Hello! I'm back! If anyone here remembers me then, thats great! 
Looking for:
Legit Shinies.
Legit 13th Movie Entei
Legit 13th Movie Raikou
Legit 13th Movie Suicune
Legit 13th Movie Celebi
Japanese Dittos, level 39, UT
Eevees that know the Egg Move Wish (both Male and Female, Japanese (Female only at the moment) and English (Male only at the moment), level 1, UT.
Male Mudkips that know the Egg Moves Counter and Mirror Coat, level 1, UT.
Male Shellos that the Egg Moves know Counter and Mirror Coat, level 1, UT.
I can also get most Pokemon with Egg Moves for you. If you want a Pokemon with certain Egg Moves then, please ask me and tell me what Pokemon and what Egg Moves you want, give me your offer, and I'll see if your offer is good enough and if I can do what you're asking for!
Thanks for reading this! More Pokemon on offer coming soon!
Unfortunately, my internet connection is very bad at the moment. I don't know when it will be better, but I hope that it will be better soon!
Looking for:
Legit Shinies.
Legit 13th Movie Entei
Legit 13th Movie Raikou
Legit 13th Movie Suicune
Legit 13th Movie Celebi
Japanese Dittos, level 39, UT
Eevees that know the Egg Move Wish (both Male and Female, Japanese (Female only at the moment) and English (Male only at the moment), level 1, UT.
Male Mudkips that know the Egg Moves Counter and Mirror Coat, level 1, UT.
Male Shellos that the Egg Moves know Counter and Mirror Coat, level 1, UT.
I can also get most Pokemon with Egg Moves for you. If you want a Pokemon with certain Egg Moves then, please ask me and tell me what Pokemon and what Egg Moves you want, give me your offer, and I'll see if your offer is good enough and if I can do what you're asking for!
Thanks for reading this! More Pokemon on offer coming soon!