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Mina's Thread! [H]: LOTS! [W]: LOTS!

Mina said:
Brandonf6: All prices from CC, and Persian ex is based on T&T as well as eBay prices. Since neither the Dragonite nor TR Sneak Attack were mint, I don't want them. And I took away the Entei & Suicune L. to get the other cards in. + It's not about the amount of cards, it's the value. The value matches up, but if you're not comfortable with it, take away the Exeggutor from my offer :)
Collector's Cache doesn't correspond well with others for low prices, but it is nearly the same difference-
Collector's Cache (with T&T for Persian):
1x Mudkip * M 65, 1x Rocket's Persian ex NM 4.3, 1x Tyranitar ex (DF) NM 18
= $87.3 (CC)
My: 1x Treecko * M 50, 1x Archeops shiny NM/M 11, 1x Clefairy (Base holo) 7, 1x, Snorlax (Jungle rare) 2, 1x Vaporeon (Jungle rare) 2, 1x Lapras (Fossil holo) 5, 1x Kingdra (Genesis holo) 2, 1x Flygon ex (DF) OR Gardevoir ex (DF) 13, 1x Exeggutor (Southern Island) 1
= $93

T&T: 1x Mudkip * M 50, 1x Rocket's Persian ex NM 4.3, 1x Tyranitar ex (DF) NM 17
= $71.3
My: 1x Treecko * M 50 , 1x Archeops shiny NM/M 9, 1x Clefairy (Base holo) 4.2, 1x Snorlax (Jungle rare) .8, 1x Vaporeon (Jungle rare) 1, 1x Lapras (Fossil holo) 1, 1x Kingdra (Genesis holo) 1, 1x Flygon ex (DF) OR Gardevoir ex (DF) 7.5 , 1x Exeggutor (Southern Island) 1
= $75.5

It's closer than I thought, I was wrong; I was thinking it was more unbalanced than that. But still slightly in your favor on both. What if I drop Flygon ex or Gardevoir ex (7.5) and Exeggutor (1) on my side, and add in Suicune/Entei 94 (4.8). That would make it your 71.3 to my 71.8, which is nearly exact (also by CC). I also have to consider the shipping weight for that many cards (which is why I prefer less cards for an equal value, like your side is). So shipping might be a bit more for me too, but I would be good with that. Sorry for all the back and forth too lol I know I can be difficult sometimes.
So that would bring the offer to:
1x Mudkip * M
1x Rocket's Persian ex NM
1x Tyranitar ex (DF) NM
87.3 (CC)

1x Treecko * M
1x Archeops shiny NM/M
1x Clefairy (Base holo)
1x Snorlax (Jungle rare)
1x Vaporeon (Jungle rare)
1x Lapras (Fossil holo)
1x Kingdra (Genesis holo)
1x Entei/Suicune 94 (Unleashed)
87.5 (CC)
Almost exact whichever way you look at it lol
Haha, that's ok, I can be a bit difficult sometimes too :p We both just want value for our cards ^^ And I usen original prices, not the offer ones since I find those to be more accurate at some points (ofc I estiamate some based on condition, demand and if they are waay overpriced..)
But I'd really like to get an ex out of this trade as I'm 'giving' 2 away x)
So how about you take out;
1x Kingdra (Genesis holo)
1x Snorlax (Jungle rare)
1x Vaporeon (Jungle rare)

and put in the Flygon ex? You would be up about $1, I think? Pick out something small from my haves if you'd like to even it out :) I have a complete Team Rocket 1st. Ed. rare/commons/uncommons too if you would like something from that :p
Mina said:
Haha, that's ok, I can be a bit difficult sometimes too :p We both just want value for our cards ^^ And I usen original prices, not the offer ones since I find those to be more accurate at some points (ofc I estiamate some based on condition, demand and if they are waay overpriced..)
But I'd really like to get an ex out of this trade as I'm 'giving' 2 away x)
So how about you take out;
1x Kingdra (Genesis holo)
1x Snorlax (Jungle rare)
1x Vaporeon (Jungle rare)

and put in the Flygon ex? You would be up about $1, I think? Pick out something small from my haves if you'd like to even it out :) I have a complete Team Rocket 1st. Ed. rare/commons/uncommons too if you would like something from that :p
Yeah, I know what you mean. What if I leave in Kingdra and Snorlax, just take out Vaporeon, and add in Aggron ex (Sandstorm)? You'd still be up a bit more and get an ex, it would just be easier for me to trade Aggron than Flygon.
If Aggron is mint or near mint, then we have a deal ^^ PM me to confirm :)
KaMewie: It's typical that out of all the cards (2000+), I got nothing that I needed from DP sets? D:
How abut this:
1x Kyurem NV
1x Tornadus EP
1x Kyogre EX
= $17,5

Glaceon #5 H
Call Energy #92 Reg
Special Metal Energy #95 RH/Reg

Rotom #7 H
Swampert #9 H
Togekiss #11 H
Altaria #12 Reg
Butterfree #14 RH
Lapras #21 Reg
Latias #22 Reg
Latios #23 RH
Mawile #24 RH/Reg
Primeape #27 Reg
Wailord #30 Reg
Wigglytuff #32 RH/Reg
Arbok #33 RH
Gorebyss #38 RH
Grovyle #40 RH
Marshtomp #46 RH
Pelipper #48 RH
Skarmory #53 RH
Zangoose #59 RH
Cacnea #62 RH
Ekans #66 RH

Gardevoir #7 H
Gastrodon East Sea #8 H
Lickilicky #12 RH
Golduck #28 RH
Golem #29 RH/Reg
Minun #32 Reg
Mothim #33 Reg
Nidoking #34 RH
Plusle #36 RH/Reg
Sunflora #38 Reg
Wormadam Trash Cloak #43 RH/Reg
Farfetch'd #49 RH
Lotad #92 RH
Natu #96 RH

Azelf #19 Reg
Mesprit #34 Reg
= $17 (~about~, Lost track a coiple of times :p)

All prices from T&T.

What do you say? :)
You're the one who said all the cards you have. I'm just trying to get value out of shipping 2/3 cards over the Atlantic. No need to put every single card into top loaders, just put 5x in a clear/soft sleeve?

Glaceon #5 H 1.5
Call Energy #92 Reg 0.5
Special Metal Energy #95 RH/Reg 1

Rotom #7 H 1
Swampert #9 H 1.5
Togekiss #11 H 1.5
Altaria #12 Reg 1
Butterfree #14 RH 1.5
Lapras #21 Reg 1
Latias #22 Reg 1
Latios #23 RH 1.5
Mawile #24 RH/Reg 1
Primeape #27 Reg 1
Wailord #30 Reg 1.5
Wigglytuff #32 RH 1.5
Arbok #33 RH 1
Gorebyss #38 RH 1
Grovyle #40 RH 1
Marshtomp #46 RH 1
Pelipper #48 RH 1
Skarmory #53 RH 1
Zangoose #59 RH 1
Cacnea #62 RH 1
Ekans #66 RH 1

Gardevoir #7 H 1.5
Gastrodon East Sea #8 H 1.5
Lickilicky #12 RH 1.5
Golduck #28 RH 1.5
Golem #29 RH 1.5
Minun #32 Reg 1
Mothim #33 Reg 1
Nidoking #34 RH 1.5
Plusle #36 RH 1.5
Sunflora #38 Reg 1
Wormadam Trash Cloak #43 RH 1.5
Farfetch'd #49 RH 1
Lotad #92 RH 1
Natu #96 RH 1

Azelf #19 Reg 1
Mesprit #34 Reg 1



2x Kyogre EX 5 ea.
Terrakion EX 11
Tornadus EX 15
2x Tornadus EPO 2.5 ea.
Landorus NVI 2.5
1x Kyurem NVI 2.5


I think this is plenty fair for both of us. What do you think?
No, thanks. old reverses are definitely NOT worth 1.5. They are worth about 0.4 - 0.5. Either way I would never trade both Playable and EX's for old, unplayable, and pretty much worthless cards (nowadays). :p
I gave my offer, with the right prices. There's no way that a single RH Rom do sets goes for 1.5 @ eBay. They go for 0.4 - 0.5/6
Watch out peeps! Dragons Exalted cards and Boundaries Crossed cards coming in an update over the weekend :D Been busy with exams so took me a while :/
Now updated with Dragons Exalted and.Boundaries Crossed! Also have a second box of BC coming in someday in the next 2weeks or so :)
Hello again. I've got Zekrom EX FA (near mint), Kyurem EX FA (near mint), Crystal Wall (near mint), Shiny Rocky Helmet (mint), Kyurem EX (near mint), and these smaller things.

Legends Awakened
9, 134

87, 92

Call of Legends
6, 10 RH, 11, 14, 22, 24, 28, 29, 33 RH, 34

Emerging Powers

Noble Victories

(Pretty much all the cards before Black & White are heavily played)

I'm interested in Landorus EX (condition?).

Would you do my:
Shiny Rocky Helmet
Crystal Wall
One of the Full Arts (I'll say Zekrom for now)
A few other smaller cards

For the Landorus?

Let me know, or counter offer. Thanks :)
Nah, thanks :) May be getting Crystall Wall soon, and the other things are just not wort as much as the Landorus :p Sorry