Moderator Applications

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Windows Live Messanger is an acceptable replacement for Skype, no?
This is a great idea, and I'm glad it's being implemented. I've often caught myself looking at Gliscor'speoples posts, and going, "why aren't they a mod?"
I've got a question (to add somewhat to 6-D's post);
What if a person is unable to get AIM/Skype/MSN for whatever reason, or doesn't want to or need to? Would it be possible to arrange an interview in another medium, such as an IRC private chat? It would probably be more readily available to people, and I think it would be a nice alternative if someone doesn't have one of the others.
Dichromate said:
I'm curious as to if this application involves Trade Council positions as well. I don't think the task of all-around moderator would suit me well considering that I'm not particularly active in posting outside of the Trading Forum (though I do spend a lot of time lurking in General Discussion), but I am nonetheless interested in a leadership position at PokeBeach, and I think SR mentioned the possibility of new Trade Council recruits.

If you would like to apply specifically for the Trade Council please indicate that in your application.
6-Dimension said:
Windows Live Messanger is an acceptable replacement for Skype, no?
This is a great idea, and I'm glad it's being implemented. I've often caught myself looking at Gliscor'speoples posts, and going, "why aren't they a mod?"

Yes. But we prefer AIM and Skype.
mr.619 said:
Well, wouldn't you think they'd download it for this?

Some of us can't. I probably speak for a few others when I say that installing AIM again or running Skype would make my computer go boomy.
Ok, guys. Looks like this needs a little bit of clearing up.

It's clear what is needed in the first post of the thread. Aim/Skype. That's pretty much it. MSN/Yahoo are other options, but do know that you will be missing out on a lot not having Aim/Skype. The Chat will NOT be enough, I'm sorry. Many people do not go there. If this is a problem for anyone, I strongly suggest asking yourselves _why_ you are applying in the first place.

Sorry if these rules and my opinions are a little harsh for this (or srs as some would say :F) but this is really quite simple. You always need rules to follow by, for anything. If these are too hard, then it's your choice.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Don't apply if you're not 13+. It's a simple rule as that. Most people younger than 13 won't be able to handle this, no offense.

You wanted my opinion lol.

dmaster out.

I feel worse than getting dmaster smashed in the face D=. Well I can't apply, and I probably wouldn't do a good job if I could and became one. So good luck to anyone who sends one in. Oh and also, really good idea. Hope you find awesome mods.
what is this I don't even...

But seriously, who would have thought we'd ever have moderator applications back in 2006/7? However, I do understand we have some far different circumstances now than we did then. This also gives the lesser-known members a shot at showing what they got.

I'm not sure if I'll apply yet...I got the general community experience necessary (I've been around since 2007 ;p), and I meet the age requirement, but I'm uncertain yet as to whether I'll be able to handle the duties of a moderator. I'll be getting a bit more busier than I have been in the past...

...though I don't honestly expect opportunity to arise again for awhile, (to those who say "I'm 12 and I'll try again next year"...who says they'll be a next year? My guess is that this mass-hiring of moderators will fill our staff needs for the next while) and even though I doubt I'll even be asked to interview, I think I'll send in an application as long as I'll have sufficient time to do the job. (Which is something I haven't determined)

lol at those of you who say "ah I'm 12 I can't apply baahhhh..." In all honesty, I have my doubts you would make even a decent moderator. Having that age requirement weeds out a lot of bad applications. The second, and most important, reason for the age requirement is that it is the law. Even if you might be "mature" enough to make a good application, I'm nearly certain WPM would not go against COPPA just to give you a chance. Sorry guys.

As my last words, good luck to any of you who do apply. I already see a couple people here who I think would make fine moderators.
One more thing, it won't be too much trouble to exclude a few questions on the application for those 12-. And if you think the younger ones are too unqualified and immature for the job, then just turn down the applications that are bad.
Wise words from dmaster. (Thank Mudkip I have Skype) I give luck to all who applied and to all who become mods. Just wondering, is there a set time we will find out, or will it just kind of be out of the blue whenever you guys have time to decide?
Crystal Hikara said:
Some of us can't. I probably speak for a few others when I say that installing AIM again or running Skype would make my computer go boomy.

Thought I'd point out, if you CANT download AIM, you can just go to , which is AIM express which runs off your browser. No download required for it

Flare said:
One more thing, it won't be too much trouble to exclude a few questions on the application for those 12-. And if you think the younger ones are too unqualified and immature for the job, then just turn down the applications that are bad.
The point of an application is to fill it out completely. You can't just knock off some questions because you're underaged.
Flare said:
One more thing, it won't be too much trouble to exclude a few questions on the application for those 12-. And if you think the younger ones are too unqualified and immature for the job, then just turn down the applications that are bad.

No he can't just edit some things out. The law stated that it is illegal to collect information from people under 13.
jirachinick said:
Wise words from dmaster. (Thank Mudkip I have Skype) I give luck to all who applied and to all who become mods. Just wondering, is there a set time we will find out, or will it just kind of be out of the blue whenever you guys have time to decide?

You called? ;)

I applied, but I we probably wouldn't find out until Sunday at the earliest. They'll finish taking applications Saturday at midnight, then probably do the interviews the next couple days, and choose the next.
Flare said:
One more thing, it won't be too much trouble to exclude a few questions on the application for those 12-. And if you think the younger ones are too unqualified and immature for the job, then just turn down the applications that are bad.

Sorry man, but you are ineligible. The application is very extensive, and editing the application to cohere with the COPPA would leave like one question.
Flare said:
One more thing, it won't be too much trouble to exclude a few questions on the application for those 12-. And if you think the younger ones are too unqualified and immature for the job, then just turn down the applications that are bad.

Two things I'll point out here:

1) WPM already has probably tons of applications to look through...does he really want to open the floodgates for 10-12 year olds, (which easily make up a good portion of this forum (just look at this thread :S) and most of them would not consider irl situations when deciding to submit an application) only to have 90%+ to turn out to be a waste of time to go through? WPM has too much on his plate as is.

2) It's against the law to collect information from children. While he could take out a few of the questions, some of those questions are a bit necessary. And again, refer to #1.
mr.619 said:
Thought I'd point out, if you CANT download AIM, you can just go to , which is AIM express which runs off your browser. No download required for it

It's not that. It's that my computer LITERALLY cannot handle the bandwidth needed for it. 56K is like...augh. My computer literally crashes whenever it wants to, with little to no warning. :/
Blue Thunder said:
Two things I'll point here:

1) WPM already has probably tons of applications to look through...does he really want to open the floodgates for 10-12 year olds, (which easily make up a good portion of this forum (just look at this thread :S) and most of them would not consider irl situations when deciding to submit an application) only to have 90%+ to turn out to be a waste of time to go through? WPM has too much on his plate as is.

2) It's against the law to collect information from children. While he could take out a few of the questions, some of those questions are a bit necessary. And again, refer to #1.
really, can you guys not get this? most of the people on this forum are 10-12 year olds.
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