Misty’s Starmie & Misty’s Staryu from “Heat Wave Arena”

Obvious question from someone new who hasn’t seen any of the series and is unaware of the vast majority of canon: how come the longest lasting and most beloved character is not getting an ex (and thus an SIR)??
First of all she ain’t that. Second of all it is impossible for them to always cater to the most popular thing. If at any point you’ve felt annoyed or bored they’re giving certain pokemon like Charizard attention again, obviously to a way lesser extent, but that could be applied here as well specially since she received a beautiful card in SWSH era. And you know there are fans of Pokémon in general, there is no reason really to not give an unpopular trainer or Pokémon some love here and there. If they did just do the popular thing why bother giving the new games that old fans (which in tcg there are A LOT) won’t ever care for, new sets. And if you’re worried about them not making money bc of decisions like this…lol
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really disappointing, but following the trend of the last set. they made a dozen vaguely interesting cards and then phoned it in for the rest of the set. it's kind of insane how directionless some of this trainer archetyping is. the inability to commit to their own i-block fun idea even to the same degree as ancient/future is really sad and embarrassing given how much easier it would be to really do a good job with trainer mons.
Not really, it's kind of wild that they're using the FRLG designs at all when they could've just as easily used the Let's Go designs. I think it's a treat!
i am personally not inclined to say that the use of worse stock artwork over better stock artwork (or god forbid, a new illustration) is "a treat".
So Misty just isn't getting an ex? Pretty crazy. And people were mad about how how Arven got treated.
We don't know that, Misty has had the following Pokemon in games:

Wooper, Quagsire, Lapras, Lanturn, Floatzel, Milotic, Seaking, Slowbro, Blastoise, Jellicent, SWanna, Carracosta, Dewgong, Horsea, Dugdrio, Exeggutor, Togetic, Sunflora, Politoed, Ampharos, Wigglytuff, DRagonair, Nidoqueen
We don't know that, Misty has had the following Pokemon in games:

Wooper, Quagsire, Lapras, Lanturn, Floatzel, Milotic, Seaking, Slowbro, Blastoise, Jellicent, SWanna, Carracosta, Dewgong, Horsea, Dugdrio, Exeggutor, Togetic, Sunflora, Politoed, Ampharos, Wigglytuff, DRagonair, Nidoqueen
we do know that because there aren't slots left for basically any of those.
We don't know that, Misty has had the following Pokemon in games:

Wooper, Quagsire, Lapras, Lanturn, Floatzel, Milotic, Seaking, Slowbro, Blastoise, Jellicent, SWanna, Carracosta, Dewgong, Horsea, Dugdrio, Exeggutor, Togetic, Sunflora, Politoed, Ampharos, Wigglytuff, DRagonair, Nidoqueen
And you're betting on those Pokemon that are loosely tied to her being the one that is her ex? Seaking has the best shot but she's known for Psyduck, Starmie, and Gyarados.
Really all those types?
let me put it to you this way, if we get a "Misty's Nidoqueen ex" just because she had one in one of the stadium games or some nonsense, i will personally paypal you 10,000 USD. thankfully, i am extremely confident i will never need to do this. it is crazy to assume that random bulbapedia trivia pokemon almost no one associates with Misty would get an ex over Starmie. worst case scenario, we see a "Misty's Lapras ex" for no reason while her Starmie is hung out to dry, but i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you.
I honestly don't think Misty will have an ex poke, but just for the game, maybe Politoed? considering she has one in the game and the anime
If they don't make at least one classic era callback card I will be very sad and not at all surprised.