Moderator Applications

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Ok, my turn. All of you who are 10-12 aren't really prob gonna be a mod anyway (except for Flare maybe and 42c). Why? Well first of all as Zero said, it's alot of work. I know some of you may like working hard and writing (I like writing), but theres also alot of other things your gonna have to do. You also pretty much have to know the fourm inside out for alot of this stuff. Newer member that were here for a week, I suggest you take this into account. Your gonna not just be on the fourm for fun, (even though it will still be fun) your gonna be here with a job. A job that if your inactive with, gets taken away. I've seen members quit in a few days. So if your gonna do the job, your staying unless you want to revoke the position.

Yeah... turned out diffrent than I thought it would be.... heh
PDC, lucky for 42c he turned 13 like a week ago.

Most 10-12 year olds should get away from here and stop complaining, it's the law.

These members that joined last week, you probably aren't going to get it either.

For those of you without AIM/ Skype because of internet slowness, too bad.

Just want there to be less complaining here, it really annoys me when I read this thread.
I think it's stupid that people are complaining about the application. It's not long at all. If you think it's long, you don't really deserve the chance to moderate a forum. It's a lot of busy work. Like PalkiaDialgaClash said above, it's not just working hard. You gotta know what you're talking about and you have to be civil with your work. I learned the hard way. :p

But anyways, all that aside, I wish everyone who applied the best of luck!

Question: besides being 13 and up, are there any other requirements that a user must meet?
^ you MUST have either Skype or AIM. Both is preferred. MSN or Yahoo are okay but you will miss out on a lot of stuff then.
Guy89 said:
Most 10-12 year olds should get away from here and stop complaining, it's the law. said:


(1) IN GENERAL.—It is unlawful for an operator of a website or online service directed to children, or any operator that has actual knowledge that it is collecting personal information from a child, to collect personal information from a child in a manner that violates the regulations prescribed under subsection (b).

Mhm, so stop complaining about it and wait till next year (or the next two years etc.).

I joined last year, but never was really active till now. Might as well try, lol.

Good luck to everyone else!
No offense everyone, but why don't you stop asking questions and whining, and READ THE FIRST POST. (Caps =D)

I think there's been about 12 people here now "awww, I'm 11, I'm 12, I don't have what you required" (The last one I understand in Crystal's case)

Moderating isn't a walk in the park, you don't just ban, move threads, and stuff YOU think is fun. It's a responsibility, no, not like cleaning your room or taking care of your pet, more like school. It's not something you choose when to do.

Now, the next time someone posts whining, someone else quote this post, guy's post, or hey, what about gamercal's post?

This is just getting somewhat crazy guys. =X

Edit: Or Aeroblitz post.
OMG, when I was twelve years old, my parents wouldn't let me use the internet. Be happy that you guys can roam it nowadays. Geez... good times good times...
I know right? I had to BEG my parents to use this site. If going to sites besides was already hard you could imagine how hard it was to go to a site where you Exchange Addresses. (Capitalized for extra... Point out.)

Yeah, be happy people.
lol i was modding a pokemon forum as big as this when i was 12...

i suppose this is the best course of action to take when the majority of your actually experienced moderation team quits on you. though i really doubt more than 2 people applying for the position really deserve it... and i doubt even more that they will be the ones selected.
esperante said:
lol i was modding a pokemon forum as big as this when i was 12...

i suppose this is the best course of action to take when the majority of your actually experienced moderation team quits on you. though i really doubt more than 2 people applying for the position really deserve it... and i doubt even more that they will be the ones selected.

That's totally true. Let's say WPM gets a total of 100 applications. Probably 1/2 of them will be from 10-12 year olds or just plain bad. Another 30 will have specific flaws found in the humanmetrics test or questions regarding dedication & hard work. Then only A FEW of the last 20 will actually be chosen for the position.

I'm just saying this to put it out that even though TONS of people want to apply, you have to keep in mind that it takes hard work and a high level of maturity. The best qualified would obviously be those with job experience and with enough time to spend 1-2 hours on Pokebeach each day.
After viewing this topic, here's what I think. Anyways, moderating is a BIG thing to do. In my opinion, giving a 13 year old kid power on any internet site is bound to be trouble. They get so mod happy they abuse their powers and ban the wrong folk. I've seen it happen so many times. 13 year olds are still discovering who they really are. Moderators should be, in my opinion, at least 15-16 before even being considered. By this point, they're in high school, they know more stuff, and can almost be socially acceptable. No one wants to be banned by a little wee 13 year old having his bad day.

Heh, I know my words won't have any weight whatsoever considering my post count. Thing is, I've been a lurker for like 3 years, only joining a few months back, when Zoroark just got released.
If you think having a 13 year old being a Mod, then if there were no COPPA laws, imagine what a kid younger than 13 would do with the power.

There a lot of mature 13 year olds, but this is something that should be given to people older than 13 years of age, as stated earlier.
Some of that i agree with Ryukouki but some of it i strongly disagree with. If a 13 year old mod becomes ban/warn happy then they wont be a mod anymore. This generation of kids is moving very fast in some classes. At my old school 6th graders are taking Algebra(a normal 9th grade class). so age is but a number.
If a member was falsely banned, then another mod could just un-bun that member and suggest having the bad mod de-modded.
OK guys, to help WPM and the other moderators sort out real questions, I've done the job to create an opinion thread. Gotta keep this place on topic, and I'm sorry if I went off too much. My new topic is here:

To the moderators and administrators, I apologize for going so off topic. If my new topic causes interference with your work, please close it. I have no problem at all! I'm just trying to do my best to help, my way. :p
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
There a lot of mature 13 year olds, but this is something that should be given to people older than 13 years of age, as stated earlier.
I became a moderator when I was thirteen and I agree that this job takes a lot of responsibility although I believe that someones age doesn't reflect anything towards this job. A keen and mature thirteen year old is better than a lazy twenty year old. It's not about the persons age, it's the person who is applying for the job. WPM isn't going to select someone who isn't right for the job.
I became a moderator when I was thirteen and I agree that this job takes a lot of responsibility although I believe that someones age doesn't reflect anything. A keen and mature thirteen year old is better than a power-hungry twenty year old. It's not about the persons age, it's the person who is applying for the job.

Absolutely. Maybe it's just because I review things on another website, and people just want the position to get free stuff. I dunno, I was comparing my experiences and just pointing out. And I realize now I can't stereotype a person like that, I have to see what they become and then I'll judge them.
You know, this moderation thing is like driving. You think it's sooooo easy and then when you get put into the driver's seat you're like crap, this sucks. :p
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