution to me
BunZWorlD said:
imo, I like this evo fanart better.
I'm already picking Mijumaru reguardless. ;D


the first post looks a lot better then that poo. I just want the water starter to not look ugly!
That fan art is pretty cool. I like taking the vicious approach from something that started so defenseless.
Xous said:
It's shown in battle at Lv.20, so that probably means it's meant to be Stage 1.

Anyway, the fact the image is crystal-clear with no quality problems most likely means it's fake. That's all I've got to say about it. xD Time will tell if it's real or not, I guess. *Shrugs*

actually all the pokemon games so far have had the starters evolve to their second stage before level 20

EDIT: I just found out that stage 1 means the second evolution
Aura Master said:
it's pretty much fake, u know why?

Reason 1:i think the coloring is so badly done, and it looks so shiny to be leaked if u looked through the sugimori sketches and arts u will see the coloring is realy deep and the shadowing is well done with coloring here seems to be done by photoshop

Reason 2: i think it's a lil bit odd that a level 10 pukabu encounters a lvl 20 starter evolution it's kinda imposible cuz most trainers evolve their pokemons before the rivals and u rarly see one of the starter possesed by a normal challneger early in game.

route 205 in sinnoh
girl uses piplup
TheAmazingGrass/SteelUser said:
Aura Master said:
it's pretty much fake, u know why?

Reason 1:i think the coloring is so badly done, and it looks so shiny to be leaked if u looked through the sugimori sketches and arts u will see the coloring is realy deep and the shadowing is well done with coloring here seems to be done by photoshop

Reason 2: i think it's a lil bit odd that a level 10 pukabu encounters a lvl 20 starter evolution it's kinda imposible cuz most trainers evolve their pokemons before the rivals and u rarly see one of the starter possesed by a normal challneger early in game.

route 205 in sinnoh
girl uses piplup

In Sinnoh every starter can be seen by batteling trainers through out the game.

1) Pokémon, on principle, never use kanji (Chinese characters) in their name--only katakana (syllabary often used for loanwords). Thus, having 雪 in its name is illogical.
2) The way the name is written (雪ュマル) is improper Japanese, in terms of its syllabic structure. The small "yu" ュ is used only in compound sounds like "ju" (ji + yu) and so forth. The name would be read as "Yukiyumaru," but with a full-size "yu" ユ.
BunZWorlD said:
imo, I like this evo fanart better.
I'm already picking Mijumaru reguardless. ;D


How long must this madness continue? It's a fake, it couldnt be real. Why is this thread so popular?! I find it kind of funny how much this topic gone on for.

This art is hilarious. I looks really bad, like a ferret met Mijimaru, then took steroids.
If something like that then I'll go for it. Remember Blastoise, it did not look like a total Star but still pulled it off. So let's have faith on the creator of pokemons XD
People, this is fake....

When I saw that picture on the first page of this thread I LOL'd because I knew it was fake.

A friend of mine (commonly uses pickblue as his username) showed me this picture some short time after the starters were revealed.

You all will feel very stupid after this for believing it to be real, or for the ones hoping (like I hoped the true design wouldn't be like this) this wasn't real, relieved:

lol I'm shocked no one was suspicious enough to search deviantART.:D
OMG!!! I am hopin its fake!!! the thing is ugly!!! (no offense to whoever likes it) It looks lik a snow man with a carrot for a nose.
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