Moderator Applications

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If they did indeed join last week, that is a determining factor in picking them. Sure, it can weed them out, but I'd like to think we're already restrictive enough as it is (clearly, seeing this thread).

Edit: And lol. Ninja'd.

dmaster out.
Just fill out your applications and stop speculating about everything. I'm not even reading this thread anymore - I stopped after my last post, whenever that was.
@juliacoolo: what I meant was that among the entire pokebeach staff, only a select few are that young and the ratio is probably going to be very similar on other forum websites.

@DarkLucario: I've seen many people who joined in 2006 or 2007 and have nearly 15 posts ever. They just forget about the site and leave once they achieve a goal or something (in this case becoming a mod).
I find it funny that sweet dawn berlitz has a huge point and the only people that don't agree with her are the people with under 30 post!
Water Pokémon Master said:
Just fill out your applications and stop speculating about everything. I'm not even reading this thread anymore - I stopped after my last post, whenever that was.
This thread fails so much now at this point that I can only agree and support your decision.
I find it funny that sweet dawn berlitz has a huge point and the only people that don't agree with her are the people with under 30 post!
I find it funny that you aren't even using proper grammar in your post here. I spotted 4 mistakes in here (3 of which are grammatical).
It's not the number of posts that matter; it's the post content. Post count really doesn't mean much of anything; I highly doubt that someone who can't make more than a 2-sentence post will be nominated for much of anything. (As Aero Blitz said, if there were a post requirement it would encourage a huge spam flood that would happen this week, which is neither wanted nor needed.) Everything is being taken into account so I don't think you need to worry your head over who's going to get picked. The people who get picked are the ones who are the most qualified to serve in the position.
That isn't to say that everyone who gets picked will have a nearly non-existent post count, but if every single one of those posts was incredibly thoughtful and insightful, that would make that person a very likely candidate.
@EVERYBODY: POST COUNT DOES NOT MATTER! (lol caps) Seriously, if you want to see if someone's new view their profile and last login. Just because they don't post doesn't mean that they don't go online 2 hours a day. Of course, if your post count is low because your new then you're probably not going to get the position. The whole purpose is to find intelligent, mature, and experienced people on Pokebeach.
konter_j8902 said:
Can anyone confirm that AIM works on Dial-Up?
I can personally confirm it. At least I can mostly. I used to have AOL, and their browser. It had a built-in AIM, and it worked flawlessly. So I don't think there's much of a problem.
SinnohTrainer said:
Yes, but maturity is a difficult factor to measure online.

In my post I was refering to online. But yes, I understand what you're saying. Being a mod is a big job, and the one who decides to pick the mods, has to be careful as to who they pick. Age will always play a big factor in things like this. But it won't matter if they're mature enough to have the job.

Best of luck to everyone though. Mods and Members alike.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Electimortar said:
So is this the surprise? :F

No, this is phase two. Phase three is the surprise! :p

I'm aware that WPM isn't really browsing this thread anymore, so IF you lied to us WPM and you are reading this, is dmaster's promotion the surprise? If not or I get no answer I guess I'll have to wait :(. I don't like waiting... :(
would somebody post the Application here, when i click the link, it leads me somewhere else.
Electric Pokemon Master said:
would somebody post the Application here, when i click the link, it leads me somewhere else.

The link is supposed to lead to the application download on Word. Where is it taking you?
Gliscor said:
The link is supposed to lead to the application download on Word. Where is it taking you?

Some kinda Windows Help or something like that. I would love to be A Mod, but i cant get the Application:( Would somebody Copy it and Paste it here?
Electric Pokemon Master said:
Some kinda Windows Help or something like that. I would love to be A Mod, but i cant get the Application:( Would somebody Copy it and Paste it here?

I will PM it to you shortly.
Electric Pokemon Master said:
would somebody post the Application here, when i click the link, it leads me somewhere else.
PokéBeach Moderator Application

Basic Information

1. First and last name
2. PokéBeach username
3. Aliases on other forums and sites
4. Age
5. Grade level / year in school (and your majors and minors if you're in college)
6. E-mail address
7. IM contact information, such as AIM, MSN, Skype, etc.
8. State and/or country
Some Explanation

1. How many hours are you online each day on average and does this ever change?
2. What responsibilities do you have in real life? Are you part of a club, a team, have to take care of people, etc.? If so, how would this affect your time and ability to moderate and contribute to the site?
3. How stable is your life right now in terms of being able to dedicate yourself to a moderator position for the long-run? Are you going to be going to college soon, getting a job, etc., that may interfere with the amount of time you will have here? How many years do you think you can dedicate to our site?
4. What is your current or previous work experience in real life or online? (Work experience = jobs, officer in a club at school, moderator on another forum, etc.) Feel free to write more than a few sentences if you have lots of experience. If you have none, simply say so (sometimes that's a good thing!). If you have done online work, link us!
Longer Explanation

1. Please take this personality test: When you are done, copy your results, paste them into Word, and attach them in your application e-mail.
2. Tell us your experience with Pokemon. Which aspects of the franchise are you involved in? How has Pokemon affected your life? How long have you played Pokemon? Have you ever won a tournament? This is an open-ended question so tell us everything about you in relation to Pokemon.
3. What do you think of PokéBeach as a website? What do you think of its webmaster and its moderators? What does this site mean to you?
4. Read the new forum organization document ( and select up to three forums you feel you could moderate (picking one or two is fine). Tell us why you feel you can moderate these forums.
5. How would you improve PokéBeach and its forums? What problems do you notice? Which do you think you can fix? What are your ideas? What would you bring to the table as a moderator?
6. Have you contributed to PokéBeach in any way already? Are you well-known for fixing decks, providing advice, helping people on the forum, etc.? Link us to what you would say is a good example of "work" or contributions you've made on the forums.
7. How would you describe your online self and real-life self? What would your friends and family say about you? What would God say about you? What would you say is your biggest problem(s) in regards to working with other people or just in general?
8. Feel free to tell us anything else about yourself that this application may have not covered.
There you go.
ArceusShayminLovr said:
PokéBeach Moderator Application

Basic Information

1. First and last name
2. PokéBeach username
3. Aliases on other forums and sites
4. Age
5. Grade level / year in school (and your majors and minors if you're in college)
6. E-mail address
7. IM contact information, such as AIM, MSN, Skype, etc.
8. State and/or country
Some Explanation

1. How many hours are you online each day on average and does this ever change?
2. What responsibilities do you have in real life? Are you part of a club, a team, have to take care of people, etc.? If so, how would this affect your time and ability to moderate and contribute to the site?
3. How stable is your life right now in terms of being able to dedicate yourself to a moderator position for the long-run? Are you going to be going to college soon, getting a job, etc., that may interfere with the amount of time you will have here? How many years do you think you can dedicate to our site?
4. What is your current or previous work experience in real life or online? (Work experience = jobs, officer in a club at school, moderator on another forum, etc.) Feel free to write more than a few sentences if you have lots of experience. If you have none, simply say so (sometimes that's a good thing!). If you have done online work, link us!
Longer Explanation

1. Please take this personality test: When you are done, copy your results, paste them into Word, and attach them in your application e-mail.
2. Tell us your experience with Pokemon. Which aspects of the franchise are you involved in? How has Pokemon affected your life? How long have you played Pokemon? Have you ever won a tournament? This is an open-ended question so tell us everything about you in relation to Pokemon.
3. What do you think of PokéBeach as a website? What do you think of its webmaster and its moderators? What does this site mean to you?
4. Read the new forum organization document ( and select up to three forums you feel you could moderate (picking one or two is fine). Tell us why you feel you can moderate these forums.
5. How would you improve PokéBeach and its forums? What problems do you notice? Which do you think you can fix? What are your ideas? What would you bring to the table as a moderator?
6. Have you contributed to PokéBeach in any way already? Are you well-known for fixing decks, providing advice, helping people on the forum, etc.? Link us to what you would say is a good example of "work" or contributions you've made on the forums.
7. How would you describe your online self and real-life self? What would your friends and family say about you? What would God say about you? What would you say is your biggest problem(s) in regards to working with other people or just in general?
8. Feel free to tell us anything else about yourself that this application may have not covered.
There you go.

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