Moderator Applications

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Shining Raikou said:
You would receive a PM to set up a good time to contact you on AIM, Skype, etc.

But he said what if you don't have AIM, Skype, etc. Would you just do the interview via Private Messaging?
Water Pokémon Master said:
All applications that show promise will be followed up with an instant message interview from WPM or Shining Raikou.

So does this mean that SR will still be a Super Mod (as in to help out WPM)?
This is a great idea, WPM, especially since this gives everyone a chance to voice their opinions on how they could contribute to the site.

I just sent mine, I just hope it won't be a problem that I used Pages on my MacBook for the application :3

Timeshift said:
So does this mean that SR will still be a Super Mod (as in to help out WPM)?

I'm assuming that all current mods/super mods will keep their position despite the current changes.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
But he said what if you don't have AIM, Skype, etc. Would you just do the interview via Private Messaging?

It's a requirement to have AIM/Skype as a moderator. Basically you get it or we go on to the next person in line.
I downloaded AIM just now, realizing it was a requirement, just now. Will I need to resend my application with my username for it? Or will it slide this once? Sorry about this. :\
You don't need it until we actually interview. You can just give us your info via PM if we contact you. No worries.
Yeah I already sent an application when I don't have AIM but we were never told it was required! So what should I do? Also, why is AIM so required? I mean some people could make an account to be a mod but then never really use it...

EDIT: Ninja'd. But I'd still like my question answered.
AIM or some other instant messaging is required because it allows quick conversation with members that have questions. Not all members will visit the chat.
PM and posts on the forums are relatively slow compared to AIM or Skype and are not ideal for working on projects or having meetings. Also, what dragonexpert mentioned.
dragonexpert said:
AIM or some other instant messaging is required because it allows quick conversation with members that have questions. Not all members will visit the chat.

^^This, basically.
I said the same thing, but deleted it because I was ninja'd.

Okay thanks SR. So either Skype or AIM will work or we need both of them?
Yeah if you download one of them know do you need to submit the application again or just wait until you send us a PM?
Okay I see. I'll make sure to download AIM, that is IF I do get selected by some miracle.
There is no need to resubmit your application. We just need your contact info for either AIM or Skype if you are contacted about the position via PM.
Shining Raikou said:
You don't need it until we actually interview. You can just give us your info via PM if we contact you. No worries.

Guys, read. _-_ Edit: Ninja'd.

Anyway, it's preferred if you have both AIM and Skype, but understandable if you just have one of the two.

dmaster out.
I'm not a fan of Skype since it involves video and audio...
Meaty said:
I'm not a fan of Skype since it involves video and audio...

You can still just IM on it, but understandable. Do know that Moderators communicate through Skype regularly because most prefer just to talk to each other. It isn't required to have a voice chat for the interview though.
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