Moderator Applications

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to everyone, I see that you might have to exclude most of the basic information section, but the rest is stuff like your time spent on PokeBeach that is most likely in COPPA regulations.
Blue Thunder said:
Two things I'll point here:

1) WPM already has probably tons of applications to look through...does he really want to open the floodgates for 10-12 year olds, (which easily make up a good portion of this forum (just look at this thread :S) and most of them would not consider irl situations when deciding to submit an application) only to have 90%+ to turn out to be a waste of time to go through? WPM has too much on his plate as is.

2) It's against the law to collect information from children. While he could take out a few of the questions, some of those questions are a bit necessary. And again, refer to #1.

This, it'd just be too much to handle (that's not even needed to handle), plus, if you'd take out all of the questions regarding personal information, there wouldn't be too much left now, would there? :3

Thirteen is a reasonable age to allow one to become a moderator. It's just too big of a job for an eleven year old. I don't see why this is would be too harsh.
Crystal Hikara said:
It's not that. It's that my computer LITERALLY cannot handle the bandwidth needed for it. 56K is like...augh. My computer literally crashes whenever it wants to, with little to no warning. :/

Well, it's not our call. It's on the first page.

"You must have AIM or Skype (MSN or Yahoo IM is acceptable but not preferred) at the time of the interview. This is a requirement. "

I'm sorry, but you never know, there's a chance they might make a few exceptions.
Flare said:
to everyone, I see that you might have to exclude most of the basic information section, but the rest is stuff like your time spent on PokeBeach that is most likely in COPPA regulations.

But if you exclude the basic information, then I can guarantee you that you won't be picked for the interview.
Will we find out our results a day or two after we submit or is it all done at once, after Saturday? I feel VERY confident in my abilities to moderate a forum, since I moderate a ton of other areas. :)
Ryukouki said:
Will we find out our results a day or two after we submit or is it all done at once, after Saturday? I feel VERY confident in my abilities to moderate a forum, since I moderate a ton of other areas. :)

Mudkip said:
You called? ;)

I applied, but I we probably wouldn't find out until Sunday at the earliest. They'll finish taking applications Saturday at midnight, then probably do the interviews the next couple days, and choose the next.
Wow. A lot of people want to be moded. I hope you all looked at Zero's post earlier, it is true. Lots of work(at least, that's what dmaster tells me) WPM, good luck with all those applications. Sounds like a lot of work.
OK, I guess you guys are right, maybe I was just trying too hard to get myself in the running :p. Good luck to everyone who applied.
I'm a little unclear on how we will know if we are worthy of a Interview, will you send us a reply E mail telling us to get on Skype or whatever we are using?

Water Pokémon Master said:
Over 50 applications so far...

Also I would have expected a lot more from that, I'll be adding to that count soon, just have to get a MSN account and proof read my application.
Ryukouki said:
If we feel that the application had a slight error, are we allowed to resubmit?


Vulpix Yolk said:
I'm a little unclear on how we will know if we are worthy of a Interview, will you send us a reply E mail telling us to get on Skype or whatever we are using?

Read through the thread and look. I've done said this once or twice.
Ryukouki said:
You do realize this is only day one of submissions?

I know, but I like to get things out of the way as soon as possible. Apologizes to Shinning Raikou, I feel pretty stupid for not thinking about that, I have a lot on my mind and I have been multitasking way too much. Also just submitted my application, wish me luck.
In that case I'll probably just wait for a private message on the forums or something, if I get approached. I don't quite see the point of downloading (or running) a program just for one thing, and if I don't get approached, I'll have wasted my time. So for now I will just play the waiting game.

I understand the rules and I will go by them. For the time being, though, I'll just wait for the results.

As for when the interviews will start? I'd probably think Monday or Tuesday would be a more realistic guess than Sunday; if Saturday midnight is the deadline (wait, is that one minute after Saturday 11.59pm, or one minute after Friday 11.59pm?), then they'd have a couple days to filter through all the apps, nixing all the ones with bad or improper grammar, and carefully overviewing the ones worthy of attention. So just sit tight guys. All shall be revealed in due time.
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