Misty’s Starmie & Misty’s Staryu from “Heat Wave Arena”


Grass-Type Gym Leader
News Staff
Misty’s Staryu and Misty’s Starmie will appear in Heat Wave Arena, which releases on March 14th in Japan. The cards from the set will become part of our Destined Rivals set in May.
Misty’s Staryu – Water – HP70
Basic Pokémon
[W] Bubble Beam: 20 damage. Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed.
Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1

Misty’s Starmie – Water – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Misty’s Staryu
[W] Sudden Flash...

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Obvious question from someone new who hasn’t seen any of the series and is unaware of the vast majority of canon: how come the longest lasting and most beloved character is not getting an ex (and thus an SIR)??
Obvious question from someone new who hasn’t seen any of the series and is unaware of the vast majority of canon: how come the longest lasting and most beloved character is not getting an ex (and thus an SIR)??
Maybe she's getting the privilege of a full art Supporter card instead? None of the other trainers with dedicated archetypes that appear in the Owner's Pokémon block so far have, and it would definitely make her stand out more in that regard.

Or maybe I'm just huffing copium seeing two spare trainer slots in the set that could potentially go to the hypothetical base rarity card.
We took a theme that had 3 cards shown and an interesting enough idea, and gave it straight filler to follow. Lost almost all remaining interest I had in this pack.
no? Gyarados is out already, no AR

in between Roserade and Rotom are still 8 ARs to, one of which is Rapidash and still space for one or two water lines.
Hopefull just because gyarados has been revealed doesn't mean the AR doesn't exist
Honestly kinda happy about this, it's just a personal thing but I've never liked misty and seeing my favourite character only get 4 cards has made me salty about all the other owners Pokémon as well
if there is an AR, they get revealed with the regular card.
Not really. Pretty sure there are many examples but recent ones are Iono Kilowattrel and N Zorua. If the card is revealed in masse I think it’s more likely they don’t show the AR which I think it was the case for Misty’s first cards