Finished MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (A raging windstorm)

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OOC: I wonder where Dec is D: He would make a GREAT report :D. CA should make one...he would make a good one too :D
OoC: Yeah, Decmaster would make a great report.

IC: "They promised me that they would return....They said that thy wouldn't be too long and they be right out....My mom promised that if she saw a snake she would return home....And since my dad feared failing my mom and the whole family....So if he saw mom terrified he would bring her home...But I waited weeks for them to come home....And they didn't...." Love said now crying.
OOC: Aaaaaahhhh destroying hopes and dreams. That is just how we do it here at the pony RPG ;D.
White looked at the reports, each had one of the ponies names on it in the group.

"Oh boy," White said, shuddering.
'No...I know they're not dead....! I just have to hope for the best....Or else....' Love wiped her eyes.
"My parents left me when I was really young and no one ever told me what happened to them," White replied, "I displayed such good leadership qualities and being able to take care of myself, no one said a word about it."

"My parents names were Downpour and Cirrus," White continued.

(Downpour = White's father
Cirrus = White's mother)
OOC: OH you want me to do you too SDB? Sure :D

IC: You open the file afraid of what you are about to read.

"Cirrus & Downpour: Were some of the greatest competitive flyers of Cloudsdale. They won many competitions together and had a son nicknamed "White". It is believed that one of there opponents was mad about losing to them and invited them into the forest. They arrived to find no one there. There hoofprints lead to the river in the Everfree Forest. They stop there and don't continue on the other side. It would seem that someone pushed them in and they couldn't get out. No other hoofprints were found around the river that belonged to anyone but the victims. We could not prove that they were pushed in because of this. There is also the possibility that they jumped in themselves and drowned. The bodies were never recovered."

White turned his back to the file cabinet and proceeded to give it a Super Kick and shatter it. White turned to Rainbow, starting to cry.

"Oh, Rainbow!" White exclaimed, sobbing, "How could anyone do something like that to my parents!"
'Oh, poor White....It seems that everypony had had their parents or somepony they loved killed...I guess I can only hope....' Love thought.
OOC: Hmmmm...let me think of another journal and then we will move on from this depressing room :p
White slumped on the ground at Rainbow's feet, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh, Rainbow!" White said, sobbing, "What kind of heartless pony would kill my parents!"
"It's ok White..." RD said patting him on the back.

"White..." Crash said now almost back to normal. "I don't think anyone killed your was what ever is in that forest..."

OOC: UUUUUUUUUHHHHHH I think I have an idea...yes...YES with people from the show too ;D
"Yeah. I doubt somepony would've killed your parents." Love said calmly.
Crash started walking out but then slipped on another report on the ground. "I guess...we do need a little more info..." She said shaking a bit as she opened the file.

"Day 1: This will be awesome. Kevin and I on a recruit mission in the Everfree Forest. It ain't so bad in here. I don't know why the EAF are so afraid of this place. It's not like there are Ursa Minor's or least I hope not.

Day 2: Rough sleep last night has me much noise in this forest. We started talking about flying school today and how we used to pick on this one filly named Rainbow Dash. She was so fast, I kind of felt bad that they locked her away. She truly is the greatest flyer in Cloudsdale. She beat Kevin and I in a race way back in the day. She even pulled off the Sonic Rainboom...she...was amazing I have to admit."

"WHAT...why are they talking about me?!" RD said as she took the paper from Crash's hooves.

"Day 3: I saw it...we both did URSA MINOR...I was quaking in my horseshoes. Kevin and I flew up in the air to get away and are just floating here...the Ursa is sleeping about 50 ft below us. It's ok we can float here for days. This thing won't and can't get us.

Day 4: No sleep...but I know that we can outlast this Ursa. We haven't seen our pony's that we came to save yet. It's like a Where's Paldo book...he is so hard to spot. I'm sure this Ursa will get bored and leave.

Day 5: It's still there...we need to land to rest...I know it will leave soon. I just know...I hope.

Day 6: No...NO Kevin...he couldn't stay up in the air anymore and he fell down to the Ursa Minor below...I can't..."

"....It ends..." RD said as she wiped a tear away from her face.

OoC: Oh! I know this! I think, is it the ponies from Sonicerainboom? You know, the ones that called Rainbow Rainbow Crash? The rough looking ponies, and then Rainbow says "My life is ruined!!!!" Sfterwards?

IC: 'I've ran out of all hope...Well now that I know Ursa Minor's in the forest...' Love thought. "Do you think we have enough info?"
OOC: I need names :p

IC: "Wait...where is the file on this incident. Not just the journal. Look up Kevin...hurry." Crash said scrounging for the file.
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