Misty’s Starmie & Misty’s Staryu from “Heat Wave Arena”

We don't know that, Misty has had the following Pokemon in games:

Wooper, Quagsire, Lapras, Lanturn, Floatzel, Milotic, Seaking, Slowbro, Blastoise, Jellicent, SWanna, Carracosta, Dewgong, Horsea, Dugdrio, Exeggutor, Togetic, Sunflora, Politoed, Ampharos, Wigglytuff, DRagonair, Nidoqueen
Game dev 1: “Here’s a list of Misty’s Pokémon we can use!”
Game dev 2: “Tell me you play Pokémon Stadium without telling me you play Pokémon Stadium.”

I wish we were getting Misty’s Wigglytuff!
The best thing about Misty's Starmie is that it could be good ammo for Misty's Gyarados' attack, and that's it. And as fun as Misty's Gyarados looks like it could be, I don't even have all that much faith in it.
let me put it to you this way, if we get a "Misty's Nidoqueen ex" just because she had one in one of the stadium games or some nonsense, i will personally paypal you 10,000 USD. thankfully, i am extremely confident i will never need to do this. it is crazy to assume that random bulbapedia trivia pokemon almost no one associates with Misty would get an ex over Starmie. worst case scenario, we see a "Misty's Lapras ex" for no reason while her Starmie is hung out to dry, but i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you.
Okay I'm gonna take you up on that.